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Bead roller: discussion/show and tell


Red Skull Member
Jan 28, 2023
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Post up your work, tips and tricks, ask questions and show off your machine
Standard 18” Woodward that I’ve had kicking around for years but haven’t used it just yet. Going to bead some tubing for a custom fuel filler neck soon. I’ve hoarded many of the typical dies. Machine hasn’t been modded or motorized yet. Will need to customized so it’s ready for action once I get back after the rebuild of my 4500 KOH racer
I've always liked watching artists use a bead roller, and have used one a bit myself in the past for simple mechanical needs like hose fittings and stiffening beads on duct or blade guards.

I had an opportunity to get a roller very similar to this one with a few die sets a while back and passed on it as I just don't have the room for more equipment right now.

Slightly off subject.

Did Dueling ever make it over here from the original board?

I keep up with him through the book of faces. He has been really successful and seems to have a good thing going.
I have the 24" x 16 gauge rated Baileigh machine

Only reason I ended up with it was because I won a 50% off coupon on a tool up to $2k for doing one of their Instagram contests back in the day, whan that was a thing. My ex-wife messed with it a lot doing various art things for her little side business but I can't seem to find any of the pics of it.

I've used it for beading turbo hard pipes, water necks for cooling systems, as well as some aesthetic details on a few parts. I did do the 16 ga firewall on my WW2 Dodge with it... twas not happy but it did do a decent job.

I haven't touched the thing in so long that my current girlfriend of now 3 years pointed at it covered in coats in the shop corner and was like "what is that?". So of course I had to show her the finger pinching machine. It is super great for flanging sheets that need to overlay or beading up panels that need some vibration resistance.

ex wife on random saturday morning wrecking random pieces of scrap that she'd pick up.

Kick panel for the Dodge with a built in mount for the Canbus system.

Misc bead work in the console and floor panels


Misc firewall beading work in 16 ga. Vintage air AC port mounts and such.


And the pic that got me the 50% off coupon, had to share that.

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