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Do we have a thread for yoga pants?

None of them have a dog because the creature would have the good taste to abscond with the lower garments. ..
Pretty sure women's yoga pants are 'shaped' to the desirable curves of a women's figure/body. They aren't just straight pants that get filled out, they're predetermined by design to 'scoop' that ass up. :grinpimp:

The car dealer will detail, wax, tire shine the offering on the lot to catch your eye. Yet you know it wont look like that once you buy it and start driving it, and nearly everyone has no problem with that. Eventually you end up with bald tires, mud down the side, frayed seats, glitchy radio, but by then you start referring to it as a "classic" body style.

Ladies are just using the yoga pants to enhance sales. Besides, if you are just window shopping, no need to examine the warrantee.
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