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Biden dropping out

it'd likely take something like Viveks cut 50% of federal workforce on day 1, letting the debt ceiling shut shit down everything for as long as it takes for the congress to pass a meaningfully downsized budget (cut by 10% or more), or maybe- pass a budget without a deficit [gasp] pay senators/ reps based on the number of days/hours spent in DC in session / no pay if you don't show for voting session, cut omnibus bills and limit the length of any bill to 10 pages. to start towards putting it back on track.
You want to fix it, you have to break up DC.

There is no point or reason in having office and staff in DC, away from your constituents. We aren't coming in by stagecoach to do the countries business. We have Zoom. We can work from home or in this case your home district.

Step 1. We discuss how much of an open of government we really want and need to have. We have reached a point where even the annual easter egg roll requires top secret clearance. We fix it, and open that shit up.

Step 2. Develop a remote work "zoom style" portal that the representative can use with high level encryption, but can also be opened up to the constituents and only stuff deemed legitimately top secrete for matters of national security is exempt and that has a new, higher bar resulting from step 1.

Step 3. No office or staff is allowed in DC. You must sleep in your district 265 nights a year.

Step 3a. If you are out of your district more than the allotted time, you are removed from your seat and your district loses representation, and your party loses the seat until the next election cycle.

Step 4. Any laws purposed have to list a constitutional argument in plain language, and not exceeding 2 pages how it falls within the framework

Step 5. You are not eligible for reelection if a balanced budget has not been passed. You can engaged in deficit spending for a year, but come next election, if you don't have the accounts in order, you are not eligible to hold any office.

Step 6. If you are elected on a federal level, your taxes audited annually while in office and the 5 years after you exit office. (OR, you can opt to have an IRS staff prepare your return).
I've been seeing some Trump headlines about his current mental capacity. Mainstream media out to level the playing field?
I've been seeing some Trump headlines about his current mental capacity. Mainstream media out to level the playing field?

It's the same reason they talk about Biden's "age" and NOT his dementia. So they can say the same about Trump.

Except Trump can sit and do a two-hour interview off the cuff. Biden can't read a flash card.
You want to fix it, you have to break up DC.

There is no point or reason in having office and staff in DC, away from your constituents. We aren't coming in by stagecoach to do the countries business. We have Zoom. We can work from home or in this case your home district.

Step 1. We discuss how much of an open of government we really want and need to have. We have reached a point where even the annual easter egg roll requires top secret clearance. We fix it, and open that shit up.

Step 2. Develop a remote work "zoom style" portal that the representative can use with high level encryption, but can also be opened up to the constituents and only stuff deemed legitimately top secrete for matters of national security is exempt and that has a new, higher bar resulting from step 1.

Step 3. No office or staff is allowed in DC. You must sleep in your district 265 nights a year.

Step 3a. If you are out of your district more than the allotted time, you are removed from your seat and your district loses representation, and your party loses the seat until the next election cycle.

Step 4. Any laws purposed have to list a constitutional argument in plain language, and not exceeding 2 pages how it falls within the framework

Step 5. You are not eligible for reelection if a balanced budget has not been passed. You can engaged in deficit spending for a year, but come next election, if you don't have the accounts in order, you are not eligible to hold any office.

Step 6. If you are elected on a federal level, your taxes audited annually while in office and the 5 years after you exit office. (OR, you can opt to have an IRS staff prepare your return).
touche' point taken.

What I was getting to in a round about way is that the founding fathers never intended to make a comfortable career of being a politician.

I'd rather pay them to travel and sit in the room ( hell maybe $5-7-10k/day); don't leave til business session gets done. you can read 10 pages in 10 minutes and then vote.

whatever they do in their territory/district with their constituents to earn re election is on their dime/their time.
so you support all of the 'rona shutdowns / vax mandates? (just playing devils advocate here- because its a steep slippery slope youre treading on.)
that is a different argument. Abortion is murder.

Not getting a vaxx is personal choice. One is done to yourself. The other is done to someone else.

Forcing people to get a Vaxx is also murder in a way.

But abortion is truly not a relevant part of the presidential powers since it’s a states rights issue.
The 2020 debate with Biden made me cringe. He wouldn’t shut up and let Joe dig himself a hole.

Trump's strategy for that first debate was the worst he could have picked. Rather than letting Biden talk and hang himself, he made it all about himself. And in a pretty awful way too.

basically his biggest failure of that election cycle. he walked in like he was going to mop the floor with Biden and let a meth drugged out dementia patient Potato Joe wipe the floor with him. completely unprepared and got handled.

as good as he did against hillary in 2016, is how bad he did against Joe in 2020.
that is a different argument. Abortion is murder.

Not getting a vaxx is personal choice. One is done to yourself. The other is done to someone else.

Forcing people to get a Vaxx is also murder in a way.

But abortion is truly not a relevant part of the presidential powers since it’s a states rights issue.

The vax is murder just the same; closing schools/churches and parks was murder to those it drove to suicide; allowing fentanyl to freely flow across the border because the pharma supplier with the narcan patent is your donor is manslaughter.

look man, i was raised catholic, i know all the arguments about abortion/murder, and beyond first trimester it's definitely not OK in my opinion but that's my personal values.

But over the last couple decades and watching the evolution of big gov, I've arrived at the conclusion that the .gov has no business in dictating values/morality nor authority on regulating anything less than partial birth abortions. There are just way bigger fish to fry in this countries rapid moral decline than planned parenthood conducting their business.

as far as it being 'someone else' - That child is yours responsibility for 18 yrs after it comes out so if you chose to have it medically euthanized between fertilization and it being viable outside the womb; that's between you and your maker/ higher power. But if a woman can opt to abort without the father, then the father should be able to opt out of child support; equity, gender equality, and all of that good stuff.
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basically his biggest failure of that election cycle. he walked in like he was going to mop the floor with Biden and let a meth drugged out dementia patient Potato Joe wipe the floor with him. completely unprepared and got handled.

as good as he did against hillary in 2016, is how bad he did against Joe in 2020.
That smug POS Chris Wallace shilling for the deep state didn't help.
Look at how much swamp trump managed to drain during is first four years.
you're going to have to spell it out for me, 'cause from here all he did was entrench himself deeper into the swamp. He IS the swamp.
(OR, you can opt to have an IRS staff prepare your return).
wait, is that an option? Sign me up.
Trump's strategy for that first debate was the worst he could have picked. Rather than letting Biden talk and hang himself, he made it all about himself. And in a pretty awful way too.
Literally everything Trump has ever done has been all about himself. He's never done anything for anyone else, ever in his entire history. He's a terrible human being. He and Biden are the two worst Presidential candidates in the history of this country, including Hillary.
you're going to have to spell it out for me, 'cause from here all he did was entrench himself deeper into the swamp. He IS the swamp.

wait, is that an option? Sign me up.

Literally everything Trump has ever done has been all about himself. He's never done anything for anyone else, ever in his entire history. He's a terrible human being. He and Biden are the two worst Presidential candidates in the history of this country, including Hillary.
damn the TDS is strong with you. the man has given up billions of dollars and the last 10 or 15 years of his life for this shit.
you're going to have to spell it out for me, 'cause from here all he did was entrench himself deeper into the swamp. He IS the swamp.

wait, is that an option? Sign me up.

Literally everything Trump has ever done has been all about himself. He's never done anything for anyone else, ever in his entire history. He's a terrible human being. He and Biden are the two worst Presidential candidates in the history of this country, including Hillary.

You are a repost from a CNN. :lmao: Sorry, MSNBC
It's spelled out, throughout this thread. Start with the SCOTUS. Throw some mean tweets baby :flipoff2:

damn the TDS is strong with you. the man has given up billions of dollars and the last 10 or 15 years of his life for this shit.
lol, no he hasn't.

He's a narcissist. If it's not about him, it doesn't exist.
Literally everything Trump has ever done has been all about himself. He's never done anything for anyone else, ever in his entire history. He's a terrible human being.
Can we maybe find a middle ground that he did some good things that had no real benefit to himself other than stroking his ego, and that anything good that he does/ ever did was all nearly entirely driven by his insatiable need to stoke his own ego?

He and Biden are the two worst Presidential candidates in the history of this country, including Hillary.

Not a lot of pushback there, however it's probably not a wide margin: We had Obama's second term and Romney/Ryan that's practically a split decision. W' 2nd term and Kerry was probably in the conversation
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Can we maybe find a middle ground that he did some things that had no real benefit to himself other than stroking his ego, and that anything good that he does/ ever did was all nearly entirely driven by his insatiable need to stoke his own ego?

Not a lot of pushback there, however it's probably not a wide margin: We had Obama's second term and Romney/Ryan that's practically a split decision. W' 2nd term and Kerry was probably in the conversation
No arguments with anything there.

300+ million people, and the only constant is that only the worst people get pushed to the top.
No arguments with anything there.

300+ million people, and the only constant is that only the worst people get pushed to the top.

Is it the top?

I'd say it's the shittiest job in America. You're a slave and prisoner in your own body. You literally give up your life to do it.

That's why it makes sense for trump, it's almost like all he's ever known his adult life with his wealth and fame.
Uhh what did he get out of saying that Europe should pay more of NATOs tab and the :usa:less?
padded his self appointed title as 'the best/toughest at negotiations, you know they say that nobody does it better; many people agree...'
. He and Biden are the two worst Presidential candidates in the history of this country, including Hillary.

Hell, KENNEDY was worse.

Even Carter with his Panamal Canal bull shit makes him worse than Trump

Yeah... You lost ANY credibility you were reaching for.

Trump's' domestic policy was hit and miss at best, and that's being kind. But his foreign policy.,. His Foreign Policy was legit.
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padded his self appointed title as 'the best/toughest at negotiations, you know they say that nobody does it better; many people agree...'
Well we don't get to know for sure how much "aid" Ukraine would have got if the current Retard in Chief hadn't "won" but I think it would have been less, probably a lot less.

ETA: But the kicker is that without the current administration saying Ukraine could join NATO the Russian invasion might not have happened anyway.
Well we don't get to know for sure how much "aid" Ukraine would have got if the current Retard in Chief hadn't "won" but I think it would have been less, probably a lot less.

ETA: But the kicker is that without the current administration saying Ukraine could join NATO the Russian invasion might not have happened anyway.
i think trump looked at foreign relations from a business mindset/perspective; is this economically beneficial for my company (the US) and shook hands/ kissed ass where he needed to to keep business smooth; cozied up to Putin/Kim in N Korea and to some extent china, and tried to squeeze the G20 for money on Nato. He tried to avoid wars because they're expensive; Ukraine would fuck up his budget too much and lead to a bad quarterly report/ earnings call in his mind. Somehow he's not as embedded in the military industrial complex as the establishment guys are.

If you ever bring up his foreign relations track record/ no new wars to someone with TDS they just say 'but he was corrupt/ in business with Putin!' and then they start stammering about Ukraine saying it was only Hunter involved there/ that video of joe braging about extorting them into firing the special investigator looking into hunter/burisma was taken out of context.
But abortion is truly not a relevant part of the presidential powers since it’s a states rights issue.
So... It's murdering an infant in cold blood, but murdering an infant in cold blood can be okay provided the local law has decided that it is okay?

See the point of my immediately preceding post a little better?
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