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Does Trump have a chance?


Surgical Shotgunner
May 19, 2020
Member Number
too early to tell? or do the Dems get the presidency, the House and the Senate, and then proceed to crash the plane into the mountain?
Isn't Donald working on "staying in" the White House after losing the elections? :laughing:
Biden by 10%, book it :homer:

I think Trumps going to win, after all the protests and riots people are seeing the new Democratic party for what it is.

highly biased news article of the day, whole thing is an entertaining read. here is the end

But the Democrats’ donor class demands that they do nothing except engage in pretense. Biden promised as much himself. “We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.” For good measure, he added, “I need you very badly.” On election day we will end up with Trump 2.0, even if Biden manages to win.
Isn't Donald working on "staying in" the White House after losing the elections? :laughing:

thats been their drum beat for a while now.

"Hey america, Trump wont leave even if you elect Biden!" i seriously cant believe how many "writers" have put out articles about "what if trump refuses to leave after his defeat?"

on second thought, i can believe that. they want that to happen and they want americans to think that will happen.
thats been their drum beat for a while now.

"Hey america, Trump wont leave even if you elect Biden!" i seriously cant believe how many "writers" have put out articles about "what if trump refuses to leave after his defeat?"

Pretty similar shit was said about Obama, I wonder if those writers remember that being said and written only a few years ago.
I'm not a fan of Trump but he does have a chance to win........I would be more concerned about the Senate flipping ....
I think we've got 4 more years of Trump. After that, all bets are off on how far we fall down the hole....
Pretty similar shit was said about Obama, I wonder if those writers remember that being said and written only a few years ago.

Remember that long ago. Most people don't remember yesterday. :flipoff2:

The same thing was said about Bush II when he ran for reelection.
I saw a Uber liberal guy that I went to college with post on facespace how he knows Biden is a terrible candidate, and how he hates the DNC for what they did to Bernie (he full on wants the bern), but he will vote for Biden because Trump is bad. The pendulum swings the other way as well.

My opinion is Trump wins another term. DNC goes full blown retard. The old guard is voted out because young democrats are more “progressive than them”. Next election cycle is a shit show of full blown socialist.
I saw a Uber liberal guy that I went to college with post on facespace how he knows Biden is a terrible candidate, and how he hates the DNC for what they did to Bernie (he full on wants the bern), but he will vote for Biden because Trump is bad. The pendulum swings the other way as well.

My opinion is Trump wins another term. DNC goes full blown retard. The old guard is voted out because young democrats are more “progressive than them”. Next election cycle is a shit show of full blown socialist.

Maybe, but I don't see it being Bernie, he's already too old.
All the dems had to do was find another Barack and it would've been an easy lay-up. Instead they show up with another disconnected crusty old lifer that reminds everyone why they hate politics. Biden has to be the best shot Trump has.
Most of the people I know in the Chicago area whose lifestyle and values would align with the Republican are now much more interesting in voting against Trump than they were in 2016. IMO his tweets have helped him as much as they are going to and continuing them will not expand his base. TDS is very very real.
Most of the people I know in the Chicago area whose lifestyle and values would align with the Republican are now much more interesting in voting against Trump than they were in 2016. IMO his tweets have helped him as much as they are going to and continuing them will not expand his base. TDS is very very real.

I use this definition of "TDS"

a.k.a. Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Delusion Syndrome. The inability to find fault with Trump due to the fact that you voted for him in 2016. Also see: Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias.

(Original version posted by streetlightserenader but deleted by some butthurt sufferer of TDS.)
Mike is disconnected from reality and plans to double-down on Trump in 2020; the TDS is strong in this one.

It fits lots of people here. :flipoff2:
Pretty similar shit was said about Obama, I wonder if those writers remember that being said and written only a few years ago.

could you find me an article that was written about that similar to what Trump sees today? and im not talking Alex Jones clickbait garbage about "Obama wants a 3rd term".

im looking for Washington post, NY times, Ny post, chicago trubune type rags asking "What are we going to do if Obama refuses to leave when he loses to Mittens?"

because i dont remember seeing any of those.
I use this definition of "TDS"

a.k.a. Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Delusion Syndrome. The inability to find fault with Trump due to the fact that you voted for him in 2016. Also see: Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias.

(Original version posted by streetlightserenader but deleted by some butthurt sufferer of TDS.)
Mike is disconnected from reality and plans to double-down on Trump in 2020; the TDS is strong in this one.

It fits lots of people here. :flipoff2:

WOW. thats the internet defintion of what TDS is? Incredible.

Thats unreal, because its never meant that. for the last 3.5 years its been used to describe people who are so deranged in their hatred for trump they have lost their grip on reality. but i guess google revisionist history is going to be revisionist.

Here, ill use it in a sentence "Joy Behar has a severe case of TDS. Bill Deblasio does also."
too early to tell? or do the Dems get the presidency, the House and the Senate, and then proceed to crash the plane into the mountain?

So you're saying the dems are going to cheat? Have you seen the lying dog faced pony soldier Joe campaign ?
I don't think so. He bet his presidency on COVID flaming out over the summer. The opposite happened.

I just hope the Republicans can hold the Senate. I'm not a fan of either party so I never like to see one party control both chambers of Congress and the White House. That's just too much control and force feeding of party line agendas for me. If you actually like a small federal government, the best way to get it is to make sure there's parity. Both parties are parties of big government, they just have different visions of what that big government should look like.
. I'm not a fan of either party so I never like to see one party control both chambers of Congress and the White House. That's just too much control and force feeding of party line agendas for me.

I'd agree if we didn't have the the Shit filled democrats we have today. Them fuckers are all bad apples.
Biden by 10%, book it :homer:

I think Trumps going to win, after all the protests and riots people are seeing the new Democratic party for what it is.

I hope this is true. If it was not for covid I think he would have walked in. The Dems are doing everythng they can to hang as much as they can around his neck. If the economy comes back that will really help him
I use this definition of "TDS"

a.k.a. Trump Derangement Syndrome or Trump Delusion Syndrome. The inability to find fault with Trump due to the fact that you voted for him in 2016. Also see: Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias.

(Original version posted by streetlightserenader but deleted by some butthurt sufferer of TDS.)
Mike is disconnected from reality and plans to double-down on Trump in 2020; the TDS is strong in this one.

It fits lots of people here. :flipoff2:

Of course you like it , it's exactly the opposite of what TDS is. TDS is the affliction of the people who think Trump is going to bring about the end of the world. Stuff your TOP DEFINITION up your seriously biased ass.:flipoff2:

One such syndrome has been especially prominent since the 2016 presidential election. Certain kinds of reactions to the victor of that event have earned the label Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. A close look at it can be instructive.

Like past versions (Bush Derangement Syndrome, for example), the TDS is notable for its intense subjective distress. Persons suffering from a TDS experience high levels of agitation and fear about their own safety and about future prospects for a good life. The sufferer may also fear more broadly for the survival of whole nations and even for life on our planet. In fact, it is not unusual for a patient with a Trump Derangement Syndrome to predict apocalyptic events in the near future. These expected disasters are attributed to the predicted actions of Donald Trump in his role as president of the United States. In that role he is seen as an especially destructive individual bent on wreaking havoc on a highly vulnerable world.

In addition to fear and related symptoms, anger and rage are prominent in this syndrome. In the present case, Trump is hatefully portrayed as a diabolically villainous perpetrator of evil deeds. Calls for his death or torture or for harm to his family are not unusual and may even be displayed with pride.

What is most striking in these syndromes, however, is not the quality and degree of emotional upset. What is most striking is the extent to which individuals suffering from the syndrome distort their perceptions of real world events, especially events in economic, social and political realms. Most prominent among those distortions is the intensely negative bias in perceptions of America in general, and of Donald Trump in particular. According to TDS sufferers, neither Trump nor America can do anything good economically, socially or politically, and neither has redeeming features.

The mindset in this syndrome sees Trump as a hateful man bent on destroying lives. But there is no evidence to support this view. Trump is more than 70 years old and has no record of criminal behavior or history of destructiveness in other ways. He is certainly self-centered, egotistical and grandiose, and he is often boorish, insulting and contemptuous. He gets defensive easily and retaliates when offended in ways that are adolescent at best. He can be careless with facts and he lies too often. He has been unfaithful to his wife. There is ample evidence for all of these allegations on casual observation. But many of these traits have been prominent in other political figures. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, for instance, have engaged in far more serious wrongdoing, but have not evoked a fraction of the agitation that characterizes the TDS.

In fact, Trump is not all bad. He has several good traits that are by now well known to persons who are not prejudiced against him. Stories of Trump's personal generosity, kindness and willingness to put forth great effort for good causes are common knowledge. His record as president for only 20 months is surprisingly impressive. Under his leadership, America is enjoying resurgent economic growth, more jobs, lower taxes, fewer regulations, increased work-force participation, reduced numbers of food-stamp recipients and greater productivity. Most Americans approve of Trump's determination to protect our country's borders. Most Americans are more optimistic since he took office. Trump has attacked with great vigor a corrupt, illegal and massively exploitative Deep State that has become entrenched in the bowels of Washington for decades.

By any reasonable standards, these are constructive achievements, not damaging attacks on America or Americans.

In the personal relationship realm, Trump seems to be on good terms with his several children. Most of us take this fact as an indicator of good character, not a sign of malevolence. By common sense measures, good long-term relationships with one's children argue against allegations of malignant intent. For most of us, a record of such relationships is an important reflection on decency. The open support of Trump's children for him, and their lack of apparent resentment toward him, suggest that he has been a caring and accessible father.

On these observations, it seems that Donald Trump is an obviously mixed bag. He is a very flawed man, but also a very talented, productive, creative man. He is many things. But he is not a criminal or a devil if we look at the facts.

Just like the Snowflakes tried to twist that term back, TDS and Snowflakes are "liberal" Babies.:flipoff2:
My head must be buried so far in the sand...

Are you saying Biden actually has a chance?

Trump looks bad now, but Biden? People will really vote for him?
I'm guessing they let him win again and continue playing the blame game for another 4 years. Keep up the dog and pony show while they work on global communism in the background.
I know of many. They aren't happy with ol senile joe but they're voting for him because they're good party folks. Sort of like the unhappy McCain, Romney, and Trump voters on the GOP side in years past. Same shit, different party.


i think the only hope is many Dems will sit it out again.
WOW. thats the internet defintion of what TDS is? Incredible.

Thats unreal, because its never meant that. for the last 3.5 years its been used to describe people who are so deranged in their hatred for trump they have lost their grip on reality. but i guess google revisionist history is going to be revisionist.

Here, ill use it in a sentence "Joy Behar has a severe case of TDS. Bill Deblasio does also."

Never meant that ? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Most of the people I know in the Chicago area whose lifestyle and values would align with the Republican are now much more interesting in voting against Trump than they were in 2016. IMO his tweets have helped him as much as they are going to and continuing them will not expand his base. TDS is very very real.

while strange, i'm not sure it matters. Chicago isn't really at risk of flipping red. kind of goes along with why i think trump wins, but loses popular vote by wider margin
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