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Biden dropping out

This is exactly what I think is going to happen. Always have. This commenter said it perfectly from the Matt Taibbi site that I was reading last night.

This is best way to kill two problem birds with one stone. They dump two unpopular people in Biden and Harris and have a valid excuse for axing a female POC. Even if Newsome loses, his profile is raised for the next cycle. I honestly think that the country isn't ready for someone as liberal as Newsome and I also believe most of the country doesn't know how left he is. This gives him a chance to "evolve" like he already has been doing but going against many leftie policies that he would have been all for a few years ago.

This guy summed it up perfectly.
Biden is a placeholder for the Democrats. Once the primary season is done, but sometime before the Democrat Convention (August 19) but after the last state primaries (early June), Biden will have a come to Jesus moment, Dr, Jill will advise that for his health he is withdrawing, the Party will tee up the candidate they will run on. Likely Gavin Awesome. Then Gavin will have a surprise VP pick and that will be confirmed at the Party Convention. Kamala won't be the VP nominee because the Constitution, Art. II prohibits an elector from voting for two people from their own state for the office of President and VP. Cali has 55 votes and that could end up in some chaos if the 55 Cali electors can't vote for both Gavin Hairgel and Kamala Gigglebot. At least that is how the Dems will sell a pick other than Harris. It will still be an identitarian intersectional candidate but more competent than Harris. So it will be Trump/? versus Newsome/?
So they are going to put up a candidate that hasn’t been voted on. Because Trump is a threat to democracy? Sounds right.
Never heard of yellow cake, no one else has either. Looked it up, thats just stupid weirdo conspiro trivial shit. We went into Iraq because the UN inspection was blocked and they left. Hans Blix, CNN. That's when we gave Sadam an ultimatum. For Fucks Sake. The other two events are over thirty years ago. All of those people, and their mothers, are all dead now. Ancient, past history. They may be the same coin, but the BS gets thick in here. :shaking: I would agree in principle with what you say about a high road but your sure mudded that up.
Don't be daft.
One of the things that made a difference in 2020 and 2022 was ballot harvesting. The democrats have been perfecting the practice. The problem is that for all of Trump’s good points he is terrible at getting anyone but himself elected. Ballot harvesting takes money and Trump gathers everything to himself and does not spend down ballot figuring that his endorsement is enough. This is something that Desantis understood very well and why he would have been my pick if I was king of the world.

If the republicans are not keeping up with the times it is yet another indication of malpractice of leadership from the party of controlled opposition.
The alternative is to keep Biden because he is essentially Silly Putty in "their" hands and will take all the fire both immediate and historical for their actions.

Newsome would at least have some piece of independence and only be a partial cuck and there is no guarantee that Newsome could beat Trump. Not sure he moves the needle on any particular state and I am also not sure how people outside of California view him. I know people here aren't fans but that is a small sample size that is already right leaning.

For the dims to keep bringing him up, there must be internal polling that shows him as a strong candidate.
For the dims to keep bringing him up, there must be internal polling that shows him as a strong candidate.
I wouldn’t be so quick to give them that much credit; remember these are the same people who put all their chips on Hillary…:lmao:

They’re pretty far detached from reality up in the ivory towers of DC. Being kin to pelosi (while also being a morally-bankrupt sociopath{is that redundant when speaking about politicians?} who has proven allegiance/ obedience to the new world order) is probably his golden ticket.
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Democrats pick candidates based on who has done the most for the party and how many bodies they know the location of.

Choosing candidates democratically puts your fate in the hands of the people. And the people are retarded. :laughing:
Well my bets that tater head would drop out a the whore would be the nominee has went up a bunch this weekend. At predictit.com
A "conservative" if only nominally agenda is going to naturally attract the kind of people working for it who are less likely to push the envelope when it comes to the kinds of dirty shit they can get away with.

The right is always going to be fundamentally at a disadvantage because of this because they're always a decade or two behind the curve.
Never heard of yellow cake, no one else has either. Looked it up, thats just stupid weirdo conspiro trivial shit. We went into Iraq because the UN inspection was blocked and they left. Hans Blix, CNN. That's when we gave Sadam an ultimatum. For Fucks Sake. The other two events are over thirty years ago. All of those people, and their mothers, are all dead now. Ancient, past history. They may be the same coin, but the BS gets thick in here. :shaking: I would agree in principle with what you say about a high road but your sure mudded that up.

Are we all going to act like watergate wasn't a CIA op/setup? Or do you think Oswald actually did shoot Kennedy too?
The alternative is to keep Biden because he is essentially Silly Putty in "their" hands and will take all the fire both immediate and historical for their actions.

Newsome would at least have some piece of independence and only be a partial cuck and there is no guarantee that Newsome could beat Trump. Not sure he moves the needle on any particular state and I am also not sure how people outside of California view him. I know people here aren't fans but that is a small sample size that is already right leaning.

For the dims to keep bringing him up, there must be internal polling that shows him as a strong candidate.

Newsome's failed policies and California's issues will be an easy target for the big money conservative PAC's commercials.
Newsome's failed policies and California's issues will be an easy target for the big money conservative PAC's commercials.

Oh yeah? What's that turned into for the conservatives the last 4 years ? Biden presidency and no red wave?

The sooner y'all accept your vote is worthless the faster you can get over the fact you'll never see another Republican president until the steal is stopped. 3.5 years and only Florida has fixed anything.

They still have Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin... Republicans are complicit in it at this point.

Just wait until Dems get both chambers and president. Pack the SC, do amnesty for 15 million illegals.... The death knell.

There's no voting your way out of this.
Gonna be interesting to see them drag Biden's corpse across the finish line.

The establishment was rejected in 2016, but in 2020 and 2024 everyone supposedly bends over and spreads their ass cheeks and votes for a 55-years-in-politics do-nothing establishment corpse.

They were never supposed to lose in 2016, and they sure as hell aren't going to let it ever happen again.
Oh yeah? What's that turned into for the conservatives the last 4 years ? Biden presidency and no red wave?

The sooner y'all accept your vote is worthless the faster you can get over the fact you'll never see another Republican president until the steal is stopped. 3.5 years and only Florida has fixed anything.

They still have Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin... Republicans are complicit in it at this point.

Just wait until Dems get both chambers and president. Pack the SC, do amnesty for 15 million illegals.... The death knell.

There's no voting your way out of this.

While I agree with most of this, Wisconsin has purged 100,000 people from their rolls after 2020. (Biden won by 20,000) So it might be fixed. Georgia is making noise about upgrading the voting machines. Not sure if it will happen. They have updated their voting ID rules. (Might help) Arizona is getting a lot of scrutiny since Keri Lake lost. Not sure if it will amount to any change.

They really need to fix Pennsylvania, but I havnt heard of any changes.

Getting both chambers will be very difficult. It will be more difficult the crazier it gets because even Dem voters are becoming disenchanted. So the only way to get them is cheat. That involves so many districts it is a major undertaking.

I know, not much hope, but something is different. Something else to consider, there are states that don’t have cheating set up because they vote consistently democrat that might flip. Wouldn’t that be wild?

The biggest problem, as you mentioned, is alot of pubs are complicit. So even if they take power again, it only stalls the inevitable. I will say we are at the tipping point. If it could just stay tippy for another twenty years, I should be dead.

I’m really praying for Argentina.
He was and will be the closest this country will EVER see to a 3rd party president.

Washington was independent.
Adams was the first Federalist.
Jefferson was the first Democratic-Republican (just to add confusion in modern times, I'm sure).:flipoff2:
Jackson was the first Democrat.
Harrison was the first Whig.
Lincoln was the first Republican.
Johnson was the first National Union.

Only since Grant have we only flip-flopped between Democrat and Republican. There have been 4 Presidents from "Third" Parties, and even one of them was after the Civil War.
While I agree with most of this, Wisconsin has purged 100,000 people from their rolls after 2020. (Biden won by 20,000) So it might be fixed. Georgia is making noise about upgrading the voting machines. Not sure if it will happen. They have updated their voting ID rules. (Might help) Arizona is getting a lot of scrutiny since Keri Lake lost. Not sure if it will amount to any change.

Arizona has made changes, but remains to be seen if they will have a positive effect.

Arizona lawmakers passed legislation last week designed to ensure the state's recently widened recount margin won't disrupt this year's elections.

The fix carves out time for election officials to hit key deadlines even if races go to recounts during the upcoming state primary and general elections. Lawmakers said it will ensure military and overseas voters get their ballots for the November election on time and Arizonans' votes for president count in the national tally.

But the bipartisan election measure includes several provisions that will impact Arizonans at the polls later this year and in election cycles to come. Here's what to know.

Law changes primary date​

The new statute will move the state primary forward this year to buy election officials time to deal with potential recounts.

It was initially scheduled for Aug. 6. The new law moves the election up a week to July 30.

That means other related dates will also be adjusted. The new voter registration deadline will fall on July 1 and ballots will be mailed to early voters on July 3, according to the Arizona Secretary of State's Office.

Next year's primary election will also fall on July 30, per the legislation. After that, it will revert back to the Aug. 6 date unless lawmakers take further action.

Changes for those assisting voters with disabilities​

In Arizona, voters who are physically unable to mark their own ballots may be assisted by others to cast their vote.

These assistants have long been required to sign an affidavit on early ballots attesting under the penalty of perjury that they filled out the ballot as the voter instructed.

Under the new law, their signatures will also be checked by election workers in a process called signature verification.

Election officials said the full ramifications of that change weren't immediately clear. But they said it could mean voting assistants would have to be registered voters themselves.

That could pose future barriers for some voters who need assistance filling out their ballots.

A compressed period to fix missing, mismatched signatures​

During the signature verification process, election workers are trained to look at specific characteristics of a signed early ballot envelope and compare them with known samples of a voter's signature.

If a ballot envelope is missing a signature or staff determine the signature on the envelope does not match previous samples, workers attempt to contact the voter to correct, or "cure," the issue.

State law currently dictates voters have five business days to cure their ballot after election day. The bill swaps that language to calendar days through 2026, meaning voters will have to move slightly faster in the next few years to fix their signature if their ballot requires curing.

The new law also mandates that county recorders and municipal clerks help voters out by staying open on the weekends immediately before and after the election.

New rules for ballots handed in on election day​

Starting in 2026, the new law will change how early ballots handed in on election day are processed.

Those ballots, known as "late earlies," are currently collected from polling locations and drop boxes once voting ends on election day. Then, they must go through the signature verification process before they can be tallied.

The new statute will allow voters who filled out an early ballot to return it to a polling place on election day, show ID and have their ballot stamped as verified without needing scrutiny of the voter's signature against past samples.

That means voters dropping off their early ballots on election day could see new lines in polling places during the next midterm election cycle.

Initial results could come quicker, but close races might still take days​

Lawmakers hope the new process for "late earlies" could speed up vote tallying.

The provision could help counties get more results out on election night once it takes effect. Still, voters can expect full results to take days because state law dictates a mandatory ballot curing period.

Media can call races with wide margins without knowing full tallies, but closer races may hinge on ballots stuck in the curing process.

Donald Trump threatens NATO, says he would 'encourage' Russia to 'do whatever the hell they want'Nikki Haley denounces Donald Trump's attack on her husband - who is deployed overseasHouse GOP field hearing focuses on impact of illegal immigration on public lands in ArizonaDid special counsel cross the line in bashing Biden's memory? Even some Republicans think so
The compressed curing period included in the legislation will slightly shorten the wait for those full results in the next few years — but not enough to get tight races called on election night. Plus, it expires in 2027 unless lawmakers take further action.

Washington was independent.
Adams was the first Federalist.
Jefferson was the first Democratic-Republican (just to add confusion in modern times, I'm sure).:flipoff2:
Jackson was the first Democrat.
Harrison was the first Whig.
Lincoln was the first Republican.
Johnson was the first National Union.

Only since Grant have we only flip-flopped between Democrat and Republican. There have been 4 Presidents from "Third" Parties, and even one of them was after the Civil War.
Okay...I should have phrased it "we" will see. :flipoff2:
Democrats pick candidates based on who has done the most for the party and how many bodies they know the location of.

Choosing candidates democratically puts your fate in the hands of the people. And the people are retarded. :laughing:
In Fairness .... their people would have put Bernie in office, without the party stepping in.
Are we all going to act like watergate wasn't a CIA op/setup? Or do you think Oswald actually did shoot Kennedy too?

So the CIA did Watergate to Gerald Ford in ? :eek: Why ? Does that make sense to you ?

Kennedy is a beat to death dead fucking horse. Not going there. Tee up 9/11 next.
So the CIA did Watergate to Gerald Ford in ? :eek: Why ? Does that make sense to you ?

Kennedy is a beat to death dead fucking horse. Not going there. Tee up 9/11 next.
Well Nixon did start the process of getting us out of the CIA playground of Vietnam! :stirthepot:
Everyone knows GWB (Known for having an early bedtime) and Cheney spent their nights laying in the explosives and Bush a former Tx airnational guardsman personal taught Mohamad Atta how to fly before he became President while living in Midland Tx. They were well known at the titty bars too, Mohamad was working as a roughneck at the Bush family oil company at the time :flipoff2:
Oh yeah? What's that turned into for the conservatives the last 4 years ? Biden presidency and no red wave?

The sooner y'all accept your vote is worthless the faster you can get over the fact you'll never see another Republican president until the steal is stopped. 3.5 years and only Florida has fixed anything.

They still have Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin... Republicans are complicit in it at this point.

Just wait until Dems get both chambers and president. Pack the SC, do amnesty for 15 million illegals.... The death knell.

There's no voting your way out of this.

GOP needs to lose to keep the money train rolling… they need an enemy to keep the donate pockets open
CNN talking about this. The machine really wants him out.

~8:10 in the video where grandpa Joe almost can't find the word rosary, and then full blown can't remember the name of the sacred church he just 8 words ago told us he will always hold permanently etched in his memory forever, during his presser defending how vivid/sharp his memory is; quintisentially sums it up... :laughing:

Classic Brandon moment ( but the media will say that's clearly just cause he's super cereal in his emotions.)... :shaking: "C'mon man! you know.... the place!"

the dem's fumble a bunch of shit in fantastically moronic fashion, but it's becoming more likely that this is actually apparent.
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Oh yeah? What's that turned into for the conservatives the last 4 years ? Biden presidency and no red wave?

The sooner y'all accept your vote is worthless the faster you can get over the fact you'll never see another Republican president until the steal is stopped. 3.5 years and only Florida has fixed anything.

They still have Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin... Republicans are complicit in it at this point.

Just wait until Dems get both chambers and president. Pack the SC, do amnesty for 15 million illegals.... The death knell.

There's no voting your way out of this.
I've said it before... I ain't mad at the democrats for cheating. They are going to do whatever it is they can get by with to win.

I ain't mad at the press. (disappointed, yeah...but I ain't mad) They are who they are.

I am PISSED at the courts. Fuckin livid. 1/3 of our governemnt , an entire branch, just turned their back on enforcing fair elections.

You can't fix voting, if you don't have a court system willing to enforce the rules.
And we haven't done anything to fix the courts since the 2020 election. Not a fuckin thing.
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