Anyone familiar with Marlin Technologies Can Buss modules?
M-Flex is our standard electronic control devices that are a quick-to-market and provide flexibility in terms of software and hardware customization.
They built the systems for some AG equipment I used to service, good stuff very robust IP67 on all their stuff.
They are selling their M-Flex line of gear on
Digikey and it seems like they provide the configuration tool as well.
The possibility to split the I/O modules on the chassis seems like a awesome feature.
Have on in the front under the hood, one in the cab, or one in the rear and one in the front.
Stuff like that.
This will be a reasonably complicated system instead of plug and play but if someone is inclined to go down that road this might be a useful system and decently economical.
The 8 key display is $255
The 4 I/O modules are $314 each
The 8 I/O modules are $450