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British Bouncing?

Walkers that have a pinko-lib level of entitlement and a NIMBY attitude. They loathe the fact they have to share the countryside with offroaders, bikes(dirt/quad/mountain), horse riders and farmers. They actively pursue legal action against councils to force the closure of various green lanes (unpaved roads often little more than old cart tracks) to all traffic and then piss and moan at the councils for the routes becoming impassable now the 4x4/horse/bike clubs that used to maintain them are no longer allowed to use them :shaking:

Here they are known as Granola Eaters.
What's the 2 door wagon @ 3:00?

Needs a V8 and boggers.
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What's the 2 door wagon @ 3:00?

Needs a V8 and boggers.
Mk1 Ford Escort. More commonly seen in its coupe version on rally stages.....

The German and Norwegian part. :flipoff2:

Lets be honest here. While the Brits have done great thing for the rest of the world theychose to ignore it at home. Take cooking spices. They made it so the whole world could get them but failed to learn to use them at home.
It's all good, they imported those that knew how to use the spices. Tikka masala is pretty much the national dish, except in Scotland where it's the deep fried mars bar :flipoff2:
Why dont you guys just leave them glued to the M25? Dont hit them but leave them there. A few days aught to do it.
That's a good shout :laughing:
Is it true that the Scottish wear kilts because sheep can hear a zipper from like a mile away?

You might wanna try asking that next time you're in a bar in Scotland :flipoff2:

Let's just say Hadrian had a wall built for a reason :laughing:
Wow page 2 and no Rachel Williams from zoo magazine. Danielle Sharp is also a brit with big milkers. Y'all are slipping :flipoff2:
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Mk1 Ford Escort. More commonly seen in its coupe version on rally stages.....


Ford executives should have been bitchslapped to the Yugo factory for fucking us out of a small disposable rwd car.

I only recall seeing one fwd shitbox in the vid. Those Suzuki xc90 didn't do as well as I expected.
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