I came up on a crossover head on accident on the freeway one night where a 27ish yo woman in a compact crossed over and went head on into a 1500 silverado. I was finishing up emt classes and got to the front and right i could help, but she was so wadded up in there all i could see of her was a palm sized patch of the top of her head. The car was upside down, and folded back at the fire wall. The pickup drivers feet were trapped but he was OK. His 80yo dad seemed OK, but no habla.
I think it was suicide on her part, somebody brought it up later and it kinda added up, i looked her name up, she had some pending criminal charges for shoplifting.
Working backwards, I was leaning up against my truck talking to another girl stuck in traffic while a cop or firefighter reached into the back of the car to get a purse to get ID out of it. The girl points out that it wasn't going to be in there, that purse still had the tags on it, made sense after the fact