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ATF getting ready to reclassify pistol braces?


Grumpy old fuck
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Heard this tossed around and watched some videos. Hopefully they don’t do anything stupid. I believe the ruling is in reference to the SBA3. Possible length of pull issues.
Glad that this has been brought to everyone's attention. They will most likely back down from this.
I only knew 1 person who had a bumpstock, they were a gimmick.

There are hundreds of thousands of braces out there. The cats out of the bag on this one. If they were smart, they would just shitcan the SBS and SBR laws.
They won't do that obviously, but the braces at least get you 80% of the way there.
Glad that this has been brought to everyone's attention. They will most likely back down from this.
I only knew 1 person who had a bumpstock, they were a gimmick.

There are hundreds of thousands of braces out there. The cats out of the bag on this one. If they were smart, they would just shitcan the SBS and SBR laws.
They won't do that obviously, but the braces at least get you 80% of the way there.

Supposedly there are over 700,000 of just this one particular brace in question. I’m guessing the ATF is salty that they are losing lots of money in tax stamps.
Heard about this a couple days ago, it’s pretty crappy that it appears the only legal course of action as citizens appears to be writing a letter to your district’s representative.

I’m not sure if it’s about the tax revenue or control. While I don’t agree with the NFA/tax stamp model, if they would get rid of the wait times, travel restrictions, and registrations I’m sure they would make a shit ton of $. Literally make it a “tax stamp”, where you go into your local gun shop and the stamps are sold out of a case like lotto tickets, even if they kept the $200 price tag. No info given, you just have to affix said stamp to your SBR for it to be legal.

I’ve been seeing YouTube videos of “gun guys” laughing at the idea of a gun confiscation, saving it will never happen here, there are too many out there, military won’t go along with taking them, etc. Nobody is mentioning that if they make thing illegal, they don’t actually have to take it to keep you from using it. Sure, you can keep possession of your pistol brace if they ban them, but if you can’t use it on a range to practice, hunt with it, keep it on your truck/home defense gun without risking a felony, do you still “have” it?
Heard about this a couple days ago, it’s pretty crappy that it appears the only legal course of action as citizens appears to be writing a letter to your district’s representative.

I’m not sure if it’s about the tax revenue or control. While I don’t agree with the NFA/tax stamp model, if they would get rid of the wait times, travel restrictions, and registrations I’m sure they would make a shit ton of $. Literally make it a “tax stamp”, where you go into your local gun shop and the stamps are sold out of a case like lotto tickets, even if they kept the $200 price tag. No info given, you just have to affix said stamp to your SBR for it to be legal.

I’ve been seeing YouTube videos of “gun guys” laughing at the idea of a gun confiscation, saving it will never happen here, there are too many out there, military won’t go along with taking them, etc. Nobody is mentioning that if they make thing illegal, they don’t actually have to take it to keep you from using it. Sure, you can keep possession of your pistol brace if they ban them, but if you can’t use it on a range to practice, hunt with it, keep it on your truck/home defense gun without risking a felony, do you still “have” it?

your gun literally fires and operates exactly the same with a bare buffer tube.

also, the ATF doesnt care how many of a certain thing are out in the publics hands. if they want them gone, make a rule and then its done. Negotiating with the ATF gets you nowhere. its how we ended up with 41F.

if anyone is surprised by this, you havent been paying attention. or you're dumb. or both.
The Republicans are as big of gun grabbers as the Democrats, but this won’t happen before the election. With the NRA in tailspin there isn’t much stopping them.
Supposedly there are over 700,000 of just this one particular brace in question. I’m guessing the ATF is salty that they are losing lots of money in tax stamps.

I don't think every person that bought a brace would buy a SBR tax stamp in this case (like if a person has 6 braces @ $120 ($720), I doubt they would have purchased 6 stamps if braces were not available - 6 stocks @ $50? plus 6 stamps ($1,500). If that's the calculation they're using, they're most likely overestimating their "lost" revenue.
your gun literally fires and operates exactly the same with a bare buffer tube.

also, the ATF doesnt care how many of a certain thing are out in the publics hands. if they want them gone, make a rule and then its done. Negotiating with the ATF gets you nowhere. its how we ended up with 41F.

if anyone is surprised by this, you havent been paying attention. or you're dumb. or both.

The gun does operate the same, but I can’t operate IT the same way. Maybe if I were a 5’0” dwarf, but as a normal sized person there’s a dramatic difference. I’ve done it both ways.

The ATF ban discussion wasn’t about there being too many for the ATF to go up against, as you said they don’t give a shit.

Youtube guys were saying: “Even if assault weapons are banned, people aren’t going to hand them all in, and they aren’t going door to door confiscating them.”

My point was: “If you’ve got to hide it in your attic, bury it in the back yard, or worry about being busted with it, they’ve effectively taken it from you anyways.”

Sure, shooting in your backyard nobody will know if you’ve got a pistol brace. But if semi-auto rifles are banned, people will be able to hear you using them.
The gun does operate the same, but I can’t operate IT the same way. Maybe if I were a 5’0” dwarf, but as a normal sized person there’s a dramatic difference. I’ve done it both ways.

The ATF ban discussion wasn’t about there being too many for the ATF to go up against, as you said they don’t give a shit.

Youtube guys were saying: “Even if assault weapons are banned, people aren’t going to hand them all in, and they aren’t going door to door confiscating them.”

My point was: “If you’ve got to hide it in your attic, bury it in the back yard, or worry about being busted with it, they’ve effectively taken it from you anyways.”

Sure, shooting in your backyard nobody will know if you’ve got a pistol brace. But if semi-auto rifles are banned, people will be able to hear you using them.

That last part is incorrect. Wait between shots.
I’ve been seeing YouTube videos of “gun guys” laughing at the idea of a gun confiscation, saving it will never happen here, there are too many out there, military won’t go along with taking them, etc. Nobody is mentioning that if they make thing illegal, they don’t actually have to take it to keep you from using it. Sure, you can keep possession of your pistol brace if they ban them, but if you can’t use it on a range to practice, hunt with it, keep it on your truck/home defense gun without risking a felony, do you still “have” it?

Youtube guys were saying: “Even if assault weapons are banned, people aren’t going to hand them all in, and they aren’t going door to door confiscating them.”

:lmao: Ask those Youtubers how many people they know with illicit autosears. Not very damned many, because they're "illegal". Most people follow the law, no matter how dum it is.
:lmao: Ask those Youtubers how many people they know with illicit autosears. Not very damned many, because they're "illegal". Most people follow the law, no matter how dum it is.

I agree with the fringe or gimmick stuff like full auto, bump stocks, homemade suppressors, etc. If a law passed tomorrow that said hand in every AR-15 and magazine over 10 rounds, my guess is a lot of people wouldn’t comply.

The problem is nowadays everybody is of the “hur hur hur, I lost all my guns in a boating accident” mindset, rather than standing up for their rights. If a ban happens, it’s time to fly the Gonzales flag.
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