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Active Air Force member lights himself on fire outside Israel embassy in DC

Not about suffering, about education. Curious how long he stood and what he was doing while on fire, especially seeing how that one cop was just so scared that Mr.Fireball is gonna shoot flames from his fingertips or something.

"Get a fire extinguisher, quick!"
Pulls out gun instead...

Until the guy starts running at people trying to set them on fire...
If only celebrities who claim they're going to leave the country if [random conservative policy passes] would just self immolate. Man, think of the savings to the environment not wasting the jet fuel to fly away from the U. S. of A.

Bye, Felicia.
i have seen the unblurred video he stood straight up mostly normal looking more then half the time he was on fire even with his clothes burnt and falling to the ground he was standing straight up and yelling . more commitment then 99.99 percent of the people i know :mad3::mad3:
I posted the vid In the D.R.T. thread. I've been out of the loop as I lost my phone last Friday and just got the replacement. I don't know what he was saying but from the bits I'm reading and the memes I'm seeing, it's leftist ideology? Here's the video of the candle
I posted the vid In the D.R.T. thread. I've been out of the loop as I lost my phone last Friday and just got the replacement. I don't know what he was saying but from the bits I'm reading and the memes I'm seeing, it's leftist ideology? Here's the video of the candle

He's saying "free Palestine"

Or "need calamine" as in lotion

I'm not watching the video because his family wants me to watch it, among other reasons

I'm not watching the video because his family wants me to watch it, among other reasons
Here’s the good part. The demon face he released while burning
Not much to be said that hasn't already been said...good riddance.
There are things on this earth worth this kind of dedication, Israel / Palestine is not one of them in my opinion.

Self immolation as a political tool is wild, but we live in the age of people chopping their own dicks off for social media clout so that's a big meh from me.

At the stage the cops got to him it might be more merciful to just let the accelerant burn out rather than douse him in extinguisher powder.
Self immolation as a political tool is bullshit.
Fixed to reflect my opinion.

It's the same as hunger strikes and the bum asking for change- it's hijacking your good social graces to extort behavior from you. I don't appreciate someone telling me how to feel. The net result is that my sympathy for those actually in need is eroded, and my reaction next time is "Fuck that guy."

I'll happily give someone a ride or a gallon of gas...if they're not a professional scammer. Human Torch up there is a professional scammer.

Well, I'd probably give him a gallon of gas...:laughing:
I made the statement on a local news FB page that it'd be a real shame of this becomes inspiring to other liberals.

Heads blew. Said only a maga would want fellow Americans dead....etc etc.

I rebuttaled with "Didn't you liberals hope those unmask and unvaxed would die?"

The news removed the rebuttal. :lmao:
At about 5 seconds he had a change of mind. Went from saying free Palestine to I’m melting, I think.
I feel the exact same way about Israel as I do about Ukraine. Not our fucking problem.
I feel the exact same way about Israel as I do about Ukraine. Not our fucking problem.

For the most part yes.

Ukraine is as corrupt as Russia.

Israel is at least fighting against the muzzies. Not that I think they should get our money because of that, but maybe a hip, hip, hooray.
For the most part yes.

Ukraine is as corrupt as Russia.
I don’t have a problem generally with helping allies in principle but Ukraine doesn’t qualify, and if it does there needs to be an explainer included. The rat hole that is the current policy re: Ukraine is a fucking disaster in management and execution.
Israel is at least fighting against the muzzies. Not that I think they should get our money because of that, but maybe a hip, hip, hooray.
Israel is more in our interest than Ukraine. They aren’t stupid so they ask for some money (everyone else has their hand out and daddy America seems to fill them all), but what they want more is for the US to give said “hip-hip-hooray” in order to keep their enemies off their back. They are plenty capable of taking care of themselves, we’ve done more to hamper that in the last 4 decades than help by telling them to not to.
If we’d just say clearly and repeatedly “do what you want, we ain’t stopping you” this would be over in weeks.
I don’t have a problem generally with helping allies in principle but Ukraine doesn’t qualify, and if it does there needs to be an explainer included. The rat hole that is the current policy re: Ukraine is a fucking disaster in management and execution.

Israel is more in our interest than Ukraine. They aren’t stupid so they ask for some money (everyone else has their hand out and daddy America seems to fill them all), but what they want more is for the US to give said “hip-hip-hooray” in order to keep their enemies off their back. They are plenty capable of taking care of themselves, we’ve done more to hamper that in the last 4 decades than help by telling them to not to.
If we’d just say clearly and repeatedly “do what you want, we ain’t stopping you” this would be over in weeks.

Israel doesn't kick back 10% to the big guy.
I think the cop with the gun just thought something more was going down, like this motherfucker just set himself on fire what shenanigans will he get up to next?
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