Semi-Controlled rage
The better half keeps locking herself out of the house has even locked me out when she left while I was in the barn.
What do yall have?
What do yall have?
They're all overpriced shit.
Might as well get one of those fake rocks that you can hide a key under.
A shock collar. Only had to activate it 4x before she stopped doing that.
I put a manual one on my shop door, nice and simple. No electronics to break or reset
like this one
I put a manual one on my shop door, nice and simple. No electronics to break or reset
like this one
Just rekey so 1 key opens everything.
I put a manual one on my shop door, nice and simple. No electronics to break or reset
like this one
If she's the better half...what are you doing that's worse than always locking yourself out of the house?