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Biden dropping out


Define it?

We export more than we import likely now, or are very close.

You can't be "Energy Independent" and trade on a "global market", and you stop trading on the global market and see where the prices go.

You're using buzz phrases.

Look at numbers, (where you can find them).

i think the phrase "energy independent" really means is if we went to war right now, and couldnt trade oil/gas with another country, then we would be fine sustaining our level we have now with our own resources. Thats the way i have always taken.

basicallly if everyone else stops selling us oil, we will be ok. Prices are another issue.
The one candidate that campaigned on the issue of out of control government, Ramaswamy, was dismissed as a charlatan by many on the right. I'd love to dismantle the Federal apparatus, but there just isn't the stomach for it. ...especially when you consider government is like a religion (and the state like a god) to a large portion of the country.

That portion of the population should be purged.

Why do you think that? Because Trump told you so?

Far from it in actuality. It was basically business as usual as far as our oil importation goes.


Now have a look at gas exports.
Now have a look at gas exports.
Indeed. Can't look at it in a vacuum. We have more refining capacity on the gulf coast than most of the western hemisphere combined. We "import" crude to refine then "export" the refined product, many times right back to where it came from. Those imports never hit our market aside from refining. Heck, Canadian "tar sands" ae counted in the imports when all they are doing is heading to Houston or the west coast. The Houston stuff is refined, the west coast stuff is usually transloaded to Chyna.
That portion of the population should be purged.

Now have a look at gas exports.
The exports went up because starting in 2015 we lifted the exportation ban. That has nothing to do with Trump. Congress lifted the ban because production doubled between 2009 and 2015.

It's awkward when all of a sudden you start realizing who was in office during this timeframe. :laughing:
Would be nice to build a modern refinery.
New one is coming.

They are putting it on the border of Mexico. (Brownsville TX).

I think that says something.
not sure what... but something.


Can Democrats Legally Swap Biden Out for Another Candidate?​

Fred Lucas | June 25, 2024

If Democrats seek to swap out President Joe Biden for another candidate on the Nov. 5 ballot, they’ll face legal challenges, according to an analysis by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

That’s because a patchwork of state laws determines what a political party must do to substitute someone else as a presidential nominee.
“If there is a freezing moment or something very consequential that happens at the debate, the likelihood goes up,” Mike Howell, executive director of the Oversight Project, told reporters Tuesday.
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CNN will host a 90-minute debate Thursday night between Biden and former President Donald Trump.
“There is not a political exception that if you’ve been trying to cover up the fact that your candidate has been declining rapidly to the extent that you are even invoking executive privilege to hide an audio tape … you just get to supersede all of the election integrity rules that exist in the various states,” Howell told reporters.
Special counsel Rober Hur’s report on Biden’s possession of classified documents from his years as vice president and senator characterized him as “elderly” and “struggling” with memory loss.
The Biden administration invoked executive privilege to block release of audio recordings of his two interviews last fall with the special counsel. The Oversight Project is part of a multiparty lawsuit by CNN and other news outlets, as well as watchdog groups, to access the audio recordings of the Biden interviews.
More recently, Biden had a wandering incident at the G7 summit in Italy and also appeared to freeze onstage at the end of a Los Angeles fundraiser and be physically guided away by former President Barack Obama (who Biden served as vice president for eight years).
If delegates to the Democratic National Convention were to nominate another candidate for president in August, it might not affect relevant state laws, said Sam Dewey, counsel for Heritage’s Oversight Project.
“There are two separate questions. One is who gets the party’s nomination. The second is ballot access,” Dewey told reporters. “You can be nominated by a party and not necessarily have access to a ballot. We are seeing that right now with attempts by the DNC to keep Robert Kennedy, RFK Jr., off the ballot. It’s separate. Just being nominated by a party doesn’t get you on a ballot.”
Dewey continued:
Even if at the convention, superdelegates and a bunch of [other] delegates get together and said, ‘We’re not doing this, we’re subbing in the vice president [for Biden], we’re subbing in Hillary Clinton,’ pick whomever, that wouldn’t at all speak to what [our] memo was addressing, which was access to ballots. That’s an entirely different question. If someone drops out, that frequently is litigated.
The Oversight Project sent a memo on substituting candidates to top election officials in all 50 states for their review.
Battleground states such as Georgia and Nevada have procedures under which a presidential candidate may withdraw from the balllot. Wisconsin allows it to occur only in case of death, according to the memo.
“Important caveats include the timeline and triggering events,” the Oversight Project’s memo says, adding:
For example, some states allow withdrawal before the 74th day before an election, and failure to adhere to these timelines can result in the candidate’s name remaining on the ballot (which provides its own corollary of post-election litigation). Likewise, the rationale for withdrawal (death, medical, or other) can be outcome determinative. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow withdrawal for political reasons.
Limited case law exists on swapping out political candidates on a ballot, the memo notes. And at least 31 states defer to state or national party rules and nominating committees in the event of a candidate’s withdrawal.
“These states circumvent the substitution process highlighted above,” the Oversight Project’s memo says. “There may be some avenues for challenges to these laws on improper delegation grounds, however, these may be marginally beneficial.”
For its part, the Biden White House has denied that the president has had any mental or physical problems barring his seeking a second four-year term.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre argued that recent videos unflattering to Biden were “cheap fakes.” First lady Jill Biden has said her husband is a great president “because” of his age.
Why do you think that? Because Trump told you so?

Far from it in actuality. It was basically business as usual as far as our oil importation goes.

A very obvious decline in imports is apparent from 2016 to 2020. Under Trump, the glut we produced so much petroleum that the Oil companies were losing money storing it. Have you forgotten that ? Also, the same Statista site you reference clearly shows the dramatic domestic increase under Trump of both Petroleum and and Natural gas.
Because we lifted the ban on a lot of oil exports. But that was done in 2015.

Way too many folks think policies are light switches. Do a thing and get immediate results. There aren't many light switches in terms of economic policies and most of the light switches aren't good things in our government (see COVID era money printers go brrrrrrr) Most of the effects of policy are months and years in the making.

A very obvious decline in imports is apparent from 2016 to 2020. Under Trump, the glut we produced so much petroleum that the Oil companies were losing money storing it. Have you forgotten that ?
That decline started before 2015, though. I know because I worked for an oil and gas company from 2014 to 2015. I got laid off in February 2015 because oil dropped below $50/bbl.
If he’s the nominee at convention in AUG? Or is he already on the ballot convention notwithstanding? Didn’t read link.

Top 10 Candidates Democrats Are Considering To Replace Joe Biden
POLITICS·Jun 28, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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Democrats were reportedly brainstorming late into the night, scrambling to find a viable candidate — or any candidate — to run against Donald Trump following Joe Biden's disastrous performance in last night's presidential debate.
The Babylon Bee has acquired the following list of the top ten candidates who the Democrats are considering supporting to replace Joe Biden this fall:
  1. Tom Hanks playing Joe Biden: The Oscar-winning actor could give the world his greatest performance, plus everyone is already used to having someone pretending to be president.
  2. King Theoden: Even if it's the version who hasn't been healed by Gandalf, he's better than Biden.
  3. Jimmy Carter: Despite being in hospice care, he's still eligible to serve one more term. Call him up!
  4. Volodymyr Zelensky: He's got presidential experience, plus he already controls the federal budget and the U.S. military, so the transition would be seamless.
  5. Caitlin Clark: The Democrats will be excited to finally have a candidate who can draw a crowd.
  6. This old turnip on the side of the road: At least the turnip won't go wandering off during international summits. And it might even be sentient, which would be an improvement.
  7. Lizzo: World peace may finally be achieved by having a leader everyone is scared to mess with.
  8. One of the purple-haired White House interns: That dude Gale who wears the lipstick was born for this job.
  9. Emperor Palpatine: Only slightly less evil than the current administration, but great with establishing law and order.
  10. Disney World's animatronic Biden: Turn it down to half-speed and voters won't even be able to tell the difference.
Sources have confirmed that Trump isn't afraid to face anyone on the list above, with the possible exception of the turnip.

Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment​

At this point I'm not ruling anything out, my vote is they steal it again and then replace him.
At this point I'm not ruling anything out, my vote is they steal it again and then replace him.
That would explain why the talking points went from "we gotta replace this guy, it's so obvious" immediately after the debate to rallying around the Democratic Party flag. They're stuck. The Republicans aren't gonna help them out on the 25th.

Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment​

So I read the link. It not only talks about the 3 states (Ga, Wi, Nv) that have strict rules, but a lot more states have rules that could be litigated if someone wants to withdraw late in the game. The article says there are groups already preparing to challenge the Dems if and when they pull Brandon.
So I read the link. It not only talks about the 3 states (Ga, Wi, Nv) that have strict rules, but a lot more states have rules that could be litigated if someone wants to withdraw late in the game. The article says there are groups already preparing to challenge the Dems if and when they pull Brandon.

2020 showed that election rules can and will be ignored
Since he has dementia, let Stretchin' Gretchen get him in a nursing home...that will kill him for sure.

That's what happened to my mom. And I'll never forgive that bitch for that...dying alone.
That decline started before 2015, though. I know because I worked for an oil and gas company from 2014 to 2015. I got laid off in February 2015 because oil dropped below $50/bbl.

Maybe. Maybe - but Trump sustained and encouraged drilling and production. The Crime family cartel has done everything in their power to gut Petroleum exploration, development and production and turn the country into their utopian green planet world narrated by David Attenborough and families of cuddly little squirrels and Gerbils.
Since he has dementia, let Stretchin' Gretchen get him in a nursing home...that will kill him for sure.

That's what happened to my mom. And I'll never forgive that bitch for that...dying alone.
Mind-blowing how in 2022 almost all of these lunatic Democrat governors got reelected even after the COVID debacle.
Since he has dementia, let Stretchin' Gretchen get him in a nursing home...that will kill him for sure.

That's what happened to my mom. And I'll never forgive that bitch for that...dying alone.

Were you going to change his shit soaked bedding and diapers twice a day ? It's a painful hurtful discussion to have. Seriously, sorry for your loss. :usa: You and I may well end up there one day . . . .

Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Goes There: 'She's the One Who Wants to Be President Now'​

By Bob Hoge | 7:00 AM on June 30, 2024
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.
Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool
In the wake of Joe Biden’s disastrous Thursday night debate performance, the president has been taking a lot of heat—but he’s not the only one. Joe’s wife, aka the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, has also been subject to withering criticism from myriad pundits who accuse her of being a power-drunk, heartless Lady Macbeth, pushing her clueless husband to keep running despite his obvious mental confusion.

But if there’s anybody who should know about the mind of Mrs. Biden, it’s someone who was married to her for five years. Granted, it was a long time ago, but Bill Stevenson was espoused to the Doctor of Education from 1970 to 1975, and he no longer recognizes the woman he once loved:

"The Dr. Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way," Stevenson lamented. "She’s matriculated into a completely different woman."
On Thursday, the first lady gushed about her husband's debate performance despite immediate calls for Biden to drop out of the race.
"Joe, you did such a great job," she told him at a debate after-party. "You answered every question. You knew all the facts." [Note: This is not parody. That is actually what she said.]
But Stevenson wonders if it’s really Joe behind the obsession to continue running, despite the president's obvious cognitive decline.

"I just don’t understand why she is so adamant about defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he’s struggling," Stevenson said. "It appears that he’s struggling with everybody these days.
"I’ve been proud of her at certain moments. I have no hard feelings. … I’m just surprised to see her front and center in the middle of this battle after flying under the radar for so many years. She’s always been very driven.

"People say she’s the one who wants to be president now."

Stevenson, to his credit, seems to make an effort not to completely trash his ex-wife in his comments, but he feels no such compunction when talking about the president himself:

"It makes me cringe every time he calls Trump a liar because I’m telling you right now, there is no better liar than President Biden," Stevenson said.
"He’s just a bad person. I’m probably one of the few people outside his family who has known him for 50 years."
Whoa. Tell us what you really think.

Biden’s debate performance on Thursday night was so horrendous that pundits on all sides of the political divide are calling for him to exit the presidential race.
The question is why the need to replace the incumbent who less than 4 years ago received "the most votes in US history" against the SAME opponent? If Biden's presidency has been such a success as they claim, surely you'd want to stick with such a proven candidate with that kind of track record.
Since he has dementia, let Stretchin' Gretchen get him in a nursing home...that will kill him for sure.

That's what happened to my mom. And I'll never forgive that bitch for that...dying alone.
It’s easy to say that but weren’t you able to take your mom in and care for her? The other end of our life’s is something people don’t want to deal with in reality, taking care of an elderly that can’t do it themselves anymore is a full time job and not an easy one. Only thing to hope for is a quick lights out like a big stroke or heart attack instead of just whittling away to nothing while staring out into space drooling.

Start out in diapers and end up in them.

Report: Biden Expected to Meet With Family at Camp David to Discuss the Future of His Campaign​

By Brittany Sheehan | 11:30 PM on June 29, 2024
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.
AP Photo/Matt Rourke
Following Thursday's disastrous debate and widespread speculations about President Joe Biden being replaced as the Democratic nominee, his weekend plans indicate a change of course may be on the horizon. Biden plans to meet with family members at Camp David on Sunday to discuss the future of his campaign, five sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.


Speaking under the condition of anonymity, sources tell NBC that there is an understanding among top Democrats that Biden needs space to figure out his next steps. They say only he and his wife can decide whether to keep going or end the campaign early, and they believe pushing him won't help.

One insider familiar with the ongoing discussions said:

The decision-makers are two people — it’s the president and his wife Anyone who doesn’t understand how deeply personal and familial this decision will be isn’t knowledgeable about the situation.
Another source suggested that Jill Biden was the only advisor Joe would listen to, saying:

The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady. If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.
The Biden-Harris campaign has refuted these reports, posting on social media that Joe and Jill Biden's trip to Camp David was planned and announced before Thursday's debate and doubling down on Biden being the eventual Democrat nominee, writing:

Yeah, no. This was announced a week ago. Joe Biden is and will be the Democratic nominee.
The question is why the need to replace the incumbent who less than 4 years ago received "the most votes in US history" against the SAME opponent? If Biden's presidency has been such a success as they claim, surely you'd want to stick with such a proven candidate with that kind of track record.
I wonder how they’ll end up playing this without egg on their faces. I’m positive that whatever they pull, if you mock them they’ll come back calling you names of some kind of phobic mean hater that needs to be sent to a re education camp. The Democratic Party is just plain ole disgusting 🤢
My bets at predict it has me way up right now. I was down to 161 bucks of 287 bucks bet. Then the debate, my joe gonna resign money went positive. And my camel toe is going to be the nominee shot up big time. .
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