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Browns Camp OR.


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May 21, 2020
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Just tryin to get info. on Browns Camp OR. How is the RV. campin I will towin my rig up, looks like Crusher is the trail? I think there is still a couple feet of snow can some one post when the snow is down to inchs. Any locals I can roll with? Linked Flatfender on tons.
I've got a buddy I can ask, who's in Astoria. Kinda far away but....
Browns camp was closed last I checked but, that's just the camp site. The trails are open and there is plenty of dispersed camping. No idea on the snow right now.

Trails are all fun.

Cedar tree is easy but fun
Waterfall is pretty gnarly
Firebreak 5 has a fun boulder hill climb
Crushers is just a field of rocks. Nothing surper technical.
Most of the trails connect so you can basically run university firepower to cedar tree to FB5 to crushers.

Stop and get a trail map at the shell station on hwy 6. I'm no longer local but, there are plenty of people wheelin in pdx who would probably go.
Dispersed camping is the thing up there, usually not too much of a problem finding a spot unless you show up Sat afternoon on a holiday weekend. I usually day trip it as I'm less than an hour away. Snow conditions still look pretty deep in the upper/good trails from most of the videos and pics I've seen but I haven't investigated myself.

When were you thinking of coming up?

I'd be down to play tour guide as long as I have some notice.
We'll be there in a couple weeks just to recon the area, no rig. our second rig is not quite ready. I'll try to stay in contact.
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