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Does one of the two parties actually represent you?


May 20, 2020
Member Number
Farmington NM
I find it astonishing that any of you are a loyal democrat or a loyal republican. What are you basing that on? How is that possible? What is it that you see? I don’t see what you’re seeing. What is It that Democrats or Republicans have done for any of you over the last 30 years that’s made any difference in your lives?


If one or the other is the actual representation that you want then that’s one thing. But the lesser of two evils voters are the one’s who really perpetuate the two party system. Not that the party they voted for represents them, but that the party they voted for is going to get a turn fucking over the other one. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. There’s far more of the lesser of two evils voters than you think. It doesn’t even have to be libertarian, can we all pick one or even make a new third party to push the fucking Democrats and Republicans off to the side? Why not?
The only difference between Demorats and Republitards is:

1.) How they want to spend YOUR money.
2.) Which of YOUR freedoms they want to restrict.

Fawk them both.

Yep, they both suck
The only difference between Demorats and Republitards is:

1.) How they want to spend YOUR money.
2.) Which of YOUR freedoms they want to restrict.

Fawk them both.

Pretty much this. Politicians and the general public have become more disconnected than ever before. I truly believe that not a single one of them has "our" best interests in mind, only theirs and the money people that back them....
Trump has been pretty good about restricting freedoms AND running up the debt faster than all but a couple of his predecessors. The full package one might say.

Which freedoms have been restricted? Just curious... no judgement.
I have read up on political parties and candidates, and there are some really good political alignment surveys out there that do a good job of showing which parties you align best with (including 3rd parties). It turns out I align equally poorly with both the Democrat an Republican parties, but I feel more strongly about the things I align with the Republicans on, so when forced to choose between a D and a R, I will always choose the R.

That said, I agree 90%+ with the Libertarian platform and will vote for a Libertarian candidate any chance I get regardless of whether they stand a snow ball's chance in hell of winning. Issues aren't black or white, and we'll never break free of this bipolar, two-party system until people are willing to do some research and vote for what they believe instead of who they think will win.
. . . .
That said, I agree 90%+ with the Libertarian platform and will vote for a Libertarian candidate any chance I get regardless of whether they stand a snow ball's chance in hell of winning. Issues aren't black or white, and we'll never break free of this bipolar, two-party system until people are willing to do some research and vote for what they believe instead of who they think will win.
Agreed. Which means that we probably need to burn it down (i.e. continue electing Democrats and Republicans) then rebuild. The burn is welll underway. Hopefully the rebuilding can start soon.
Bumpstocks and kicking transgender troops out of the service come to mind. They might not be the freedoms you care much about but they're still restricted freedoms.

Bumpstocks - yeah... agree on that one.

transgender troops - IIRC, that was just reaffirming the current (or then current) policy? Is that incorrect?
I've been unaffiliated for most of my voting life, what does that tell you?

As I understood it the axing of DADT got rid of that policy. The whole circus smelled of pandering to the evangelical crowd.

What kind of statement is that? A bullshit kind that smells of pandering to a tiny minority of Freaks.:flipoff2:
You idiots getting your panties in a bunch over fucking gay as aids bumpstocks need to shut the fuck up..... Seriously

He banned a big fat nothingburger instead of anything even remotely close to a gun after the Vegas shooting. You idiots should have been happy about that. Nope, instead you whine and bitch like little kunts over bumpstocks..... :shaking:

Wait until the D's get back in power and your gun right get torn to shreds. I'm betting you fucksticks will all have something legit to cry about then.....
I do not agree with the bumpstock ban at all. I'm also not a fan of the imminent domain deal. Why is the Patriot Act still in effect?

The Libertarian party doesn't stand a chance until they tone down some of what they're campaigning on. I agree with them on a lot, but selling it to the public at large isn't going to happen. Disbanding the ATF? Heck yeah...the American majority will never go with it, though. Why not start by dismantling it piece by piece. Too much change too fast seems to scare most people. They need to approach the change like that.

Libertarians should change their name to the Constitutional Party. I get they reference Liberty, but I really don't think many Americans understand what that is...they're really hung up on democracy.
George Carlin said it best.

Red. Blue. Doesn't matter. We're all going to get fucked by the red, white, and blue dick.

Or something along those lines.
Well I am going to say I am disconnected from both. I don't like the idea of having to choose sides. Since trump has took over everything has turned into a "your either on my side or your the enemy" type thing. It may have always been there, but there seemed to at least be some common ground to work with. It seems like there is a bunch of punk ass rich kids arguing over who has the most money up there now. With the biggest pussy of the bunch running the show.
Libertarian is to close of a word to liberal. I know people who vote republican that are far closer to libertarian than Republican but can’t get past the liber part.
Well I am going to say I am disconnected from both. I don't like the idea of having to choose sides. Since trump has took over everything has turned into a "your either on my side or your the enemy" type thing. It may have always been there, but there seemed to at least be some common ground to work with. It seems like there is a bunch of punk ass rich kids arguing over who has the most money up there now. With the biggest pussy of the bunch running the show.

I noticed tensions getting bad when Obama got elected, then worse the year before he was done. The first year of Trump was horrible with the left starting their crying from the inauguration.

The divide, man...it keeps every separated, because if we were united, we'd be unstoppable. They all know that.
Libertarian is to close of a word to liberal. I know people who vote republican that are far closer to libertarian than Republican but can’t get past the liber part.

Then they're probably illiterate, lazy or to dumb to vote :flipoff2:
Soooo... tread harder daddy? Ignore the massive debt increases? All because the other party bad guys did worse in some make believe dimension we don't live in?

Whats with the black text, didn't want anyone seeing the retarded last sentence in your post?

What the fuck does the debt increases have to do with the "lost feedoms" you were speaking of that I replied to???

And if you think for a single second that gun rights are not going to be one of the first things D's go after when their back in power, your even dumber that you appear to be on the internet..... Thats a fucking feat in itself.

Trump isn't the end all be all of politics, be he sure as fuck is a better choice than what the other side is/was offering up.
Then they're probably illiterate, lazy or to dumb to vote :flipoff2:

being to dumb to vote isn’t stopping anyone. That’s why we have dumbasses celebrating the “victory” of a Democrat being elected president. And the other dumbasses celebrating the “victory” of a Republican getting elected president.

every time one or the other gets elected we all LOST!

If one or the other is the actual representation that you want then that’s one thing. But the lesser of two evils voters are the one’s who really perpetuate the two party system. Not that the party they voted for represents them, but that the party they voted for is going to get a turn fucking over the other one. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. There’s far more of the lesser of two evils voters than you think. It doesn’t even have to be libertarian, can we all pick one or even make a new third party to push the fucking Democrats and Republicans off to the side? Why not?

I already put up a semi-troll kind of thread on this. At this point, NEITHER party has OUR interest in mind... and I absolutely agree with you that we need more options. Problem is that we the American people have allowed ourselves to be finagled into thinking one of two is he only option we have. Think I will just sit back in this thread and wait for Everdumb to fawk it up... :laughing:
I already put up a semi-troll kind of thread on this. At this point, NEITHER party has OUR interest in mind... and I absolutely agree with you that we need more options. Problem is that we the American people have allowed ourselves to be finagled into thinking one of two is he only option we have. Think I will just sit back in this thread and wait for Everdumb to fawk it up... :laughing:

I know you did, but I didn't want to shit up your thread. I post this youtube vid every 4 years, and every 4 years all I see is lesser of two evils voters bickering back and forth over why both parties suck, but having to vote for one or the other. They have all the makings of a third party majority but never make the final leap of making a big 3rd party showing. They split in half and vote Demotard or Republitard and then spend the next 4 years blaming each other for the failures of the two party system, while perpetuating the two party system.
being to dumb to vote isn’t stopping anyone. That’s why we have dumbasses celebrating the “victory” of a Democrat being elected president. And the other dumbasses celebrating the “victory” of a Republican getting elected president.

every time one or the other gets elected we all LOST!

The only difference between Demorats and Republitards is:

1.) How they want to spend YOUR money.
2.) Which of YOUR freedoms they want to restrict.

Fawk them both.

This. When you're making me choose, I generally side with how the Republicans are ruining the country vs how the Democrats want to do it.

Rand Paul was probably the one candidate I was genuinely jacked about possibly getting the R nomination because he was probably the first candidate that pretty well represents how I think on most issues, and he wasn't even close to getting it.
To answer the thread title... no, not even remotely. Both parties of big government, just different visions of big government. Both ready and willing to trample all over individual rights to shove their views down everyone's throats via legislation. The founding fathers wouldn't have shit to do with either of these modern parties
Its always going to be a two party system. There just isn't room for a third party. Kinda like Ford vs Chevy, and Dodge is somewhere off in the background.

There will always be one divide and two groups on either side. Even if you could upset things for one election, it would go back to some form of two parties afterward. Pretty sure its always been this way, its just easier to see now because of social media. Prior to that no one cared too much day to day, but now its in your face 24-7.

You'd have better luck changing one of the groups from within. What is amazing is that with all the effort, science, and supposed intellectuals in politics, the republicans still can't figure out that they need to change their tune to align better with modern times.
Libertarians should change their name to the Constitutional Party. I get they reference Liberty, but I really don't think many Americans understand what that is...they're really hung up on democracy.

The Constitutional Party is a separate party. They are a close second for me after the Libertarian Party. Whenever I take political surveys, I am usually aligned 90%+ with the Libertarians, 80-90% with the Constitutional Party, 50-70% with the Republicans, and everything else is 50% or less.

I encourage people to take the survey at https://www.isidewith.com/political-quiz.
2-Party system forces people to work together, instead of having a big splintered Parliament with a dozen parties.

If you are a fringe of a Party, you also get a say in how things go down. If you are a splinter Party, you get absolutely nothing because no one owes you anything. This is how a country like Germany can have a robust Green movement, but still be a major Industrial Powerhouse that depends on expensive, powerful cars for their economy. No one has to work with the greens, in fact the greens have splinters of splinters, so their fringe gets shuffled off to nothing.

No, I don't want to hear how this works, Germany has been on US Defense subsidies for 75 years, and enjoys wide trade privileges as well. So they've had it very easy, not much pressure on their government.
I am a Heathen who despises all forms of christianity, supports The Constitution, hates drugs, hates open borders, likes small government, likes a strong military and hates general laziness and the social programs that support it. What party should I pick? At least with the republicans I only disagree with them on the religious aspect.
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