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Black National Anthem to be played before NFL game

Sounds racist to me...All this shit is becoming like National Lampoon skits, America run by the 14 percent gar population..Geez,wait till the Latinos get wise and take over.....
Imagine the shit storm if a player took a seat for that one.
WTF is going on in this world.

Black, white, brown, green, whatever. How is there a National Anthem for a race of people?

I know a lot of you will write,..........NFL is dumb or whatever but the NFL is a large culture driver in the USA.

This is scary that the USA is completely folding to craziness

It's not crazy. Sports are Black. If you are watching them and don't realize it, you are blind.

Boxing and NFL are both brain-damaging sports, and the participants who provide the bulk of the entertainment are Black. Blacks pay the price, so they definitely have a say in what Anthem gets played.

Same is true for college football, which many NFL fans have migrated to, but even though there are a greater percentage of White players (who don't go on to the NFL because they're not good enough), NCAA football is still a primarily Black sport. All of the best teams have Blacks as the foundation of that team. The SEC was a backweeds conference because Blacks eagerly left the Jim Crow South to migrate to Big Ten teams, which used to be the best. Now Blacks stay in the SEC, and the SEC dominates.

Football is a Black sport, and if they want their National Anthem played in that sport just before they're about to go out there and lose 0.5 IQ points every game bashing their brains out, it is absolutely their American Right to have it played.

Not even trolling. BLM can suck it, but Black players in the NFL should have their Anthem played. It's their goddamned sport.
This whole bullshit has gotten out of hand, they are turning it around so they are the racist ones. We are doomed as a nation. and fuck the NFL
Wait. They have their own nation within the borders of the USA? Not the last time I checked. So they have a nation somewhere else then? Maybe in Africa? Is it called Black? Not the last time I looked at the globe. So they've made up a national anthem for a fake nation that only they know the location of.:rolleyes: I used to be surprised by the stupidity out there but that was years ago.

Perhaps we could call the yet to be purchased IBB compound "Orange Nation" Naw fuck that our anthem would never get written, nothing rhymes with orange.
The three black lives matter leaders are Marxist and all this shit is designed to destroy our nation by attacking its culture. The tearing down of statues to everything is racist to attacking our police forces for dealing with thugs to stupid shit like this in the gay fagball.

The removal of our history and rewriting it is no different then what has happened in other countries where communist or socialist and Islam took over. I’m afraid there’s no turning back and it’s only going to get much fucking worse.
So will it 'instead of' or 'in addition to'? If they play it after the actual national anthem I couldn't care less.

What'll be interesting is how many people will take a knee. However, I bet the NFL already sent a threatening memo to the teams...
I wish someone would give a knee to protest the IRS (biggest thieves)-
Is there a simultaneous face palm and shaking my head meme for this?
Civil War round 2 ? Mad max 4 real?
This shit is outta hand.
Are the white players going to take a knee?

Maybe when they replace the American flag with a rag sporting an image of a black fist. Screw stick and ball sports. If it doesn't have a steering wheel or handlebars I don't watch.
Maybe when they replace the American flag with a rag sporting an image of a black fist. Screw stick and ball sports. If it doesn't have a steering wheel or handlebars I don't watch.

Truth has been spoken.
I never even knew there was a black national anthem.. I won’t be tuning in to watch the nfl anymore.


I'll bet you didn't know about the widely known, sacred Juneteenth either? Or black Christmas, the black easter bunny, black 13th of July

All coming to a day off near you soon
This whole bullshit has gotten out of hand, they are turning it around so they are the racist ones. We are doomed as a nation. and fuck the NFL

It's not crazy. Sports are Black. If you are watching them and don't realize it, you are blind.

Boxing and NFL are both brain-damaging sports, and the participants who provide the bulk of the entertainment are Black. Blacks pay the price, so they definitely have a say in what Anthem gets played.

Same is true for college football, which many NFL fans have migrated to, but even though there are a greater percentage of White players (who don't go on to the NFL because they're not good enough), NCAA football is still a primarily Black sport. All of the best teams have Blacks as the foundation of that team. The SEC was a backweeds conference because Blacks eagerly left the Jim Crow South to migrate to Big Ten teams, which used to be the best. Now Blacks stay in the SEC, and the SEC dominates.

Football is a Black sport, and if they want their National Anthem played in that sport just before they're about to go out there and lose 0.5 IQ points every game bashing their brains out, it is absolutely their American Right to have it played.

Not even trolling. BLM can suck it, but Black players in the NFL should have their Anthem played. It's their goddamned sport.

Without fans watching there is no money for the beasts of burden, so shut the fuck up.

Having their own anthem is racist. Period.

I'm sick of this shit and sympathy filled assholes like you that think reverse racism is ok. Eat a big black dick.
I'll bet I can ask all my black friends to tell me the title of the black national anthem and none of them can answer me.
Oh just wait until Nascar realizes they can get some more news coverage by adopting a new national anthem!

Party time! you won't need your Dildo.
DGAF about any negro song!!

They as a species are attempting to be relevant and they think this is another of several actions that makes them relevant it doesnt.

Everyone that matters knows the tunes that correspond to our country and its origin.
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