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BRC CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

BlueRibbon Coalition

Simone Griffin

The Bureau of Land Management recently proposed a new rule to FLPMA to prioritize conservation and landscape health on BLM managed lands. This rule proposes prioritizing conservation on BLM land through a new scheme of selling “conservation leases.” This is a backdoor attempt to sell out our public land to the highest bidder to achieve the goals of the 30×30 agenda to lock up our public lands. The highest bidder for these leases will likely be well-funded environmental groups who will use the leases to restrict all other uses within the leased area such as recreation, mining and grazing.

BRC believes this rule needs to be withdrawn, and we are encouraging all our members and allies to support us in asking the BLM to withdraw this rule.

We were encouraged to learn that opposition to this rule is building in the U.S. Senate. Senator John Barrasso is sponsoring legislation which would require the director of the BLM to withdraw proposed rule. Widespread disapproval of this rule will go a long way in getting this legislation passed to prevent the rule from going into effect. The current co-sponsors of the Senate bill are:

If your senator is listed, your should thank them for defending our public lands. If your senator is not listed please encourage them to become a cosponsor of this legislation and stand up for the public’s right to access public lands! The action alert below will also send a letter to your Representative to encourage them to support legislation in the House.

Make your voice heard!

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