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Biden dropping out

do it. do it right now. do it today. im ready. light this match and burn it down.
yup; i should have added that the only one who wants to see that is those of us who are ready to embrace the rapid acceleration of the downward spiral...:jester:
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Read up on how the dem primary works and what super delegates are and come back to the thread.

Before I do that . . .. . .. . Answer me this. :flipoff2: Biden falls dead, an actual possibility, say he takes a plunge off the stairs on Air Force 1 or whatever shit he happens to be stumbling on or off. He's dead. Who is the Democratic front runner then ? Who is their he/her/them/zygote/platyhelimenthes creature to run and save the world from the Mango Messiah ?

Same scenario, but it's after the big super tuesday ort wednesday when a lot of states have their primary ?

OK, off to read.
yup; the only one who wants to see that is those of us whho are ready to accelerate the downward spiral...:jester:

i dont really want to see it but the only way to wake up these brain dead minions, is to crumble something quickly. this slow destruction constantly resets the new normal incrementally. boiling frog in the pot and all that.

i want the democrats to enact their bullshit and get FULL blame for when it spectacularly fails.

The chickens are coming home to roost in Cali. as evidenced by people living there hate it and its decline has accellerated. they lost congressional seat as their population declined for the first time since the 60s.

Lets show everyone in real time who and what the Communist Democrats are.
Before I do that . . .. . .. . Answer me this. :flipoff2: Biden falls dead, an actual possibility, say he takes a plunge off the stairs on Air Force 1 or whatever shit he happens to be stumbling on or off. He's dead. Who is the Democratic front runner then ? Who is their he/her/them/zygote/platyhelimenthes creature to run and save the world from the Mango Messiah ?

Same scenario, but it's after the big super tuesday ort wednesday when a lot of states have their primary ?

OK, off to read.

the answer is easily Gavin Newsome.
i dont really want to see it but the only way to wake up these brain dead minions, is to crumble something quickly. this slow destruction constantly resets the new normal incrementally. boiling frog in the pot and all that.

i want the democrats to enact their bullshit and get FULL blame for when it spectacularly fails.

The chickens are coming home to roost in Cali. as evidenced by people living there hate it and its decline has accellerated. they lost congressional seat as their population declined for the first time since the 60s.

Lets show everyone in real time who and what the Communist Democrats are.
yeah, and i still don't have faith that there'd be enough consensus among conservatives to get off the porch and begin to tar & feather/ hang & skin alive the corrupt ringleaders that deserve it.
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yeah, and i still don't have faith that there'd be enough consensus among conservatives to get of the porch and begin to tar & feather/ hang & skin alive the corrupt ringleaders that deserve it.
The ringleaders are not the problem. They are mostly just opportunistic sociopaths who see an opportunity to enrich themselves peddling bullshit. It'd the mid tier people who do the lions share of the work creating the problem. We're talking about mid to high level bureaucrats, academics, managers, etc. People who have serious discretionary power but not political power. They believe the bullshit to varying extents and see nothing wrong with their actions (whereas the people at the top know they're doing evil).

People need to be afraid to do that sort of mundane work for communists in the same way they're afraid to do mundane work for the mob/cartel/terrorists.
The ringleaders are not the problem. It'd the mid tier people who do the lions share of the work creating the problem.

People need to be afraid to do mundane work for communists in the same way they're afraid to do mundane work for the mob/cartel/terrorists.

It's an excellent point. BUT, someone makes an example of someone in either tier, people will pay attention and start thinking twice
The ringleaders are not the problem. It'd the mid tier people who do the lions share of the work creating the problem.

People need to be afraid to do mundane work for communists in the same way they're afraid to do mundane work for the mob/cartel/terrorists.

but There's some people that really could use at least some hot tar & pillow stuffing in the Capital lawn
{cough} Fauci {cough} Wallensky
the answer is easily Gavin Newsome.

I should have been more specific as regards to Slander's post that I was responding to. By accrued and counted delegate or whatever they are called sum, who is the winner at that point ? Or, if the Potato drops flat stiff after the delegates are tallied but before he names his VP running mate ?
I should have been more specific as regards to Slander's post that I was responding to. By accrued and counted delegate or whatever they are called sum, who is the winner at that point ? Or, if the Potato drops flat stiff after the delegates are tallied but before he names his VP running mate ?
the delegates select whomever they want/ pull out of thin air (see 2016); if that happens, they'll just make up rules to enable them to continue to do whatever they wish... ( likely backed up by a 'parlimentarian' who says a Ouija board confirmed that Washington and Jefferson say they agree.)
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I should have been more specific as regards to Slander's post that I was responding to. By accrued and counted delegate or whatever they are called sum, who is the winner at that point ? Or, if the Potato drops flat stiff after the delegates are tallied but before he names his VP running mate ?

The DNC can do whatever they want. They did that by ignoring the votes and delegates Bernie has. There was a court case and basically DNC has no rules it HAS to follow so whoever is running it can wipe the slate, start over, or don't take any votes and unilaterally install Newsome as nominee.

The DNC is basically the Mafia. As evidenced by how they told the FBI to pound sand when it came to their " server hack"
I read one article from USA Today about the process and it did not address directly several possible scenarios. I guess I might take a dive this eve on the webs into how Clillary won in 2016 as my libtard ex-freind said she stole that from Bernie.

Edit - Texas just saw your post. Yeah, it looks ripe for Nigerian Prince to take the palace type shit
I read one article from USA Today about the process and it did not address directly several possible scenarios. I guess I might take a dive this eve on the webs into how Clillary won in 2016 as my libtard ex-freind said she stole that from Bernie.
IIRC, the tl/dr is he was in contention with a viable potential path to victory and they basically called it early and said Hil-dawg is our winner.
So in this 4d chessboard where the dem establishment double secretly wants trump in power, is the corporate media machine complicit in pretending trump is an existential threat daily or are they being played for fools too and buying it hook line and sinker ?

I’d think establishment dems have a lot on the line/ to lose since trump will have even less fucks to give if he gets a second term to slash and burn customary etiquette/ tradition and with no concern for re-election, lots of ammunition to exact vengeance for his perceived or real political persecution and ensuring he’s on the podium for most unsuccessful impeachment attempts for eternity becomes a game to him.
It doesn't really matter to the entrenched statists what's going on at the surface level. What's displayed to the public don't really mean shit so long as the schools, press, and banking are still owned in full.

Look at how much swamp trump managed to drain during is first four years. Some got opened up and exposed to the air, but nothing at all changed. If anything it just got deeper.
The biggest victory in all that time? The distrust of the press. Something tangential.
It doesn't really matter to the entrenched statists what's going on at the surface level. What's displayed to the public don't really mean shit so long as the schools, press, and banking are still owned in full.

Look at how much swamp trump managed to drain during is first four years. Some got opened up and exposed to the air, but nothing at all changed. If anything it just got deeper.
The biggest victory in all that time? The distrust of the press. Something tangential.

You miss a lot. Starting with Roe vs Wade effectively overturned.
It doesn't really matter to the entrenched statists what's going on at the surface level. What's displayed to the public don't really mean shit so long as the schools, press, and banking are still owned in full.

Look at how much swamp trump managed to drain during is first four years. Some got opened up and exposed to the air, but nothing at all changed. If anything it just got deeper.
The biggest victory in all that time? The distrust of the press. Something tangential.
He had majorities in both houses and the establishment r's stood in his way to effectively achieve that result of fuckall for progress. Exposing the duopoly to anyone who isn't blinded by TDS was indeed probably his greatest achievement. His foreign relations/ diplomacy performance was pretty outstanding as well.
IIRC, the tl/dr is he was in contention with a viable potential path to victory and they basically called it early and said Hil-dawg is our winner.

And the chair that was at least the public face of that decision soon after quit and went to work on Clinton's campaign. Perfectly normal, legal and should not be questioned.

No doubt that Bernie would have beat trump in '16.....but it was Clinton's turn.
You miss a lot. Starting with Roe vs Wade effectively overturned.

That's completely tangential. Only bible thumpers care about that.

Roe V Wade is a net loss/ self-inflicted gunshot wound; needlessly kicking a hornets nest to fire up a blue wave( ended up ripple really but what would results have been without stirring that nest?) so libs cant kill future democrat voters in the womb. and lose a small percentage of libertatian and moderate conservative support who say live and let live along the way. Whoopee, pop the cork!
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It doesn't really matter to the entrenched statists what's going on at the surface level. What's displayed to the public don't really mean shit so long as the schools, press, and banking are still owned in full.

Look at how much swamp trump managed to drain during is first four years. Some got opened up and exposed to the air, but nothing at all changed. If anything it just got deeper.
The biggest victory in all that time? The distrust of the press. Something tangential.
This is what people don't get about term limits. The agency system runs this country. Make all the term limits you want. The guy at the agency has been there through 5 administrations.

Our politicians delegated all this power away, because it was too much like work, and they wanted time to campaign and fuck off. But... "Hey... we will control the agencies through the budget"

Then "approving a budget is hard work, we'll just put them on a baseline budget with a 7% annual increase".

Now you have a new form of government
You're not a democracy.... but you never were.... You're not a Republic.... YOU'RE A FCUKIN BEURACRACY .. with corporatist elements (because any law being written is being written by mega-corp and their lobbyist) .

But think about it... every politician can die, and the governemnt continues to run AND GROW. Because we set up this financing system that just kicks in a 7% bump.... it's just 7% ......

But if we go back to think about the COMPOUNDING PRINCIPAL'S of money... What is a 7% growth???

Well the ol' rule of thumb is called the rule of 72. So a 7% growth means the money doubles every 10-ish years. Let's take that in.... We start with a government agency in 2000. in 2010 it's DOUBLE the size it was in 2000...But we are still growing.... in 2020 We are double what it was in 2010, but that's 4X bigger than it was in 2000, and in 2030 it will have doubled again, being 8X the size it was in 2000.

BUT LET"S CUT!!!! Let's cut the budget 2%. But the cut didn't come from the REAL budget, we will cut, the 7% down to 5% Growth and call that a cut.

It's all so fucked I don't see a realistic path to save it.

I mean, I know how to save it, but there is no way to get the measures needed to be implemented.
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It's all so fucked I don't see a realistic path to save it.

I mean, I know how to save it, but there is no way to get the measures needed to be implemented.
it'd likely take something like Viveks cut 50% of federal workforce on day 1, letting the debt ceiling shut everything down for as long as it takes for the congress to pass a meaningfully downsized budget (cut by 10% or more), or maybe- pass a budget without a deficit [gasp]. pay senators/ reps based on the number of days/hours spent in DC in session / no pay if you don't show for voting session, cut omnibus bills and limit the length of any bill to 10 pages. to start towards putting it back on track.
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whichever direction it fell, it is still the state telling families how to live their lives
No. It’s the state protecting the sanctity of life. One of its few jobs.

Edit, but this is nothing compared to the direction we are going. The fed fell off the cliff
permanent state... Biden buying more votes..

Medicaid to pay rent, food, etc....

Cloward and Piven.

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