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Covid hysteria and the hospital reaction.


May 20, 2020
Member Number
Farmington NM
Hospital total overreaction or am I just an ass hole? I’m fully prepared for it to be the latter but hear me out.

It’s late and I can’t sleep. What’s on my mind are now two absolute bull shit scenarios to do with emergency room visits and the handling of visitors during emergency times.

2 weeks ago my grandfather had a heart attack. My grandparents who just had their 61st wedding anniversary that we all did not get to celebrate because we’re “social distancing”. Grandpa is 80 grandma is 79, have been pretty much isolated all year already because of the covid bullshit. About 10 o’clock they’re both in bed when grandpa wakes up with his heat racing. Wakes grandma up, she gives him some nitroglycerin and calls an ambulance. The EMT’s won’t let grandmother go in the ambulance but tell her if she drives herself she can join him at the hospital. She gets to the hospital a little before 11 and finds the ER doors locked. She hits the page button to be let in and two security guards come out to turn her away. A crying 79 year old 5’2” 100 ish pound little old lady pleaded with them for about an hour and they DID NOT let her inside. Her husband of 61 years, the only thing she cares about in this world was for all she knew dying or dead inside and all they would tell her was to leave. Go home someone will call you. Not knowing anything else to do she went home and waited for that phone call. No phone call did she ever receive. Once inside they determined grandpa was in AFIB and they got his heart rate under control and put a temporary pacemaker on him. He’d arrived in an ambulance fresh out of bed, in pajamas, no shoes, no phone, no glasses, no teeth, no wallet. 2 am and he has no idea where his wife is. Agitated and demanding to be released, he’s officially discharged at 2:47 am. Hospital staff called him a cab and gave him a voucher for the ride home. He walks in the door to my grandmothers surprise about 3:30 am.

story number two, last Thursday night or Friday morning a good friend of mine looks to have been the victim of a white bashing hate crime. He was found in his own driveway in a pool of his own blood about 7:30 am by one of his neighbors who called it in as a shooting victim. Turns out he wasn’t shot, he was bashed in the back of the head caving in his skull and giving him a TBI. He’s currently on life support in the ICU and the fucking hospital will only let one of his parents in to see him per day. Not at a time, only ONE visitor per day. 12 hours tops day shift only.

Why does this make me so angry? Grandpa could have died alone while his wife was standing in the parking lot down stairs trying to get to his side. And Evan’s parents are looking at having to pull the plug on their brain dead son while only one person at a time can be in the room with him. How do they decide which one of them sits there for his last heart beat.

Is there any legal recourse to this bullshit? I don’t know Jack shit about hospitals or their liability. If I showed up at the ICU and called the sheriff could I demand my way inside to see my grandfather? Is this my Karen white privileged white people problems showing? Is the actual concern that multiple people coming in are potentially bringing covid to the hospital staff?

My grandmother would not for one second be upset about catching covid to get to hold her husbands hand while he passed, even if she later died from it. She would however, be upset for the remainder of her own life if she couldn’t be there for his final moments. Evans parents are in the same boat. They just want to be together in the room with him and have his brother in there for the plug pulling nightmare. They don’t GAF about catching covid currently.

TLDR wall of text? Cliffs. If one of your loved ones is dying in the hospital, you will likely not be allowed in to spend their final moments with. They will die alone surrounded by people they don’t know if they’re lucky. Maybe even just alone. I’m outraged by this, am I an asshole? What say you?
over reaction, i honestly didn't know hospitals were STILL doing that and not allowing people in.

that is still infuriating
yeah, so like I had a procedure (just some exploratory tests) where they put me under about 2 weeks ago or so.. and my dad had to wait in the parking lot.. I thought that was stupid..


reminds me of crowbar7 ( prettysure?) when his wife had to go in and they just fistfucked him and threatened arrest :(
Hospital total overreaction or am I just an ass hole? I’m fully prepared for it to be the latter but hear me out.

It’s late and I can’t sleep. What’s on my mind are now two absolute bull shit scenarios to do with emergency room visits and the handling of visitors during emergency times.

2 weeks ago my grandfather had a heart attack. My grandparents who just had their 61st wedding anniversary that we all did not get to celebrate because we’re “social distancing”. Grandpa is 80 grandma is 79, have been pretty much isolated all year already because of the covid bullshit. About 10 o’clock they’re both in bed when grandpa wakes up with his heat racing. Wakes grandma up, she gives him some nitroglycerin and calls an ambulance. The EMT’s won’t let grandmother go in the ambulance but tell her if she drives herself she can join him at the hospital. She gets to the hospital a little before 11 and finds the ER doors locked. She hits the page button to be let in and two security guards come out to turn her away. A crying 79 year old 5’2” 100 ish pound little old lady pleaded with them for about an hour and they DID NOT let her inside. Her husband of 61 years, the only thing she cares about in this world was for all she knew dying or dead inside and all they would tell her was to leave. Go home someone will call you. Not knowing anything else to do she went home and waited for that phone call. No phone call did she ever receive. Once inside they determined grandpa was in AFIB and they got his heart rate under control and put a temporary pacemaker on him. He’d arrived in an ambulance fresh out of bed, in pajamas, no shoes, no phone, no glasses, no teeth, no wallet. 2 am and he has no idea where his wife is. Agitated and demanding to be released, he’s officially discharged at 2:47 am. Hospital staff called him a cab and gave him a voucher for the ride home. He walks in the door to my grandmothers surprise about 3:30 am.

story number two, last Thursday night or Friday morning a good friend of mine looks to have been the victim of a white bashing hate crime. He was found in his own driveway in a pool of his own blood about 7:30 am by one of his neighbors who called it in as a shooting victim. Turns out he wasn’t shot, he was bashed in the back of the head caving in his skull and giving him a TBI. He’s currently on life support in the ICU and the fucking hospital will only let one of his parents in to see him per day. Not at a time, only ONE visitor per day. 12 hours tops day shift only.

Why does this make me so angry? Grandpa could have died alone while his wife was standing in the parking lot down stairs trying to get to his side. And Evan’s parents are looking at having to pull the plug on their brain dead son while only one person at a time can be in the room with him. How do they decide which one of them sits there for his last heart beat.

Is there any legal recourse to this bullshit? I don’t know Jack shit about hospitals or their liability. If I showed up at the ICU and called the sheriff could I demand my way inside to see my grandfather? Is this my Karen white privileged white people problems showing? Is the actual concern that multiple people coming in are potentially bringing covid to the hospital staff?

My grandmother would not for one second be upset about catching covid to get to hold her husbands hand while he passed, even if she later died from it. She would however, be upset for the remainder of her own life if she couldn’t be there for his final moments. Evans parents are in the same boat. They just want to be together in the room with him and have his brother in there for the plug pulling nightmare. They don’t GAF about catching covid currently.

TLDR wall of text? Cliffs. If one of your loved ones is dying in the hospital, you will likely not be allowed in to spend their final moments with. They will die alone surrounded by people they don’t know if they’re lucky. Maybe even just alone. I’m outraged by this, am I an asshole? What say you?

I Agree with you. That is BS.

Having 1st hand knowledge of Hospitals and their Policies at this time,something needs to change. Not every case is "Standard" and there needs to be somebody in "Charge" to make the proper the decisions.

They don't have that at this Point still, I understand their need to cover their ass because of Law Suit assholes around every corner. But something has to change.
Check into how many people have died at home with heart attacks since this bullshit started. It's insane.

If one of us has a heart attack, we will die at home surrounded by love. No ambulance is allowed to take us away. They can work on us here, but that's it.

We know damn well that if they do, we won't be able to kiss and hug our kids should our end be coming. Fuck that. I must hug and kiss my kids and wife before I die, or else I would die fighting everyone around me trying to make that happen(if I was strong enough).

Add us to the potential statistics. Coronavirus is no big deal, but the politicians and health departments making these rules? They are horrible people.

If, by some chance, my wife was in the ER and potentially checking out(car accident or something that happens without me around), I would fight my way to see her and try to bring the kids along to see her before she passes. What would happen to me? What kind of charges? I'm talking about walking and ignoring commands to stop, and if someone touches me then I defend myself physically. Would the jury feel for me or would I be screwed?

One last thing. When these hospital workers and security guards say "I agree it sucks, but I'm just following the guidelines" you tell them that they would have made excellent Nazi death camp guards.
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Tell them you're protesting. Everybody knows protesters don't get covid.

Seriously. i would be so angry. glad your grandpa is ok
Buddy of mine's dad in his 90s. His wife just passed away a few months ago after having a stroke. Went from being functioning independently to dead in like a week. Not long after he had a stroke and is now having issues and had to go into a care facility. Care facility won't let my buddy in. About a week ago his dad has another issue, forget what but he ends up in the ICU where for whatever reason he's allowed to visit. Then while there they ask my buddy to stay for several hours in case he has issues they can't attend to like if he needs to go to the bathroom.

He planned on leaving, but the doctor told him he might as well just stay and wait for test results. It's the whole reason he ended up staying for several hours. So finally after having to help his 90 something year old dad shit in a bed pan and getting pissed on he has enough and goes to find the doctor. Turns out the doctor's shift ended like 4 hours prior and he just left. Nurse tells him the doctor knew it would be 24 hours for test results, but apparently they're short staffed from layoffs so they're asking family members in the ICU to help. He absolutely loses it on these people to the point security ended up escorting him out.

So for whatever dumbass reason he can't go visit his dad in a regular care facility, but it's ok to spend hours in the most sensitive area of a hospital in case he needs to do the nurses job and the hospital is encouraging staff to lie to patient's families in order to get free labor out of them. :mad3:
Buddy of mine's dad in his 90s. His wife just passed away a few months ago after having a stroke. Went from being functioning independently to dead in like a week. Not long after he had a stroke and is now having issues and had to go into a care facility. Care facility won't let my buddy in. About a week ago his dad has another issue, forget what but he ends up in the ICU where for whatever reason he's allowed to visit. Then while there they ask my buddy to stay for several hours in case he has issues they can't attend to like if he needs to go to the bathroom.

He planned on leaving, but the doctor told him he might as well just stay and wait for test results. It's the whole reason he ended up staying for several hours. So finally after having to help his 90 something year old dad shit in a bed pan and getting pissed on he has enough and goes to find the doctor. Turns out the doctor's shift ended like 4 hours prior and he just left. Nurse tells him the doctor knew it would be 24 hours for test results, but apparently they're short staffed from layoffs so they're asking family members in the ICU to help. He absolutely loses it on these people to the point security ended up escorting him out.

So for whatever dumbass reason he can't go visit his dad in a regular care facility, but it's ok to spend hours in the most sensitive area of a hospital in case he needs to do the nurses job and the hospital is encouraging staff to lie to patient's families in order to get free labor out of them. :mad3:

Oh my lord. And it's not just any labor. It's the exact labor at the bottom of the list of things they don't WANT to do. Tell them next time that you're willing to sit at a computer and enter codes for billing while they change the bed pan instead and see what they say. They will say no. Because they want the easy stuff and put the shitty stuff on you.

Between the hospitals and schools(lazy teachers refusing to come in person), this is all so out of control it's beyond imagination.

Question: Is it like this in every state? Even red states?
The "No Visitation" is all across the Country as a General rule. From California to Florida has the same Policy.

It sucks but until somebody much higher than us makes it a "Different" policy,then it will continue as spoken here.
The "No Visitation" is all across the Country as a General rule. From California to Florida has the same Policy.

It sucks but until somebody much higher than us makes it a "Different" policy,then it will continue as spoken here.

Not true.

Call your local hospital. Ask them "If my wife has a heart attack, can me and my kids see her?" See what response you get.
Here in CA, the response I got was that I could see her but the kids can not. Only 1 person, just me, and only to speak on her behalf.
Now let's fly over to Ohio. My father in law died not long ago. In addition to his wife, his daughter was allowed in to see him once per week.

There is a difference. Not sure if it can also be different county to county within state, too, though. But I just talked to my brother and asked him about this and was surprised to hear him say that the daughter was actually allowed to see him. She would not have been allowed in CA.

If you call your local place and ask them, please respond and tell us what they said and what state you're in.

(It hurts to hear about bullshit like this in what I consider free states like FL, by the way. Sorry to hear it, Motorcharge.) :(
But masks work right?
I'm really sorry for you guys in that position.
I'm not that educated and I can see now that the rona is real but not as bad as initially thought to be, you would think some of these "educated" people could see that too.
The "No Visitation" is all across the Country as a General rule. From California to Florida has the same Policy.

It sucks but until somebody much higher than us makes it a "Different" policy,then it will continue as spoken here.

This is what you get with government controlled healthcare... and that’s exactly what we have (and have had for decades.)
Nancy is the one who causing all this. McConnell says next bill will have protections against lawsuits from COVID. No fucking way will Nancy allow that, So this is the shit we’ll have to deal with in the mean time.

our public school is back to 100% in person. The administrator is committed to keeping the schools going. We got a email this weekend stating a staff member in the elementary school tested positive. It stated if this was the only letter you received school will be on as normal on Tuesday. This is how it should work.
Apply for a job as a janitor or whatever, visit relative.
You guys need to know how to operate/live in a fascist, authoritarian regime anyhow, might as well get to it and make lists on how to act/what to say to whom/et cetera...
Before my wife was furloughed at her old place, her coworker's father had passed. His father was brought to the hospital for chest pains, no one was allowed to see him, he died there, finally released the body, cremated, and they couldn't even have a funeral because of crowd limits.
I know I'm going to sound like a virtue signaling Karen, but if I had a kid in the ER possibly dying I would do John Wick shit to get in there.

My chick has warned me that if the kiddo were to end up in the hospital she will be by his side. They can either let her in, or it will be like that Denzel Washington movie. Her words not mine.

I had to look it up. John Q is the movie.
Many hospitals are short staffed due to covid related layoffs. This is how government helps in our lives.

Government is a virus, pretending its the cure.

This is all you should need to know to call bullshit.

If this global health crisis is as bad as they say, why was my wife sent home for a few weeks without pay instead of intubating this huge influx of critical patients in the parking lot of the hospital? Well, because it's not.
TLDR the whole thing.
But as a hospital worker it's nice not having a bunch of emotional family members lurking about.
As a human I feel your pain.
These rules are largely mandated by CDC.
I Agree with you. That is BS.

Having 1st hand knowledge of Hospitals and their Policies at this time,something needs to change. Not every case is "Standard" and there needs to be somebody in "Charge" to make the proper the decisions.

They don't have that at this Point still, I understand their need to cover their ass because of Law Suit assholes around every corner. But something has to change.

bureaucrats don't want to be held responsible for making decisions.
It's far esier to point at the policy and just say "doing my job" than to be forced to make actual decisions.

see the "zero tolerance" policies at every school now.
Hospital following orders . .. . . Sucks - sorry . . .. hope everything is OK eventually. Sick of the bullshit. The Germans had a 100,000 person protest in the streets, maybe it's our turn.
My chick has warned me that if the kiddo were to end up in the hospital she will be by his side. They can either let her in, or it will be like that Denzel Washington movie. Her words not mine.

I had to look it up. John Q is the movie.

Fantastic film.
A nice combo of no one wants to get sued and no one wants to be held accountable for a decision. These COVID mandates will go on for a really long time for those two reasons, dipshit eviltwit is kind of right on the authoritarian part.

Total bullshit indeed, my sister in law is about to have a kid and the dude that knocked her up cant even go to the hospital for the birth, what kind of shit is that!
Buddy of mine's dad in his 90s. His wife just passed away a few months ago after having a stroke. Went from being functioning independently to dead in like a week. Not long after he had a stroke and is now having issues and had to go into a care facility. Care facility won't let my buddy in. About a week ago his dad has another issue, forget what but he ends up in the ICU where for whatever reason he's allowed to visit. Then while there they ask my buddy to stay for several hours in case he has issues they can't attend to like if he needs to go to the bathroom.

He planned on leaving, but the doctor told him he might as well just stay and wait for test results. It's the whole reason he ended up staying for several hours. So finally after having to help his 90 something year old dad shit in a bed pan and getting pissed on he has enough and goes to find the doctor. Turns out the doctor's shift ended like 4 hours prior and he just left. Nurse tells him the doctor knew it would be 24 hours for test results, but apparently they're short staffed from layoffs so they're asking family members in the ICU to help. He absolutely loses it on these people to the point security ended up escorting him out.

So for whatever dumbass reason he can't go visit his dad in a regular care facility, but it's ok to spend hours in the most sensitive area of a hospital in case he needs to do the nurses job and the hospital is encouraging staff to lie to patient's families in order to get free labor out of them. :mad3:

Considering that when covid gets in a long term care facility it seems to kill off half the residents of course they don't want visitors.

The hospital part is going to be interesting, basically covid has shut down all of their profit centers while increasing the use of it's most expensive facilities. I'm going to bet we continue our socialist to big to fail agenda and start bailing out hospital systems next year.
What was odd to me is when my wife was in labor they had no problem with me being in there and didn't care if we wore masks in the room. They also said that going in and out was not permitted but there was no one to enforce it and that Starbucks was around the corner.
OP this is total BS and I'm sorry for your grandparents and your friend. I just spent an afternoon into early morning in the ER two weeks ago for a kidney stone. My other half was with me the entire time with no inkling from staff he would not have been able to come in. They did require masks. Ok fine. We asked the ER nurse about covid and he said it is entirely overblown here and our area does not have a problem. I guess it depends where you live what rules they decide to impose.
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