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Comet Neowise


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
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North Pool
Anyone else gathered a glimpse early this morning. I heard about it on the news last night and just happened to wake up a little before 4 this morning. Stepped out our back door and there it was, a bright ball low in the north east horizon.

I do wish I had grabbed the binoculars. Without them it was just a fuzzy light ball. Could not really identify the tail.

Edit for linky

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I didn't even know about it until I came in to relieve my coworker this morning. I'm going to try and check it out tonight.
Wow this really sinks in with my Plague theory. Comets have long been associated with plagues and other disasters.

In serious College history courses about the Black Plague(s), one seriously considered theory is that Black Plague came from a comet. It's not totally out of the realm of speculation.

I've been saying, we don't know that COVID will not become an absolute plague, not until August at least. We'll be out of the clear in December. If it doesn't turn into a plague by then, then we're in the clear.

After July 11, the comet will leave the morning sky altogether. Sometime between July 12-15, it will emerge in the early evening sky, according to an estimate from EarthSky. Later in July, it may be even easier to see as it gets higher in the sky. It could remain visible to some extent into August, assuming, of course, that the comet doesn't break apart. Comets are volatile, so it's advisable to set your alarm and get out now if you really want to get a glimpse.

So if COVID gets really bad in the late summer, and the comet is visible to the 3rd world shitholes (like Chicago and Baltimore), then I expect to see some good old fashioned Medieval shenanigans.
Wow this really sinks in with my Plague theory. Comets have long been associated with plagues and other disasters.

In serious College history courses about the Black Plague(s), one seriously considered theory is that Black Plague came from a comet. It's not totally out of the realm of speculation.

I've been saying, we don't know that COVID will not become an absolute plague, not until August at least. We'll be out of the clear in December. If it doesn't turn into a plague by then, then we're in the clear.

So if COVID gets really bad in the late summer, and the comet is visible to the 3rd world shitholes (like Chicago and Baltimore), then I expect to see some good old fashioned Medieval shenanigans.

Oh Skippy, Covid 19 and BLM will disappear after the November elections, they have nothing to do with comets. Rather than comets, maybe you should have studied a history of commerce, you would find that the Black plauge was brought by sailors from India(?) to Europe because the Muslims had closed off the overland route, and because the trip was quicker by ship instead of the infected dying on the way back, they brought it home. This isn't "The Day of The Triffids"
Wow this really sinks in with my Plague theory. Comets have long been associated with plagues and other disasters.

In serious College history courses about the Black Plague(s), one seriously considered theory is that Black Plague came from a comet. It's not totally out of the realm of speculation.

I've been saying, we don't know that COVID will not become an absolute plague, not until August at least. We'll be out of the clear in December. If it doesn't turn into a plague by then, then we're in the clear.

So if COVID gets really bad in the late summer, and the comet is visible to the 3rd world shitholes (like Chicago and Baltimore), then I expect to see some good old fashioned Medieval shenanigans.

Oh Skippy, Covid 19 and BLM will disappear after the November elections, they have nothing to do with comets. Rather than comets, maybe you should have studied a history of commerce, you would find that the Black plauge was brought by sailors from India(?) to Europe because the Muslims had closed off the overland route, and because the trip was quicker by ship instead of the infected dying on the way back, they brought it home. This isn't "The Day of The Triffids"

Funny, I don't remember seeing your Microbiology degree hanging on the wall. I'm going to go ahead and stick with the published, peer-reviewed articles on the subject. Thank you for your input though.

As far as the Black Plague, you couldn't even get this correct. The accepted theory is that it came from the Sea of Azov, and this explains the incubation period between that location and the Italian city-states.

I offered one seriously considered theory about the Black Plague, and one which is not ruled out by the now-accepted origin in the port of Tana due to a biological warfare attack by the Golden Horde Khanate.



On the basis of a 14th-century account by the Genoese Gabriele de’ Mussi, the Black Death is widely believed to have reached Europe from the Crimea as the result of a biological warfare attack. This is not only of great historical interest but also relevant to current efforts to evaluate the threat of military or terrorist use of biological weapons. Based on published translations of the de’ Mussi manuscript, other 14th-century accounts of the Black Death, and secondary scholarly literature, I conclude that the claim that biological warfare was used at Caffa is plausible and provides the best explanation of the entry of plague into the city. This theory is consistent with the technology of the times and with contemporary notions of disease causation; however, the entry of plague into Europe from the Crimea likely occurred independent of this event.

Your theory about India and the Muslims is rather antiquated, but it was one of the leading theories. The BioWarfare attack by the Khanate is now the accepted narrative. Here's a map:


See, the Black Plague originated in China. This is confirmed in three ways: Microchemical analysis, genetic sequencing, and assembled historical documentation.

The Golden Horde was devastated by the Plague. At the time, they were having a spat with the Genovese, and had laid siege to the town of Tana. Tana was sanctioned by the Khan as a trading port, but from time to time, the Khanate would lay siege to the landward side, which the Genovese didn't care much about, since they had control of the seaport and sea lanes.

Because the Khanate could not both siege Tana, and maintain control in the rapidly deteriorating situation in the East (China), they decided to break the siege. Before they left, they used catapults and onagers to hurl infected bodies into the town.

The Plague certainly made its way back to Genoa in 1346, since the trip from Tana, to Caffa, to Genoa is well under a year long, but the first recorded cases in Europe are 1348. As you can see, it's simultaneous across the European Med basin ports.

It's very interesting that the most important single event which led to the rise of Europe, was a Bio-warfare attack from China.

You see, in Medieval times, there were 3 Estates. Clergy, Nobles, and Peasants. The Peasants were protected by the Nobles, who did all of the fighting (Knights, Squires, and their Lords; the Counts, Dukes, Marquesses, Barons, and Royalty). There were so many Peasants, that it was an actual liability to have too many infesting your land. Furthermore, if Peasants ran away due to harsh treatment (see, everyone was a slave back then, and in much worse conditions than the Antebellum South... note that...), the neighboring Lords would torture them or burn them at the stake for abandoning their Lord. See, every Lord had an interest to keep the Peasants in line, and on their Estate.

But the Plague killed so many people, that the value of Labor sky-rocketed. Now, if you ran away to a neighboring Fief, the Lord there wouldn't send you back or burn you, he'd pay you higher wages! Not only that, there was a Livestock glut on the market, and the cost of meat plummeted. Now, back then, Peasants might only get meat twice a week in good times, and maybe for not months at a time in winter (you need your livestock alive to keep your hovel warm). But now there are Cows and Pigs wandering the countryside, gorging on the grass and truffles in fallow fields (no one to work them), and everyone has meat 7 days a week, at least once a day.

The resultant nutritional improvement certainly had an impact on the cognitive function of a huge portion of the population. Indeed, after the Plagues let up some (in the 1400s), there is a veritable flowering of creativity and invention in Europe. This is known as the Renaissance.

Not only that, the story of Jack and the Beanstalk is informed by this period. You listen to the story, and wonder why Jack would even consider trading a cow for two beans. To our minds, it's because Jack is a fool. The fact is, in the late 14th century, a cow might only be worth a handful of beans. Certainly two or three beans is low, but not out of the realm of possibility during a time when there are 3 cows for every human being in some towns. So it's not a ridiculous oversight on Jack's part: it's simply a bad deal. Instead of 3 beans, he should have gotten 30.

A final note I'd like to touch on: The Black Plague returned again and again until the mid-1600s. Over the course of 300 years, every single genetic line in Europe was touched. That means while the initial Plague only killed 1/3 of the population (only!), that over 300 years, EVERYONE had to either survive the plague, or their genetic line was ended.

What this means is that when Europeans really began encountering the Americas in the 16th Century, they were immune to a host of diseases, meanwhile the Indians were wiped out by a combination of several diseases that Europeans had been selected out of over hundreds of years. Indeed, the Hemorrhagic fevers (unrelated to Plague bacteria) were viruses not unlike HIV. Thus, the nearly 20% immunity of Europeans to HIV itself, higher in some Nordic countries, who burned with viral hemorrhagic fevers well into the 18th century.

There are many reasons why Europe rose to dominate the Globe, and literally every single human system of arrangement (government, society, family, culture) is European. Chinese Communist society is ALL derived from Europe, except the part that causes harm: the dog-eating, wet markets, the lack of empathy, the compliance with force and authority, to name a few. But everything that makes China the rich PRC, is European.

The fact that Europeans invented literally everything in modern life is a result of many factors, but none more important than a Bio-Terror attack by East Asians (which would become modern Chinese) on the port of Tana, in 1346.

I would strongly recommend this documentary, available on Prime:


It's of Scholarly quality, and not un-entertaining, either. It lays it all down in a coursework format, presented by a credible host, Professor Dorsey Armstrong, Ph.D.

This Doc gives all of the latest accepted theoretical and scientific information that we know about The Black Death.


What's stupid about my post?

Comets and other celestial events have long been considered bad omens, by every culture, this is not controversial:


And the idea that the Black Death was caused by either passing through the coma of a comet, or a comet or meteor impact event distributing the plague, are seriously considered theories, investigated by serious scholars:

Funny, I don't remember seeing your Microbiology degree hanging on the wall. I'm going to go ahead and stick with the published, peer-reviewed articles on the subject. Thank you for your input though.

Come on Skippy, I don't see yours either is it hiding in the deep crevasses in your large cranium?
You do have the abilty to post a wall of text though and to tell you the truth so far the microbiolgests have not impressed me here lately
Also Skippy you have no reply to my Basic premise that this all disapears in November
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What's stupid about my post?

Comets and other celestial events have long been considered bad omens, by every culture, this is not controversial:


And the idea that the Black Death was caused by either passing through the coma of a comet, or a comet or meteor impact event distributing the plague, are seriously considered theories, investigated by serious scholars:


Sounds like something Dr Gribbleflotz would consider as something to investigate.
Next thing Skippy your going to say there is a spaceship riding on the back of the comit to take us to another galaxy
So...actually discussing the comet though..... Weather around here had been insanely cloudy and rainy all year. Finally today is clear and the forecast tonight is the same, and I am far enough north (52nd parallel) that it is now visible at night. Going to head out tonight and try for some shots. I think this might be a good candidate for some photo stacking. I know there are some photo buffs in here - any recommendations for settings? I am using the NikonP1000.
Interesting correlation!
Went right past me...

Yes, Covid will "disappear". Holy shit you are actually serious about this.

Superman, you are not that dense are you? IT WILL NO LONGER BE A HEADLINE STORY, just like Skippy you write about how smart you are and how dumb the rest of us are for not being blinded by your intelect. Everything happening in the Main Stream Media for the last 4 years has had one been done with one goal, GET DONALD TRUMP! At first it was to derail his compaign, then afer he was elected they have spent thier energy trying to get him out of the white house, that includes the panicked reporting on Covid 19, BLM, the whole impeach BS has had one goal GET TRUMP!
Superman, you are not that dense are you? IT WILL NO LONGER BE A HEADLINE STORY, just like Skippy you write about how smart you are and how dumb the rest of us are for not being blinded by your intelect. Everything happening in the Main Stream Media for the last 4 years has had one been done with one goal, GET DONALD TRUMP! At first it was to derail his compaign, then afer he was elected they have spent thier energy trying to get him out of the white house, that includes the panicked reporting on Covid 19, BLM, the whole impeach BS has had one goal GET TRUMP!

I understand the last battle to kill of the "American idiot".
"Getting" Trump is a very worthwhile goal.

I hope they succeed. But they probably won't. IF Trump coups and becomes the new Russia, THEN will you give me credit for calling it?
Tried to get a pic

I got really lucky when I saw it the other morning. It was probably 10 to 12 times larger than the closest star I could see. Didnt think about grabbing the camera. Now I wish I'd done that and grabbed the binoculars. Weather just changed from sunny and hot to the marine layer coming in so who knows if I'll get another chance.
I understand the last battle to kill of the "American idiot".
"Getting" Trump is a very worthwhile goal.

I hope they succeed. But they probably won't. IF Trump coups and becomes the new Russia, THEN will you give me credit for calling it?

Superman, Isn't interesting that the leftests who have been the ones pushing us to become a progressive socialist utopi are the ones who are screaming that the Trump is going to not step down if he doesn't win the election. Who would back him he is reviled by every Washingtonian in the swamp, certainly not the intelligence agenesis have been against him since he decided to run (The Steele dossier ring a bell), the generals sure as hell wouldn't back him after he wouldn't let them invade Iran, the courts have proven time after time they wouldn't back him. So how does he pull a coup?
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I got really lucky when I saw it the other morning. It was probably 10 to 12 times larger than the closest star I could see. Didnt think about grabbing the camera. Now I wish I'd done that and grabbed the binoculars. Weather just changed from sunny and hot to the marine layer coming in so who knows if I'll get another chance.

It was pretty visible with the naked eye but it was super hazy and there was a monster thunderstorm under where it was in the sky. And I have no clue how
to take good pics with my old iPhone 7 or 8.
Great pic. You take that in WL?

Yes, just west of WL actually, on the other side of the Fraser. I took lots of pics with my Nikon P1000, but this one from my Pixel phone was the best. The night mode on the pixel does photostacking which explains that. I am going to stack some of the photos from the Nikon and they should be even better. Just haven't had time yet. Weather patterns here are finally improving so there should be more opps to do some experimenting.
Pretty awesome night overall - while waiting for the comet to show I got some pics of Jupiter (with 4 of its moons), pics of Saturn that show the rings, coyotes howling all over, space station flys overhead and saw a couple of meteors (probably early runners of the Perseid meteor shower which peaks in mid August.)
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