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Biden dropping out

Confused, mumbling Biden wanders behind podium, stares at the floor as Jordanian king speaks​

by DBS

President Joe Biden is doing little to assuage the concerns of Americans over his mental health as he appeared confused again during an appearance with the king of Jordan.

The 81-year-old who has been making headlines for repeated gaffes and questionable behavior in the past week again drew attention to his mental faculties as he appeared confused alongside King Abdullah II of Jordan on Monday.

“Your majesty, over to you,” he told the leader as he introduced him at the White House, after what appeared to be an odd reference to former President Barack Obama.

But even as the king prepared to deliver his remarks, Biden was busy evidently trying to figure out where he should be standing. This led to an awkward few moments as the president moved around behind Abdullah, gazing at the floor while deciding which place marked where he should remain.

At one point, when the king seemed to look over his shoulder for the president, Biden was not there but on the opposite side.

“I switched sides on you,” the president quipped as he moved yet again, this time to the left of the king who just smiled.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured reporters on Monday that the president remains “sharp” and “on top of things” while noting he would not be taking any cognitive tests along with his annual physical.

This is despite the ongoing concerns of Americans who have watched the progression of Biden’s physical and mental decline and against the backdrop of a special counsel report that essentially confirmed Biden’s memory is failing.

“The world is laughing at US,” wrote the son of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in a post on X
Wow Jon Stewart even points out the obvious and makes some libs mad. Pulled from a Red State link

Before anyone goes thinking "he's back", you owe it to yourself to rewatch the circle-jerk of an interview he did with condi-rice and Hillary as his penance to the powers that be for daring to call out the ridiculousness of beer flu media narrative on Colbert's late show. So take it with a grain or two of salt...

Dudes a cuck to the hollywood/ media elite, which is a shame because he was funny and talented.
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I wonder if Biden was pointing to Obama's portrait when he said "Barack's lookin' at you." Still kind of a dumb thing to say.
I think democrats are starting to realize - with great horror - what a big mess they have gotten themselves into by rigging the primaries so that a walking corpse becomes the candidate.

LOL. they cant actually care. again, maybe the rank and file are secretly embarrassed but the DNC and the powers that control them just CANNOT care.

if they cared we wouldnt be in this position.

id much rather have the potato than have Newsome. a slick talking, fast witted young king of the Democrats would be a NIGHTMARE. atleast we can be reasonably sure Biden is checking out in about 5-6 years, no matter what.

also, Biden has enough political liability with hunter and Joe Bidens money laundering that its easy to keep him in check from getting too wild and out of control. but i wish they would hurry up with the impeachment and get that done before Independence day. Senate wont convict but he needs to be brought up on charges.

we just witnessed 22 RINO traitors voting for another 90 billion for Ukraine and Israel and there are the traitors like Mittens who voted to convict Trump so you never know. there may be no votes to convict in the senate other than Ted Cruz and marco Rubio.
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....Once the primary season is done, but sometime before the Democrat Convention (August 19) but after the last state primaries (early June), [Biden admits he has severe dimentia and bails out]. Then Newsom will have a surprise VP pick and that will be confirmed at the Party Convention. Kamala won't be the VP nominee because the Constitution, Art. II prohibits an elector from voting for two people from their own state for the office of President and VP. Cali has 55 votes and that could end up in some chaos if the 55 Cali electors can't vote for both Gavin Hairgel and Kamala Gigglebot. At least that is how the Dems will sell a pick other than Harris. It will still be an identitarian intersectional candidate but more competent than Harris. So it will be Trump/? versus Newsome/?
This keeps popping back in my head since reading; Newsom's overlapping Ca residency the perfect scapegoat to get 10% for the big guy out and avoid giving Kamala the reigns for an assured loss/ end of days/ idocracy dumpster fire if the cheat enough for her to win.
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I think democrats are starting to realize - with great horror - what a big mess they have gotten themselves into by rigging the primaries so that a walking corpse becomes the candidate.
or if you look at all the big blustery persecution of trump as the blatant promotion that it is

well, the state wants the people to think that they voted 'someone else' in to lord over them
big victory, woo, 'more of the same shit' is perfectly fine now because it's coming from someone with a different stage name than the existing actor
or if you look at all the big blustery persecution of trump as the blatant promotion that it is

well, the state wants the people to think that they voted 'someone else' in to lord over them
big victory, woo, 'more of the same shit' is perfectly fine now because it's coming from someone with a different stage name than the existing actor
So in this 4d chessboard where the dem establishment double secretly wants trump in power, is the corporate media machine complicit in pretending trump is an existential threat daily or are they being played for fools too and buying it hook line and sinker ?

I’d think establishment dems have a lot on the line/ to lose since trump will have even less fucks to give if he gets a second term to slash and burn customary etiquette/ tradition and with no concern for re-election, lots of ammunition to exact vengeance for his perceived or real political persecution and ensuring he’s on the podium for most unsuccessful impeachment attempts for eternity becomes a game to him.
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So in this 4d chessboard where the dem establishment double secretly wants trump in power, is the corporate media machine complicit in pretending trump is an existential threat daily or are they being played for fools too?

I’d think establishment dems have a lot on the line/ to lose since trump will have even less fucks to give if he gets a second term to slash and burn customary etiquette/ tradition and with no concern for re-election, lots of ammunition to exact vengeance for his perceived or real political persecution and ensuring he’s on the podium for most unsuccessful impeachment attempts for eternity becomes a game to him.

The prosecution of Trump accomplishes two things:

  • It ensures Trump is the nominee, as they believe he's beatable.
  • It weakens Trump in the general election

It's a win-win for the democrats.
The prosecution of Trump accomplishes two things:

  • It ensures Trump is the nominee, as they believe he's beatable.
I feel like this sounds familiar; Deja-vu anyone?

  • It weakens Trump in the general election

It's a win-win for the democrats.
Do they not realize it has potential to do the opposite the more flagrantly they make it a juvenile kangaroo court nonsense persecution effort.

The guy was out of the White House; gone & banned from twitter. All they had to do was shut the fuck up about him, but they keep dragging is body out of the ditch and reviving him then fabricating flimsy charges against him they know won’t work and making a martyr of teflon don and keeping him even more relevant than ever…
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So in this 4d chessboard where the dem establishment double secretly wants trump in power,

My take is more pragmatic. Not a chess match but one fool spilling his beer and the other clown knocking over the bong . . . . - dude
I think democrats are starting to realize - with great horror - what a big mess they have gotten themselves into by rigging the primaries so that a walking corpse becomes the candidate.

How did the dem rig their own primary ? Do you mean preventing RFK Jr from the chase or what ? Because there havent been any meaningful Democrat primaries where Potatoe had competition. To be rigged, he would have to have opposition.
The prosecution of Trump accomplishes two things:

  • It ensures Trump is the nominee, as they believe he's beatable.
  • It weakens Trump in the general election

It's a win-win for the democrats.

That is only what Never Trumpers think.

The only reason for prosecuting Trump is to provide a "sellable" narrative that the media can push as to why trump didn't win when they perform the steal again and Biden gets 90 million votes.

Embarrassing him is just chum for their base, icing on the cake to feed the hatred.

The media likes it too because it provides a distraction for potato head and Kamalas dumbassery.
The prosecution of Trump accomplishes two things:

  • It ensures Trump is the nominee, as they believe he's beatable.
  • It weakens Trump in the general election

It's a win-win for the democrats.

And it ensures no other qualified outsider runs in the future
How did the dem rig their own primary ? Do you mean preventing RFK Jr from the chase or what ? Because there havent been any meaningful Democrat primaries where Potatoe had competition. To be rigged, he would have to have opposition.

Rfk and Bernie
How did the dem rig their own primary ? Do you mean preventing RFK Jr from the chase or what ? Because there havent been any meaningful Democrat primaries where Potatoe had competition. To be rigged, he would have to have opposition.
Read up on how the dem primary works and what super delegates are and come back to the thread.
anyone watching the dem fanbase msm to see if any of them are seriously talking about pedopotato needing replaced? or just our central/right leaning idea vacuum news orgs
She's the biggest reason he's been cosplaying RBG/weekend at bernies. :laughing:

Nobody on either side of the aisle wants to see the trainwreck dumpster fire that would be having her in the top spot.
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