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Covid racism


I ain't the one to blame.
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Balls Deep South Texas
You just can’t make this up.

What the fuck is Covid harassment? Example please. ...and from looking at the form in this snip I see it must directed at the evil white man???

austin insane.PNG
Bounty yet, or still kindergarten denunciation?
Ach ja, still no Deutschmarks for snitching on fellow Americans.
That’s fucked up.
I guess they think all whites are racist since whites are not included in the race list?
That’s fucked up.
I guess they think all whites are racist since whites are not included in the race list?

No, it means that whites can't be the victim of racism.
You are not allowed to put forth the case that they may have been the victim of racism. You are denied a complaint form to even suggest it.
Ugh CA need to get out of Austin. :mad3:

The thought that any {garys} from California would even entertain moving to or excreting in Austin is hilarious. Look in the mirror. These are your home growns, your hommies. Deal with that fact and you start to understand your problem. Denial and blaming others is soooooooooooosnowflake :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Austin is a shithole! Haven't been in 7 years, have no desire to go back.... I used to go there back when I was younger to party, but last time I went there was a gay pride thing going on and its purpose wasn't just gay pride but it had people preaching very anti- moral rhetoric and was literally vilifying anyone who lives the traditional family life.... That was my first taste of the tolerant left being what it is today.
Austin is a shithole! Haven't been in 7 years, have no desire to go back.... I used to go there back when I was younger to party, but last time I went there was a gay pride thing going on and its purpose wasn't just gay pride but it had people preaching very anti- moral rhetoric and was literally vilifying anyone who lives the traditional family life.... That was my first taste of the tolerant left being what it is today.

ive had many a great time/night partying in Austin. not really even 6th street, but several other areas. I will say i havent been back for recreation in probably 6 years? We went to see a concert at Moody before my kiddo was born. but we were there for a meal, the concert and drove straight out of austin.

i had to go for a Continuing Ed thing at a hotel downtown one day about 3 years ago. went out to eat lunch and it was a nightmare. 2 block walk, i got harassed by several homeless just walking on the sidewalk. it was terrible. downtown was filthy and it was a dump.

Austin has been living off their reputation as a fun, cool place for food and live music for about the last 20 years. it was a rep they had for the 30 years prior. unfortunately, it just attracted people who wanted to "keep austin weird" and so you had a bunch of unoriginal, tattooed morons flock there and die their hair and they contribute nothing but being counted as some different lifestyle and slinging hot sauce in some texmex restaurant. Just a lot of average assholes.
Can’t say I’ve spent much time downtown more than a handful of times. Even that has probably been close to 15 years ago. Last few times we have been in the area, it was closer to Jollyville or Cedar Park.
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