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Black Woman Apologizes for Playing Black Woman, Should Have Been "A Black Woman"


Jul 8, 2009
Member Number
Gatesville, TX
Black Woman Apologizes for Playing Black Woman, Should Have Been "A Black Woman"


not only can white people not play black people, but black people cannot play black people and Hollywood and theater need to stop pretending they are others. I need a real martian to play superman, damnit! :rasta:

“I should have never played Nina," Saldana said. "I should have done everything in my power with the leverage that I had 10 years ago, which was a different leverage, but it was leverage nonetheless."

She added: “I should have tried everything in my power to cast a Black woman to play an exceptionally perfect Black woman.”

The actress explained that she felt comfortable playing Simone because she too is a Black woman. At the time, she responded to criticism about her physicality by telling Allure magazine that there is “no one way to be black.”

“I’m black the way I know how to be. You have no idea who I am. I am black. I’m raising black men,” she told the outlet in 2016. “Don’t you ever think you can look at me and address me with such disdain.

"I thought back then that I had the permission because I was a Black woman," Saldana explained. "And I am. But it was Nina Simone. And Nina had a life and she had a journey that should have been — and should be — honored to the most specific detail because she was a specifically detailed individual. She deserved better."

With that, she began to cry saying: "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”

“Cool story but please take Nina’s name out of your mouth. For the rest of your life,” the estate shot back.

:lmao: white guilt is no longer just a facet of white privilege or a reflection of white supremecy
I thought this was a parody thread...now I realize I have no idea what it's talking about, or who these people are.

Guess I'll click the link...:flipoff2:​​​​​​​
I thought this was a parody thread...now I realize I have no idea what it's talking about, or who these people are.

Guess I'll click the link...:flipoff2:​​​​​​​

thread title pretty much sums it up :lmao: nobody is ever 'enough', there is no end, colorism is real, cancel culture is real, all it takes to stop a bully is to stand up to them. crying and apologizing doesn't move anybody forward, but performance is what Hollywood is best at :laughing:
And we were told covid-19 is highly contagious! White guilt has jumped color!
So Plessy v. Ferguson is the standard according the Woke crowd. Got it.


These people are fucking nuts.

in reading more about that, pretty interesting back story and absolutely HOW unconstitutional laws should and must be protested.

Private business was opposed to the law (duh, eat that shit everybody who says business' love segregation) and Plessy teamed up with his own hired detective to specifically ensure the charge and arrest was over the specific law.
LOL Halle Berry must be crappin her drawers afraid to get cancelled for portraying Black Women all these years.

Pic for research:

So let me get this straight. There is black and then there is BLACK? So one is blue gum? I'm confused :flipoff2:
So let me get this straight. There is black and then there is BLACK? So one is blue gum? I'm confused :flipoff2:

are you new to 'colorism'? Yes, there is BLACK, then there is black, then there is redbone, then there is ashy, then blackish, then notwhite, then coconut. heaven forbid you be a mix or in an inter-racial relationship
are you new to 'colorism'? Yes, there is BLACK, then there is black, then there is redbone, then there is ashy, then blackish, then notwhite, then coconut. heaven forbid you be a mix or in an inter-racial relationship

You forgot High Yellow and many other things.

Blacks make the charge against Whites for imposing this standard. Except for the fact that societies that were cut off from Western colorism still come up with colorism.

If you live in a town with a lot of new Chinese immigrants, you'll see them walking around with umbrellas on a sunny day. A cosmetics company recently ended its 'skin whitening' product lines. Which is going to be a tragedy because brown people will just go back to using household bleach on their babies. No, I'm serious.

In a number of African countries, between 25 and 80% of women regularly use skin whitening products.[SUP][2][/SUP] In Asia, this number is around 40%.[SUP][2][/SUP] In India, specifically, over half of skin care products are sold to whiten skin.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][2] [/SUP]


They blame colorism on Whites. That's what we're dealing with here.

You forgot High Yellow and many other things.

Blacks make the charge against Whites for imposing this standard. Except for the fact that societies that were cut off from Western colorism still come up with colorism.

If you live in a town with a lot of new Chinese immigrants, you'll see them walking around with umbrellas on a sunny day. A cosmetics company recently ended its 'skin whitening' product lines. Which is going to be a tragedy because brown people will just go back to using household bleach on their babies. No, I'm serious.

In a number of African countries, between 25 and 80% of women regularly use skin whitening products.[SUP][2][/SUP] In Asia, this number is around 40%.[SUP][2][/SUP] In India, specifically, over half of skin care products are sold to whiten skin.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][2] [/SUP]


They blame colorism on Whites. That's what we're dealing with here.


i eagerly await liberal whites attack on kabuki in japan for high incidence of 'white face cultural appropriation' :lmao:
I dont agree with the "im not black enough to have portrayed this black lady" BS, but I do agree they could have tried a little harder at finding someone that actually looked like the lady...
I dont agree with the "im not black enough to have portrayed this black lady" BS, but I do agree they could have tried a little harder at finding someone that actually looked like the lady...

Like 5'8" shredded Mark Wahlberg playing 6'5" pudgy Marcus Luttrell?
does this mean BHO was not the first black president? Will he have to rescind that label?
are you new to 'colorism'? Yes, there is BLACK, then there is black, then there is redbone, then there is ashy, then blackish, then notwhite, then coconut. heaven forbid you be a mix or in an inter-racial relationship

No, I'm quite aware of it. We used to have a guy in our click than happened to be black...but not black enough for the area blacks. Keith told me he felt more comfortable and relaxed around us (redneck white guys) then other blacks. With us he never worried about being attacked, shunned are demeaned. He was treated just like everyone else. Did we poke shit at him? You're damn straight but again, no different than anyone else but he knew, we had his back.

I lost touch with him in our 30s. He was getting married and moved away...no fb then. I hope Keith is still doing well.
No, I'm quite aware of it. We used to have a guy in our click than happened to be black...but not black enough for the area blacks. Keith told me he felt more comfortable and relaxed around us (redneck white guys) then other blacks. With us he never worried about being attacked, shunned are demeaned. He was treated just like everyone else. Did we poke shit at him? You're damn straight but again, no different than anyone else but he knew, we had his back.

I lost touch with him in our 30s. He was getting married and moved away...no fb then. I hope Keith is still doing well.

He got the message.



(Kieth David from They Live)
So let me get this straight. There is black and then there is BLACK? So one is blue gum? I'm confused :flipoff2:

I am to. I don't know any of the names. Is this woman saying she is not dark enough? Or is she saying she is only half black? (One White parent)
I am to. I don't know any of the names. Is this woman saying she is not dark enough? Or is she saying she is only half black? (One White parent)

basically, she is saying that because she is Puerto rican black instead of African black and therefore had to reshade her skin tone with makeup to make it match the character, as well as use prosthetics to modify her facial features (nose specifically), that a person who more naturally resembled the character should have been chosen.

i.e. she isn't black enough to play the fictitious role based on a real life person.
Wow :laughing:

I would say "you can't make this shit up", but it appears you can . . . :rolleyes:
basically, she is saying that because she is Puerto rican black instead of African black and therefore had to reshade her skin tone with makeup to make it match the character, as well as use prosthetics to modify her facial features (nose specifically), that a person who more naturally resembled the character should have been chosen.

i.e. she isn't black enough to play the fictitious role based on a real life person.

"Puerto Rican black"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but arnt all blacks in this hemisphere descended from Africa? In fact, the only other black people that I'm aware of in the world are aboriginals in Australia. Am I completely wrong?
"Puerto Rican black"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but arnt all blacks in this hemisphere descended from Africa? In fact, the only other black people that I'm aware of in the world are aboriginals in Australia. Am I completely wrong?

No, you're right.

There are also Melanesians which are different enough from Aborigines that they are a separate racial group. They are close the the Papua New Guineans from the plateau on that island, where all the cannibals are.

They like America though and eagerly await the return of free Cargo.


There's also those Sentinilese guys who aren't really African either, I think they came over from India back in the day. Nobody knows because they're awful stabby.

"Puerto Rican black"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but arnt all blacks in this hemisphere descended from Africa? In fact, the only other black people that I'm aware of in the world are aboriginals in Australia. Am I completely wrong?

the trouble is, you are trying to make sense of it.

just understand that even black people aren't black people in terms of the woke mobs of social justice warriors and their hyper liberal sympathizers and organizers
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