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Active Air Force member lights himself on fire outside Israel embassy in DC


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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Burning alive is one of the top ways I don’t want to die, to light yourself on fire is insane. To give your life in this manner just to be heard about your protest on something is also insane. It’s not going to make any difference at all in the end.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that an active-duty member of the U.S. Air Force carried out a shocking act of self-immolation outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, according to officials from the Air Force and local law enforcement.

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) arrived at the scene on the 3500 block of International Drive, NW, after being called to assist the United States Secret Service at around 1:00 p.m. local time.

A statement from the MPD stated, “An individual set themselves on fire in front of an embassy in the block.”

The man, who was later identified as Aaron Bushnell, was transported to a local hospital by DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services and was in critical condition, according to DC authorities.

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“MPD’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) has also been requested to scene in reference to a suspicious vehicle that may be connected to the individual. This remains an active investigation at this time,” MPD wrote.

Later updates confirmed that the vehicle was cleared without the discovery of hazardous materials.

The act of self-immolation was livestreamed on Twitch, according to citizen reporter Talia Jane.

Talia was able to obtain a copy of the video, and it was posted on X with the permission of Aaron Bushnell’s family.

In the video, Bushnell, dressed in military uniform, said, “I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But, compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

He then set himself on fire, shouting “Free Palestine.”

As Bushnell burned, one officer called out for help while another, gun drawn, ordered Bushnell to the ground. It took three fire extinguishers and the arrival of EMTs to quench the flames.

Despite their efforts, Talia Jane later reported that Bushnell succumbed to his injuries, marking a tragic end to his protest.

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Mentally ill and deranged by the media who seem to think that we need to be involved over there. If he wanted to make a real statement he'd have done it in front of the White House while Biden was walking edit: stumbling to Marine One
I bet that dude is re-thinking his decision while sitting in the burn unit suffering. Fucker couldn't even kill himself correctly. Fucking fail!
Huh, Biden's been shifting towards pandering to his extreme left but doesn't want to alienate the few moderates that cling to him.
Would you wrap your reasons for withdrawing support in the flag of a service member who "couldn't take it anymore" regarding our "help" we've given Israel? How would he have "knowledge" of these "atrocities" if we weren't directly invovled?
Are we doing anything more than providing intelligence and a little cash to Israel? If we are, what are the chances we aren't directly involved in Ukraine? If we aren't with Israel and are with Ukraine, wouldn't this claim given credence by a useful idiot literally lighting himself on fire provide a smokescreen for both the hard left and the isolationist right?
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