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Biden dropping out

Here's a few interesting points, I just copied and paste

Fuck those democrats!

“With less than a year until election day, the Democratic Party has no apparent backup plan if it decides to part with its endorsed candidate.

Choosing a candidate to run against or replace Biden would also likely be a tremendously messy process: Would the party want to go with its current vice president, Kamala Harris, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, or some other dark horse candidate? Who within the party would ultimately make that decision? What happens to all of the Biden campaign's funding?

The Democratic Party doesn't have the luxury of time to figure it out, either: The primary election season has already begun across the nation, and it's far too late for many states to add new names to their ballots per local election laws.

Take Michigan, the next state on the calendar to host its Democratic primary on February 27. In a worst-case scenario, the latest the Democratic Party would've been able to insert a new candidate on the ballot was December 8, 2023, or about two months ago.

Super Tuesday, the day when 15 states — roughly a third of the overall delegate count — hold their primaries, is on March 5. Similar to Michigan, it's also much too late to add a new candidate to those primary ballots, including California, which boasts just under 500 delegates and had a late-December 2023 cutoff point to be added to the ballot.

If a replacement for Biden can't be formally placed on ballots, the only option for the Democratic Party, if it's serious about fielding a different nominee, would be to quickly mobilize a campaign to write that candidate's name on state Democratic primary ballots. But if this write-in campaign isn't implemented before Super Tuesday, there's little chance at all that a formal replacement for Biden will be available on Democratic tickets come November.

The deadline to appear as an independent candidate on general election ballots in November is much more lenient, meaning the Democratic Party could, as a last resort, opt to promote a candidate not even tied to the party on the ballot.”


Democrats don't have many options if they want to replace Biden

It's too late to add new, possibly more favorable candidates to Democratic primary ballots.
From Gee Doggee's post - What happens to all of the Biden campaign's funding?


Hunter can soak all that shit up and burn it in a couple of weeks :flipoff2:
Everything in their world is make believe anyway, why would they want to replace him? They have pretended he is great so far, like Covid I can't see them admitting they were/are wrong about anything.
Some truth to this. It could be that Biden is getting so demented that he is not following the orders of his “overlords”. This could be used to tell the sheep that he (and Trump) are too old to be running the country. That way they don’t ever have to admit he was a terrible pick. He becomes a victim. Good reason to switch to Newsome.
They're gonna sub Newsom in within 6 weeks to go til election day, and then they're gonna keep counting ballots til he wins...

edit: if they do it close enough to the date, they'll say there were errors printing ballots/ mail in ballots in some swing states and try to count all the Biden votes for newsom too.
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Why don't the Repubs do the same thing?
why don't they keep counting til they win? probably mostly because the right gets prosecuted for terrorism for what the left does flagrantly in the open and gets away with. all the same reasons why the left peacefully protests but the right insurrection's.
and then the second most prevalent reason is the righties want to delude themselves into a feeling of moral superiority/take the high road and will cut their nose off to spite their face, by not ballot harvesting and rolling in the mud in the gray areas the left frollicks in.
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They're gonna sub Newsom in within 6 weeks to go til election day, and then they're gonna keep counting ballots til he wins...
I doubt it. From Newsom's perspective it's all downside. His state is in such rough shape that even the most diehard of the Democratic voter base is fleeing his policies in record numbers. Best case scenario he wins and inherits the worst US economy in a lifetime and some of the most dire domestic and international issues the US and the world has faced post-WWII. If he has any brain whatsoever he'll stay away from all of that and run for Congress and circle back to a Presidential run in 2028.

I also don't think they're going to have such an easy time rigging a few key districts like they probably did in the last election. There's no COVID to hide behind. It's a lot harder to flood mail in ballots, keep observers out of counting rooms, etc. There's going to be a lot more scrutiny this time around than there was before.

The DNC really doesn't have anyone to realistically replace Biden. At this point they're better off letting Trump inherit all their bullshit and rely on the national news to keep the narratives about him going and shift blame to him while they regroup over the next 4 years and find someone who doesn't have to run against Trump in 2028. It's a lot easier to shift the blame of all these current situations to Trump when he's in office than it is to get Biden re-elected or another Democrat and have them try to clean up their own mess.
I doubt it. From Newsom's perspective it's all downside. His state is in such rough shape that even the most diehard of the Democratic voter base is fleeing his policies in record numbers. Best case scenario he wins and inherits the worst US economy in a lifetime and some of the most dire domestic and international issues the US and the world has faced post-WWII. If he has any brain whatsoever he'll stay away from all of that and run for Congress and circle back to a Presidential run in 2028.

I also don't think they're going to have such an easy time rigging a few key districts like they probably did in the last election. There's no COVID to hide behind. It's a lot harder to flood mail in ballots, keep observers out of counting rooms, etc. There's going to be a lot more scrutiny this time around than there was before.

The DNC really doesn't have anyone to realistically replace Biden. At this point they're better off letting Trump inherit all their bullshit and rely on the national news to keep the narratives about him going and shift blame to him while they regroup over the next 4 years and find someone who doesn't have to run against Trump in 2028. It's a lot easier to shift the blame of all these current situations to Trump when he's in office than it is to get Biden re-elected or another Democrat and have them try to clean up their own mess.
WTF do you think he's been doing hosting china/ touring isreal?

Dude's state is on a downward spiral/ can barely take in illegals and shower them with money/benefits as fast as lawful tax paying residents/businesses flee the state and he needs to parachute out..

after brandon/cameltoe continue to crater the economy for 5 more years, there will be ashes and rubble (and dirty needles) left of the state he ran into the ground to platform on in '28.

and there's plenty of time for the media to spin up another 'pandemic crisis' between here and november.

the dems aren't just gonna roll over and let Trump walk back into DC. They will cheat til they win; it's going to be obvious to anyone with one braincell of logical rational thought processing ability left in their bodies; and anyone not totally devoid of rational or reasonable skeptical thought processes who dares to question the result will be 'ultra maga extremist election denier insurrectionists posing an existential threat to our democracy'...

the only real incentive to swap demented old grandpa cornpop out is to make the cheating appear less flagrant, however the TDS runs so deep that even moderate dems refuse to concede that its likely or even just plausible that Ray Epps is obviously a fed, and also believe the most likely explanation is that Patriot Front is 4d chess play by the right and they're surely just ultra maga's impersonating feds. So it wont be a stretch for these MSM lemming TDS afflicted people to believe Biden got 90 million votes when the news tells them that after final counts finally come in on black Friday once the dems are done printing additional phantom ballots.
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WTF do you think he's been doing meeting with china/ touring isreal?

Dude's state is on a downward spiral can barely take in illegals and shower them with money/benefits as fast as lawful tax paying residents/businesses flee the state and he needs to parachute out..

after brandon/cameltoe continue to crater the economy for 5 more years, there will be ashes and rubble (and dirty needles) left of the state he ran into the ground to platform on in '28.

and there's plenty of time for the media to spin up another 'pandemic crisis' between here and november.

the dems arent just gonna roll over and let trump walk back into DC.
Grooming him for a future run. He spends a few years in Congress and people forget what he did to CA as a governor. People are stupid and memories are short, the only thing people will remember him for as Governor in 4+ years is name recognition. The public blame for his policies will fall on the next guy as they so often do. Look how terrible Biden's entire career had been up until he because Vice President then President. Every political pundit thought Obama was nuts for picking Biden as VP, but the name recognition helped and Biden's disastrous career was all but forgotten and ignored.

Just going off what I see and what my gut tells me. Of course you may very well be right instead. Who knows, it's impossible to do anything other than speculate.
why don't they keep counting til they win? probably mostly because the right gets prosecuted for terrorism what the left does flagrantly in the open and gets away with. all the same reasons why the left peacfully protests but the right insurrection's.
and then the second most prevalent reason is the righties want to take the high road and will cut their nose off to spite their face, by not ballot harvesting and rolling in the mud in the gray areas the left frollicks in.
You believe the righties want to take the high road?:laughing: Do you remember yellow cake, do you remember Iran Contra, do you remember Watergate? The sooner you realize they're just two sides of the same coin, the better.
You believe the righties want to take the high road?:laughing: Do you remember yellow cake, do you remember Iran Contra, do you remember Watergate? The sooner you realize they're just two sides of the same coin, the better.
I said I believe a smaller / minority contingent of them do believe/want to cosplay that fantasy.
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Why don't the Repubs do the same thing?

The problem with this scenario is the Dems control population centers. The pubs control spread out population. So for the pubs to do this, they would have to wait till the cities were done counting and turned in their results. Then the out lying counties would continue counting until they effect the out come. But of course, then the Dems would inject logic and say “why does it take so long to count”? The other problem is you need far more people “in on it” to effect an election. Remember, in 2020, it was only 6 cities that effected the election.

My answer to this would be all the voting districts should not report results until everybody is done counting. Then, at least, the cheating districts would have to predict how many votes they need instead of just waiting till they know how many they need.
My answer to this would be all the voting districts should not report results until everybody is done counting. Then, at least, the cheating districts would have to predict how many votes they need instead of just waiting till they know how many they need.

I agree with that, but it still may not prevent things like hanging chads.
why don't they keep counting til they win? probably mostly because the right gets prosecuted for terrorism what the left does flagrantly in the open and gets away with. all the same reasons why the left peacfully protests but the right insurrection's.
and then the second most prevalent reason is the righties want to take the high road and will cut their nose off to spite their face, by not ballot harvesting and rolling in the mud in the gray areas the left frollicks in.
A "conservative" if only nominally agenda is going to naturally attract the kind of people working for it who are less likely to push the envelope when it comes to the kinds of dirty shit they can get away with.

The right is always going to be fundamentally at a disadvantage because of this because they're always a decade or two behind the curve.
The Democrats that are worried are just the ones who don't know the steal will work again
Given the frequency the GoP has shot themselves in the foot? Like NV primary or better yet whats going on in MT.

We now have a primary in the GoP for the senate seat between Tim Sheeny and Mat Rosendale which is going to cost time and $$$$$. Both Sheeny and Rosendale are pro Trump but Sheeny was hand selected by Gov Gianforte and Sen Daines to run against 3 term dem Sen. Tester and Rosendale lost to Tester last election (6 yrs ago). Rosendale happens to be 1 of the 2 Fed House members so with him running for Senate the GoP now has to pick someone else (dark horse) to run for that seat...can we say lots of campaign money required compliments of this along with having to wait until the MT primary before starting campaign ads?
You believe the righties want to take the high road?:laughing: Do you remember yellow cake, do you remember Iran Contra, do you remember Watergate? The sooner you realize they're just two sides of the same coin, the better.
Some people can only see/remember what's convenient or what serves their narrative. Pretty much the same as people looking at the past through rose colored glasses.
This is exactly what I think is going to happen. Always have. This commenter said it perfectly from the Matt Taibbi site that I was reading last night.

This is best way to kill two problem birds with one stone. They dump two unpopular people in Biden and Harris and have a valid excuse for axing a female POC. Even if Newsome loses, his profile is raised for the next cycle. I honestly think that the country isn't ready for someone as liberal as Newsome and I also believe most of the country doesn't know how left he is. This gives him a chance to "evolve" like he already has been doing but going against many leftie policies that he would have been all for a few years ago.

This guy summed it up perfectly.
Biden is a placeholder for the Democrats. Once the primary season is done, but sometime before the Democrat Convention (August 19) but after the last state primaries (early June), Biden will have a come to Jesus moment, Dr, Jill will advise that for his health he is withdrawing, the Party will tee up the candidate they will run on. Likely Gavin Awesome. Then Gavin will have a surprise VP pick and that will be confirmed at the Party Convention. Kamala won't be the VP nominee because the Constitution, Art. II prohibits an elector from voting for two people from their own state for the office of President and VP. Cali has 55 votes and that could end up in some chaos if the 55 Cali electors can't vote for both Gavin Hairgel and Kamala Gigglebot. At least that is how the Dems will sell a pick other than Harris. It will still be an identitarian intersectional candidate but more competent than Harris. So it will be Trump/? versus Newsome/?
Here's a few interesting points, I just copied and paste

Fuck those democrats!

“With less than a year until election day, the Democratic Party has no apparent backup plan if it decides to part with its endorsed candidate.

Choosing a candidate to run against or replace Biden would also likely be a tremendously messy process: Would the party want to go with its current vice president, Kamala Harris, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, or some other dark horse candidate? Who within the party would ultimately make that decision? What happens to all of the Biden campaign's funding?

The Democratic Party doesn't have the luxury of time to figure it out, either: The primary election season has already begun across the nation, and it's far too late for many states to add new names to their ballots per local election laws.

Take Michigan, the next state on the calendar to host its Democratic primary on February 27. In a worst-case scenario, the latest the Democratic Party would've been able to insert a new candidate on the ballot was December 8, 2023, or about two months ago.

Super Tuesday, the day when 15 states — roughly a third of the overall delegate count — hold their primaries, is on March 5. Similar to Michigan, it's also much too late to add a new candidate to those primary ballots, including California, which boasts just under 500 delegates and had a late-December 2023 cutoff point to be added to the ballot.

If a replacement for Biden can't be formally placed on ballots, the only option for the Democratic Party, if it's serious about fielding a different nominee, would be to quickly mobilize a campaign to write that candidate's name on state Democratic primary ballots. But if this write-in campaign isn't implemented before Super Tuesday, there's little chance at all that a formal replacement for Biden will be available on Democratic tickets come November.

The deadline to appear as an independent candidate on general election ballots in November is much more lenient, meaning the Democratic Party could, as a last resort, opt to promote a candidate not even tied to the party on the ballot.”


Democrats don't have many options if they want to replace Biden

It's too late to add new, possibly more favorable candidates to Democratic primary ballots.

So they are fucked now and Biden is pretty much the guy they have to roll with. Cool
You believe the righties want to take the high road?:laughing: Do you remember yellow cake, do you remember Iran Contra, do you remember Watergate? The sooner you realize they're just two sides of the same coin, the better.

Never heard of yellow cake, no one else has either. Looked it up, thats just stupid weirdo conspiro trivial shit. We went into Iraq because the UN inspection was blocked and they left. Hans Blix, CNN. That's when we gave Sadam an ultimatum. For Fucks Sake. The other two events are over thirty years ago. All of those people, and their mothers, are all dead now. Ancient, past history. They may be the same coin, but the BS gets thick in here. :shaking: I would agree in principle with what you say about a high road but your sure mudded that up.
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Never heard of yellow cake, no one else has either. Looked it up, thats just stupid weirdo conspiro trivial shit. We went into Iraq because the UN inspection was blocked and they left. Hans Blix, CNN. That's when we gave Sadam an ultimatum. For Fucks Sake. The other two events are over thirty years ago. Ancient, past history. They may be the same coin, but the BS gets thick in here. :shaking: I would agree in principle with what you say about a high road but your sure mudded that up.
Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean no one has. That was all over the news at the time and as was the fake report they used to demonstrate Sadaam had been trying to purchase uranium. It's not some fringe conspiracy, it was all over mainstream news.

The director of the CIA and Colin Powell also referred to it in testimony in front of Congress defending the invasion of Iraq.
Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean no one has. That was all over the news at the time and as was the fake report they used to demonstrate Sadaam had been trying to purchase uranium. It's not some fringe conspiracy, it was all over mainstream news.

The director of the CIA and Colin Powell also referred to it in testimony in front of Congress defending the invasion of Iraq.

It is immaterial to the invasion of Iraq.
Are you ? As I stated the UN was unable to inspect, packed their bags and left. Serious question. How old were you in 2002 ?
Are you ? As I stated the UN was unable to inspect, packed their bags and left. Serious question. How old were you in 2002 ?
Old enough I was politically active and doing my own research beyond what was on major news sources. Nice attempt at deflection though I guess.
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