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Biden dropping out

When they figure out how to install Big Mike. Then all the sheep who wore masks but didn’t believe they worked will again be told to “Vote for Big Mike, Big Mike had the courage to come out as trans. Dont be transphobic.”

ETA: He will decide not to run based on non cognitive issues. I wouldn’t be surprised is someone had a “drug overdose” and he stepped down to be with Jill and family at a time like this.
Even Fox News see it coming.

Dems losing record support from blacks and Hispanics.

Gen Z can't afford to buy a home, even if self-inflicted.

World on edge of WWIII.

Gender issues pushed down our throats.

Even Democrats tiring of the migrants.

Businesses fleeing cities due to crime, and no repercussions to crime.

A feeble elderly man who can't find his wage off stage, talking to dead people, and polling in the 30's .

But, everyone is going to vote for Biden and the Democrats again. That's what we'll be expected to believe.
I think it's simpler than all that. Biden is their top of the brand, the party leader. They will not willingly damage him or their brand. I think it's that simple

That's a dumb statement. Hes damaging himself and the party more everyday staying where he is. :homer:
Dems losing record support from blacks and Hispanics.

Gen Z can't afford to buy a home, even if self-inflicted.

World on edge of WWIII.

Gender issues pushed down our throats.

Even Democrats tiring of the migrants.

Businesses fleeing cities due to crime, and no repercussions to crime.

A feeble elderly man who can't find his wage off stage, talking to dead people, and polling in the 30's .

But, everyone is going to vote for Biden and the Democrats again. That's what we'll be expected to believe.
So you believe the news and polls about voter turnout when you want to.
I couldn’t afford to buy a home when I was the age of most Gen Z. 1996…so they’re 27-28.

Being tired of migrants and gender issues doesn’t mean they want to change gender and migrant issues. For fuck sake, Trumps “Muslim ban” is going to come back into the spotlight.

we are nowhere close to world war 3. Jesus fuck I’ve heard this for 30 years. It was supposed to happen after 9 11 and never did. People should shut the fuck up about world war especially those who learned about it in history books.
You think the family doesn't have hard evidence as an insurance policy and that it would be he said she said? :lmao:
What I believe is, China is using this administration , the Democrats, and corrupt Republicans to keep America at bay. There is no way that man would be in office with all the baggage he has.
I'm 100% convinced that if the people had anything to say about who was to be in office right now it would be Trump. ....and if not Trump it would be Tulsi Gabbard. That mother fucker would have never stood a chance against her.

I feel the same about Obama. What a fucking pos pussy he was. :flipoff:
So you believe the news and polls about voter turnout when you want to.
I couldn’t afford to buy a home when I was the age of most Gen Z. 1996…so they’re 27-28.

Being tired of migrants and gender issues doesn’t mean they want to change gender and migrant issues. For fuck sake, Trumps “Muslim ban” is going to come back into the spotlight.

we are nowhere close to world war 3. Jesus fuck I’ve heard this for 30 years. It was supposed to happen after 9 11 and never did. People should shut the fuck up about world war especially those who learned about it in history books.

No, I don't believe the polls because it's difficult to fathom even 30% truly approve of Biden. Watch him get "reelected" anyway.

People who want change but keep voting for the same lunatic policies, yes that's a problem. But you'd think by now at least a few would have waken up.

Also, World war isn't necessarily going to look like 1944. We are, perhaps, already in WWIII.

And losing.

The nature of Warfare has always changed. It is no longer with guns, bombs and missiles.

Now they are dumping tons of fentonal into our country, flooding us with illegal aliens, twisting our culture with BS ideologies, controlling our media, setting us against each other etc.
Not gonna happen, too much money being made. Military Industrial Complex and deep state gov will be dragging Biden around Weekend at Bernie's style as long as they can.
I heard someone refer to Biden as Weekend at Bernie's recently, I'm going to continue to use that :laughing:

And losing.

The nature of Warfare has always changed. It is no longer with guns, bombs and missiles.

Now they are dumping tons of fentonal into our country, flooding us with illegal aliens, twisting our culture with BS ideologies, controlling our media, setting us against each other etc.
I agree with this. In my opinion we are likely beyond repair. You would have to start working on it now and anyone actually trying is vilified for their efforts. It would take 20 years to get it out of our schools and that doesn't account for the current crop.
What I believe is, China is using this administration , the Democrats, and corrupt Republicans to keep America at bay. There is no way that man would be in office with all the baggage he has.

I feel the same about Obama. What a fucking pos pussy he was. :flipoff:
You actually think a president is anything more besides being a puppet/paid for mouth piece?

All part of the plan. While there is a wedge between citizens, and they are still buying into a myth of a two party system, good 'ole fleecing will continue. Until there is nothing for leeches to fleece off of us anymore.
If it happens it won’t be until the convention…. So August 20th or so.

This is my guess, but the Dems are getting worried, so it maybe sooner. This is one time that I wish the news would go slower. I want Biden impeached in the house. (Not the senate) and I want all his crooked shenanigans to come out near November. I don’t want him replaced early because that will give the media time to massage the poll numbers back close to where Trump can lose and they will cheat the rest.

What I believe is, China is using this administration ,

I feel the same about Obama. What a fucking pos pussy he was. :flipoff:

First line is true. Obama is a puppet of the Muslims. I don’t believe the two are working together. But both of them benefit keeping Trump out.

I think there are three main forces here. China, Muslims and the “One world government” people. All three are thinking they are using the other two to gat what they want. I believe China has the edge. I don’t really think Trump can stop this, but he may set them back 15 years.
That's a dumb statement. Hes damaging himself and the party more everyday staying where he is. :homer:

You're thinking with logic.

It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. And the provers are the media and the social media influencers who say Biden is great and trump is the devil. It doesn't have to be fact based it just has to be a big enough lie and propaganda will propagate.
This is my guess, but the Dems are getting worried, so it maybe sooner. This is one time that I wish the news would go slower. I want Biden impeached in the house. (Not the senate) and I want all his crooked shenanigans to come out near November. I don’t want him replaced early because that will give the media time to massage the poll numbers back close to where Trump can lose and they will cheat the rest.

First line is true. Obama is a puppet of the Muslims. I don’t believe the two are working together. But both of them benefit keeping Trump out.

I think there are three main forces here. China, Muslims and the “One world government” people. All three are thinking they are using the other two to gat what they want. I believe China has the edge. I don’t really think Trump can stop this, but he may set them back 15 years.

The Democrats that are worried are just the ones who don't know the steal will work again
So you believe the news and polls about voter turnout when you want to.
I couldn’t afford to buy a home when I was the age of most Gen Z. 1996…so they’re 27-28.

Being tired of migrants and gender issues doesn’t mean they want to change gender and migrant issues. For fuck sake, Trumps “Muslim ban” is going to come back into the spotlight.

we are nowhere close to world war 3. Jesus fuck I’ve heard this for 30 years. It was supposed to happen after 9 11 and never did. People should shut the fuck up about world war especially those who learned about it in history books.

I agree with this statement, been there, seen that, but I think now is different.

We never had the mass migration across the globe like were seeing right now. Mostly put in place and financed by the puppet masters. What's the purpose of that.

What's the purpose of dividing us here and throughout the globe amongst ourselves on social, gender, racial, etc.?

Actually I could sit here all day and type out all the things I've seen in the last 4 years that I just can't see anything other than a master plan.

Sometimes we look at the tree when when we should be looking at the forest.

And I think I see a shit ton of smoke on the horizon.

I think the real question is, who has their hand up O bummers ass then. This stuff isn't just happening here, it's global. Edit: (Western) World leaders are making statements and doing stuff directly to hurt their own countries. Call me crazy, but I don't believe in this much coincidence.

You actually think a president is anything more besides being a puppet/paid for mouth piece?

All part of the plan. While there is a wedge between citizens, and they are still buying into a myth of a two party system, good 'ole fleecing will continue. Until there is nothing for leeches to fleece off of us anymore.
Until Trump. Yes I'd feel safe saying they've all been puppets. That's why we the people are sick of it and vote for Trump.

Tulsi stood her ground too and look where that got her.

I Don't know about you but I'm sick of the puppet BS and want smart negotiations to be the new way. :homer: Only then will we be able to ferret out corruption here and other countries.
Late to the party but I fully believe this is what's going to happen.

Newsom will be inserted in the 11th hour.
That’s my prediction.
He's already been dealing with chyna directly and who knows what else he's scheming on.
Not gonna happen, too much money being made. Military Industrial Complex and deep state gov will be dragging Biden around Weekend at Bernie's style as long as they can.
Late to the party but I fully believe this is what's going to happen.

He's already been dealing with chyna directly and who knows what else he's scheming on.
The Democrats (New world order) are a “highest bidder” kind of group. In 08’ the Muslims (Obumer) out bid Chyna (Hitlery). Part of that was because the New world people thought the black man was more electable, so they didn’t need to cheat as much. In 16’ chyna upped their game and proved the new world order people were right. (She wasn’t electable even with cheating. In 20’, chyna upped it again and we have Biden. So the Newsome ticket is very likly. But if Micheal decides to run, he may have to wait his turn.
Okay....the committee said Biden was just an old forgetful old man and would not recommend pressing charges.

Now the white house and the Biden administration is wanting the ruling reworded as they claim there is nothing wrong with his memory.

Okay, then charge his ass! He was just handed a get out of jail free card and they're bitching about it. Just shows how stupid democrats actually are.
Newsom will be inserted in the 11th hour.
That’s my prediction.
Or Micheal Obama. But it’ll be some extreme commie leftist they’ll put in place of Biden. I’m starting to see the left talking about Biden’s mental health but tip toeing around the subject
You actually think a president is anything more besides being a puppet/paid for mouth piece?

All part of the plan. While there is a wedge between citizens, and they are still buying into a myth of a two party system, good 'ole fleecing will continue.

I disagree with this. WTH was Trump then ? Do you acknowledge that his SCOTUS picks are last best rock against the glass window of forced change we are submitted to ?
Until Trump. Yes I'd feel safe saying they've all been puppets. That's why we the people are sick of it and vote for Trump.

Tulsi stood her ground too and look where that got her.

I Don't know about you but I'm sick of the puppet BS and want smart negotiations to be the new way. :homer: Only then will we be able to ferret out corruption here and other countries.
It's exactly why he was hated by democrat AND republican politicians.

They never expected him to win. He was and will be the closest this country will EVER see to a 3rd party president.
It's exactly why he was hated by democrat AND republican politicians.

They never expected him to win. He was and will be the closest this country will EVER see to a 3rd party president.

Trump was nothing, a political zero when he started. After a single debate he stood out loud and clear. Actually, the term RINO fits him very well. He was not even a politician, never mind not being a Republican. He is not done yet. Five years from now McConnell, Graham, and some 50-60 guys named DOUCHEBAG from the Republican side alone will leave in shame from congress and retire.
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