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Covid is bullshit, our experience

Tin Roof

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Our 19 year old son is high risk. Asthma and allergies bad enough that he’s been to the ER in the last 6 months barely able to breathe and passing out on the way there - non covid. Any time he catches a cold it turns into bronchitis. He started getting Covid symptoms last Wednesday so we took him to the dr on Thursday and had him tested. He tested positive, and we started “social distancing” right away. This week my wife started showing the same symptoms and got tested at the same place. She tested negative.

Back to our high risk 19 year old, his worst symptom was a bad headache. No breathing problems. After 4 days he was fine. His quarantine ended tonight.

Now my wife. She had the same symptoms and is very high risk. She had the exact same symptoms as our son plus a temp. She tested at the same place and tested negative.

I obviously live in the same house and have had no symptoms, neither has our 12 year old daughter.

Our take away, all of this is a fucking scam.
And cut a slit in the mask

That'll work unless he can find a bendy straw but being the eco minded individual he undoubtedly is he'd want a paper straw which are not bendy so a cut it would be.
I dont know of one damn person here in Florida that has it or died from it.

My family in arizona said they tested positive and all survived. They are all in the high risk age category. Had some symptoms, mostly just feeling tired is what they said.

Other than that, nothing. The covid hype is a fake news scam.
A good friend of mine had it who is 71 years old. He was pretty down and out for a week, super tired and bad cold like symptoms. He said he was constantly expecting it to get worse but it never did. Way over blown.
I dont know of one damn person here in Florida that has it or died from it.

My family in arizona said they tested positive and all survived. They are all in the high risk age category. Had some symptoms, mostly just feeling tired is what they said.

Other than that, nothing. The covid hype is a fake news scam.

That’s my go to when people wanna talk about it and freak out about it. “Who do you know who has/had it? Not you FB friends cousins friend, who do you actually know?” Their response usually being, “Uh, well we still need to social distance and masks and blah blah blah.”
I dont know of one damn person here in Florida that has it or died from it.

My family in arizona said they tested positive and all survived. They are all in the high risk age category. Had some symptoms, mostly just feeling tired is what they said.

Other than that, nothing. The covid hype is a fake news scam.

One of my former co workers and mentor who's in Orlando got it pretty bad. He was in the hospital, was on a vent for a few days and was released recently, hes been fighting it for 4months and says it sucks pretty bad. Hes a pretty healthy dude overall and generally takes care of himself. He used to service aircraft fuel tanks for 20years so who knows what's up with his lungs.

Saying all that COVID is really far down my give a shit list.
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Supposedly the administrator at my office has it and stayed home Friday. No one else is feeling bad at work that’s been around her so far. Most everyone there thinks this whole thing is blown way out of proportion and can clearly see its leftists/ media driven. I’ve not heard anything from our corporate office about what we’re supposed to do per company policy in regards to her being sick. But she’s a smoker and not the healthiest person either.

but there is no doubt this whole thing is political and media driven and it’s proven in your face everyday.

yes, there’s a fox link for that. :flipoff2: It’s about a CNN story just recent
A good friend of ours is a nurse, in an hfa. She dealt with 3 elderly covid patients for 3 weeks. Used the entire ppe setup you would for surgery every time she went in the room... but not until the oldies were diagnosed with covid, before that was business as usual. Anyway, she had symptoms, server symptoms for about 10 days. She got tested twice, negative both times. She claims she felt like death for days, she lived in her camper to keep her kids and husband from getting it, but they didn't distance before they knew the elderly she was taking care of had it. So, basically her whole family was exposed, her directly, then second hand, she had awful symptoms for over a week, and didn't have it. Her family never had any symptoms whatsoever. They did claim she had a virus, but not covid, and they didn't diagnose exactly, just called it "a virus" this isn't the only story out there like this. It doesn't add up. We are living a lie in my special Ed opinion...
A good friend of ours is a nurse, in an hfa. She dealt with 3 elderly covid patients for 3 weeks. Used the entire ppe setup you would for surgery every time she went in the room... but not until the oldies were diagnosed with covid, before that was business as usual. Anyway, she had symptoms, server symptoms for about 10 days. She got tested twice, negative both times. She claims she felt like death for days, she lived in her camper to keep her kids and husband from getting it, but they didn't distance before they knew the elderly she was taking care of had it. So, basically her whole family was exposed, her directly, then second hand, she had awful symptoms for over a week, and didn't have it. Her family never had any symptoms whatsoever. They did claim she had a virus, but not covid, and they didn't diagnose exactly, just called it "a virus" this isn't the only story out there like this. It doesn't add up. We are living a lie in my special Ed opinion...

My sis is a Lead Nurse at UPMC. Her floor was converted to take on covid patients and she has been dealing with them, mostly elderly, on and off since this thing started. It was really bad when it first started and she was barely home cuz of the work load.

From what she says, some get it, some don't. Some experience the nasty, while others get minor symptoms. They made it out to be that if you get it then it is NASTY AS FUCK AND DEATH IS HIGHLY POSSIBLE, but that was media b.s and not true.

She hasn't tested positive and I am thankful for that.
Tin Roof, did they let you in the ER with your adult aged son?

My wife gave him a ride to the local Acute care location. They had to call ahead to make an appointment and she had to wait in the car. The doctor did his initial evaluation over the phone from his office to the patient room, and only went in the room because he decided he should listen to his lungs.
My sis is a Lead Nurse at UPMC. Her floor was converted to take on covid patients and she has been dealing with them, mostly elderly, on and off since this thing started. It was really bad when it first started and she was barely home cuz of the work load.

From what she says, some get it, some don't. Some experience the nasty, while others get minor symptoms. They made it out to be that if you get it then it is NASTY AS FUCK AND DEATH IS HIGHLY POSSIBLE, but that was media b.s and not true.

She hasn't tested positive and I am thankful for that.

My office landlord’s wife works on the Covid floor at one of the two hospitals in a town of 60k people that also services about a 50-60 mile radius. They have had less than 20 patients on that floor since March and ended up laying off some of the nurses.
My office landlord’s wife works on the Covid floor at one of the two hospitals in a town of 60k people that also services about a 50-60 mile radius. They have had less than 20 patients on that floor since March and ended up laying off some of the nurses.

That's a pretty big difference from her hospital. She said her floor was full back in the beginning then tapered off as we were locked down. We went green not that long ago and suddenly she had 11 patients shortly after.

I haven't spoken to her in a couple weeks so dunno how it is now.
I have a covid bullshit story that makes me so angry I can’t even cohesively put it into words. I’ve started a new thread several times and close the tab without posting it because I don’t know how to convey what happened without sounding like a lunatic.
I think the tests are only about 75% accurate at this point. Most healthy people will survive it, but it’s hard on elderly, people with other health issues, and obese. We have seen a big uptick since they opened up our state to tourism. Most of our deaths are from rest homes and elderly.
Google imagery from under an electron microscope the following images: Covid 19, HIV, West Nile, Sars, Hepatitis C, Swine Flu, Pnuemonia, Herpes, Bronchoitis. What is common here they all look the same under an microscope imagery so who really knows the difference between any of them.

PS they claim my next door neighbor died of it about 5 weeks ago I only found out 2 weeks ago. But he has had respiratory issues for the last 2 years. I still call bullshit.
A good friend of mine had it who is 71 years old. He was pretty down and out for a week, super tired and bad cold like symptoms. He said he was constantly expecting it to get worse but it never did. Way over blown.

You know what we usually call different strains of "coronavirus"? "The Cold" -- not even a flu. Two notable exceptions are SARS and MERS (a.k.a. "Camel Flu"). Yes we shut down the entire country for "a cold." A nasty cold that can cause complications in some of the more "at risk" population. The media didn't call it "a cold" on purpose; they didn't even call it "SARS 2." No it was given a new name that could be used to drive fear into the hearts of the sheeple. A population that is fearful of "unknown dangers" is more easily controlled and will allow freedoms to be trampled on (see 9/11, Katrina, Race-Riots - current and otherwise, etc...).

My personal experience is I had a co-worker come back from a vacation in "the orient" in early December; had a slight cough which we joked that he "brought something back with him." Two weeks later I was sick with a pretty bad cold for a few days, couldn't taste anything for a good 5 days or so. Two weeks after that my wife & kids came down with said cold; wife was affected the same as me, my kids were down for about a day and then bounced right back. Was it "coronavirus"? I don't know for sure (we've not been tested), but the symptoms sure match up.
You know what we usually call different strains of "coronavirus"? "The Cold" -- not even a flu. Two notable exceptions are SARS and MERS (a.k.a. "Camel Flu"). Yes we shut down the entire country for "a cold." A nasty cold that can cause complications in some of the more "at risk" population. The media didn't call it "a cold" on purpose; they didn't even call it "SARS 2." No it was given a new name that could be used to drive fear into the hearts of the sheeple. A population that is fearful of "unknown dangers" is more easily controlled and will allow freedoms to be trampled on (see 9/11, Katrina, Race-Riots - current and otherwise, etc...).

My personal experience is I had a co-worker come back from a vacation in "the orient" in early December; had a slight cough which we joked that he "brought something back with him." Two weeks later I was sick with a pretty bad cold for a few days, couldn't taste anything for a good 5 days or so. Two weeks after that my wife & kids came down with said cold; wife was affected the same as me, my kids were down for about a day and then bounced right back. Was it "coronavirus"? I don't know for sure (we've not been tested), but the symptoms sure match up.

The symptoms match symptoms of many other sicknesses as well though. Plus the symptoms seem like a moving goal post as well though. Any symptom can be linked to covid if you try hard enough:rolleyes:
Buddies wife works in a hospital. She had all the symptons and was told you have a bad virus but we wont test you for it. Go stay home for 14 days then come back to work. He got what she had as well. He is a smoker and said fuck it I will take 2 weeks off. He said on day 3 he got up to cut the lawn and was winded after about 5 steps pushing the mower. He said fuck that went back inside watched TV played video games and drank beer for the rest of the 2 weeks. They were fine.

Another friend has a family member that tested positive for covid. She is in her mid 50’s and looks at best moderately healthy. She had the hair loss symptom after the virus. Someone suggested was it like the hormonal hair loss after child birth and she didn't know what to say. She is a mask wearer as well unlike everyone else around her
The symptoms match symptoms of many other sicknesses as well though. Plus the symptoms seem like a moving goal post as well though. Any symptom can be linked to covid if you try hard enough:rolleyes:

That's because (for most people that DON'T have other pre-existing conditions / old age) it's basically just a bad cold virus; hence any other cold is going to have the similar symptoms. It's also why "a regular cold" can cause positive test results. Basically this whole thing is 99% B.S. and 1% reality.

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