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Elderly man with PTSD from SF Chinatown attack sues DA Chesa Boudin for mishandling his case


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
Good. About time. I really want to see this guy be successful in his suit. Hopefully other people who have been wronged by these ultra liberal DA's can start their own suits in other cities.

I wonder if the 69 y/o victim voted for Boudin............ I also wonder why none of the victims were able to adequately defend themselves and stop the threat - I'd say being attacked with a baseball bat meets the Great Bodily Injury/Death threshold.
Carl Samson
Tue, January 25, 2022, 5:34 PM·5 min read

An elderly Asian American man who fell victim to a brutal attack in broad daylight in San Francisco two years ago is launching a federal lawsuit against the city’s District Attorney’s Office for allegedly mishandling his case and mistreating him in the process.

Anh Lê, 69, was out for a walk in Chinatown on Nov. 2, 2019, when a father-and-son duo threatened to kill him and repeatedly struck him with a baseball bat. He managed to call 911 after running away as far as he could.

Lê said it all started after he politely asked the teenage son, who was riding a bicycle, to be careful since it was a crowded sidewalk and he nearly collided with him.

Shortly after, the teenager took out a baseball bat from his mother’s bag and hit Lê multiple times. His father, identified as Jimmy Tanner Sr., then raised a glass bottle and threatened to kill Lê.

The incident, which was witnessed by a shocked crowd, occurred in front of a Chinese grocery store at 1118 Stockton St. Lê said Tanner’s wife, who was with another teenage son, “seemed to watch with glee” as the attack unfolded.

“I pleaded with the Tanners to stop, but they relished in their ability to inflict pain and

fear on a defenseless senior citizen,” Lê said in a victim impact statement provided to NextShark. “The attack was the most brutal, terrifying, and humiliating experience of my life, and has stayed with me ever since.”

After the incident, Lê, who is Vietnamese American, learned that the Tanners had targeted other Asian Americans on the same day. The alleged attacks also took place in Chinatown.

The Tanners reportedly entered S&M Ginseng Inc. and Chinese Herbal Store at 1000 Stockton St., just a few blocks from where Lê was attacked, and threatened its store owner and customers. The teen who struck Lê with the baseball bat allegedly used the same object to hit a customer.

Lê said he also learned of a third “terroristic” attack committed by the family near Broadway and Stockton Street. The alleged incident occurred after the attack on himself.

Lê quickly reported his experience to San Francisco police, which led to the Tanners’ arrest later on the same day. The father, Tanner Sr., was taken into custody for battery, felony elder abuse and felony terroristic threats.

The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, however, refused to prosecute either the father or son with hate crime enhancements and agreed to a lenient plea deal with Tanner Sr., who pled guilty to a misdemeanor battery charge for no jail time and only a year of probation — all without Lê’s knowledge.

In addition to failing to notify Lê of plea deal discussions, the District Attorney’s Office allegedly also failed to provide him a chance to enter a victim impact statement during the proceedings. Consequently, no such statement was read at the plea deal hearing.

Additionally, the office allegedly refused to correct a Criminal Protective Order (CPO) that omitted Lê’s last name — identifying him only as “Anh L” — and misstated his age. Such errors led to Lê doubt the enforceability of the order.

Lê spent months trying to correct the CPO, but his requests have fallen on deaf ears, according to him. Even after retaining pro bono counsel, the District Attorney’s Office allegedly continued to ignore him, even telling him at one point that he had no right to be at hearings.

Lê, who is represented by King & Spalding LLP — a member of the Alliance for Asian American Justice — is now suing the District Attorney’s Office under the Fourteenth Amendment. He is accusing the office of applying procedures that resulted in discriminatory effects on Asian Americans and creating practices that deny victims adequate due process protections.

Lê is also bringing a claim against the City and County of San Francisco, which may be liable for any constitutional violations found to have been committed by its officials. With anti-Asian hate crimes still on the rise, he fears facing another attack and similar failures in the justice system.

The 69-year-old said the incident has left him with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He spent 52 weeks in psychiatric therapy, according to court documents.

“Ever since November 2019, I cannot help but picture the attack over and over again. I no longer feel safe walking the streets of our city, as I used to love to do. I look over my shoulder and wonder if there are people who want to hurt me, because I am Asian American,” Lê said.

“Although I was extraordinarily lucky not to have been seriously injured or killed, the attack has left me with a profound and lasting feeling of fear, anxiety, helplessness and hopelessness.”

In a statement, Quyen Ta, a member of Lê’s legal team at King & Spalding, said they are proud to represent the 69-year-old victim.

“We are grateful that the Alliance for Asian American Justice brought this case to our attention. We are proud to represent Mr. Lê, a courageous Vietnamese American hate crime victim who is willing to speak out to ensure that other AAPI hate crimes victims will be treated fairly by the San Francisco DA’s office,” Ta said.

“We look forward to working with the DA’s office to ensure that victims like Mr. Le have a voice in the criminal justice system — including during the sentencing of defendants who have attacked AAPI victims.”
is copy/pasting so hard?

Jimmy Tanner Sr. only brings up obits, gotta wonder about the shithead that'd do that kinda terrible
Boudin as in the SanFranFreakShow fishermans warf Boudin ?
Dude should be packing. I hope he wins big time.
Brutal or not charging with a “hate crime” is not constitutional. You either did the crime or didn’t.
Seems like San Fran Dems being Dems. Promoting chaos against the citizens.
Link? I've not seen anything else. But yes three sides to every story theirs, yours and the truth
Seems like a 1 sided story
Very much so. Not to stereotype, but all the 70-ish year old Vietnamese dudes I've met would not "politely ask" a kid not to hit them with a bicycle - they'd snap at the whelp like a dog.

. . . another article I read had said it was a plastic wiffle ball bat, and the kid pulled it out because he was scared of the angry old Asian man yelling at him.
Equally plausible, if not skewed the other way.

always 3 sides and all that.......
Abso-freakin'-lutely :beer:
so why was it neccessary for the stories lead to begin with his PTSD

I dont understand how its relevant..

but I didnt read everything.. long ass posts..
so why was it neccessary for the stories lead to begin with his PTSD

I dont understand how its relevant..

but I didnt read everything.. long ass posts..
He's suing because he claims to have PTSD fromr:
  • Being brutally beaten with a baseball bat after nicely telling a kid to be careful
  • OR
  • Being hit with a wiffle ball bat after going off on a kid on the sidewalk
  • OR
  • Something in between those two polar opposite accounts
Sure can't find a picture of them or what race/color the Tanners are which means a high probability they are Blackish. Prove me wrong.
that's the general implication
kinda like how the 'hate against asian americans' was only in the news for a few days before it was memory holed
gotta wonder who that group is that gets the free pass on racism...
Not that it matters, but I know a 70 year old Vietnamese dude, and he's a fawking bad ass. He ran a cabinet shop in Washington DC that employed recently released prison inmates for most of his domestic career. His prior career was with the US Navy in Vietnam. The stories he has are pretty amazing and crazy.

If some kid came at him with a bat (wiffle or not), the kid would leave with it shoved up his ass sideways.
Sure can't find a picture of them or what race/color the Tanners are which means a high probability they are Blackish. Prove me wrong.


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