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Biden dropping out


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Make your bets - When will he drop from the ticket?
I hate "they" :flipoff:

It's sad to see what our country has become. But...we deserve it as a whole.

Fuckin lmnop fucks and the people who support them like the....fuck...now I'm pissed...
A pos criminal who steals something and doesn't get caught isn't going to just never do it again. They will continue to cheat until we finally decide to get off the couch and start hanging these fucks from light polls.
Republicans are too busy complaining about working all the time.
When you pry it from his cold, dead, you know... The thing...

Exactly this.

I truly believe the Biden family has dirt on every single career politician and official in Washington and beyond and uses it to get their every wish for that stupid fuck. There is absolutely no other explanation for why this senile old fuckstick is still in office and is running for a second term without anybody in DC's disapproval based on his failing mind/health alone, nevermind all the unethical/criminal shit himself and family members get away with. There is literally no other reasonable explanation for this clown world shit at this point.....
Exactly this.

I truly believe the Biden family has dirt on every single career politician and official in Washington and beyond and uses it to get their every wish for that stupid fuck. There is absolutely no other explanation for why this senile old fuckstick is still in office and is running for a second term without anybody in DC's disapproval based on his failing mind/health alone, nevermind all the unethical/criminal shit himself and family members get away with. There is literally no other reasonable explanation for this clown world shit at this point.....

I think it's simpler than all that. Biden is their top of the brand, the party leader. They will not willingly damage him or their brand. I think it's that simple
When the trusted news initiative is getting the narrative cooking, the decision has already been made.

They haven't made any decisions. This is all part of the game. Every outfit addresses it, and they move on. That's why this was done in February. Long forgotten and ignored by February 29th
They haven't made any decisions. This is all part of the game. Every outfit addresses it, and they move on. That's why this was done in February. Long forgotten and ignored by February 29th
All one big scam. He knows hes losing. This is his way of skating on any charges and keeping all the mone6 theyve bilked. Just a slightly different angle than that slag hillary.
Not gonna happen, too much money being made. Military Industrial Complex and deep state gov will be dragging Biden around Weekend at Bernie's style as long as they can.
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