i dont want to sound like i am talking down to you, just walking through the steps i would do if i was in your shoes when the pump 'stops' working, ensuring its a pump issue and not a running issue.
- did you pull the discharge hose off at the pump to see if anything comes out? "edelbrock yes. carter no. pump quit altogether"
- did you crack the fitting at the carb? "no"
- did you check voltage at the pump? "previously yes"
- is the relay hot? "didn't think to check that"
- was the pump hot? "seemed pretty warm. not sure how warm they should get really"
- was it still making noise? "edelbrock yes. carter no"
- have you tried using the pump to circulate fuel in a bucket? "have in the past with edelbrock. "
- do you have adequate venting on the tank? you could be causing enough vacuum to stop flow to the pump. "tank vent seems fine"
- make sure the tube in the tank is in good shape, if its cracked or damaged you may start pulling air half way through a tank. "gonna try the clear filter"
- get a pressure gauge at and put it at the carb and at the outlet of the pump
- are there any soft lines pinched? i had a buddy who's dmax was going lean, turns out a hose go pinched when he put his fancy giant tank in. " I have looked before but have not seen any"
all the documentation i can find says a regulator is not needed. id open up a pump and see whats inside and grab a rebuild kit. its not working, the only thing that can happen is you make it work again. its making 7psi so it couldnt be that complicated in there