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You'll likely notice that D run states tend to push more panic porn, too. Team Apocolyse in full retard mode.
D states are more likely to have more lockdowns, worse lockdowns, and more total mandates and more extreme mandates, too.
You'll likely notice that D run states tend to push more panic porn, too. Team Apocolyse in full retard mode.
D states are more likely to have more lockdowns, worse lockdowns, and more total mandates and more extreme mandates, too.

Fact. Mein fuhrer inslee has been using my area as the example as to why his lockdown is getting tighter. We've had 8 deaths related to covid lately. Lots of positive test results since it's harvest season and the migrants are out in force.

Lots of positive tests but very miniscule amount of death. Fuck it, let's get back to living (or dying) and move on.
The county I live in just made the news for being the fastest growing hotspot for covid. I pulled the newest confirmed cases by zip code and out of the whole county (geographically largest in the state), Only 184 TOTAL confirmed cases were from outside the highest populated city, 681 total cases and nearly 500 of them in one town since this thing kicked off in March. It's been highly overblown and it's going to end up being no more dangerous than influenza which they do nothing about other than push for vulnerable people to get the shot. The teachers are going insane right now, you would swear this thing had a 50% death rate and was spread like radioactive fallout.
Yeah, Governor Klan Robes grounded us again because we were misbehaving and not listening to his mandates.
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