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Biden impeachment filed today

Stupid and just ammo for the lefties to cry in a few years that the "right" was trying to get Biden from day 1
Won't this bring an opportunity to call witness, experts, testimony, evidence etc ?? If that is so then no yawn, It's awn - giz
The last three posts remind me a bit of the old place. Lol.
Welcome to the new normal. Better than the old normal. Frankly, I'd rather see congress wasting time on this dumb shit instead of passing actual legislation that causes real damage.

To late. Keystone pipeline got axed 74 minutes after inauguration. Just give 'em a few weeks... congress is itching to cause as much "change" as the white house. They'll take care of all the little stuff POTUS misses with executive orders.
To late. Keystone pipeline got axed 74 minutes after inauguration. Just give 'em a few weeks... congress is itching to cause as much "change" as the white house. They'll take care of all the little stuff POTUS misses with executive orders.

Exactly whats going to happen. The wall will be next....
Stupid and just ammo for the lefties to cry in a few years that the "right" was trying to get Biden from day 1

Almost like a play out of their own book?

Yeah... fair play is bad
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