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75 Hard Program

Watch a doctor talk about how unhealthy of a “diet” 75 Hard is

It says they reached out to “the creator” with no response but Andy said he hadn’t heard anything from them. I bet he would have lo loved to go on their program and talk about himself and his program.

Reading the article they are saying that the mental aspect is "too hard" for some people and it might cause them mental anguish. Dumbass doctors contributing to the weak society.

If you havent noticed in the past year - you can find a doctor to go on TV and claim just about anything. Most docs aren't that resourceful, they only know pre-determined paths of treatment based on symptoms. Hence why there are so many indian docs, their culture seems to love rote memorization. Also why so many of them end up in IT roles based just on having a pile of certs not ability to use them

10 pages a day
do you want to be reading that one book for the rest of your life?

Most personal dev books arent that long, typically ~300 pages. So about a book a month.
Watch a doctor talk about how unhealthy of a “diet” 75 Hard is

It says they reached out to “the creator” with no response but Andy said he hadn’t heard anything from them. I bet he would have lo loved to go on their program and talk about himself and his program.
If a couple of doctors are claiming it's unsafe, then I'll go ahead and approve of it without even looking at it.

These are the same mother fuckers that are treating step 1 covid patients with Tylenol and fluids, then throwing them on a vent the second they get in the hospital.

Fuck (some) doctors.
Why not read the resistance revolution? Quick and easy explanation of real dietary changes and workouts. The rest of that shit is adulting and sounds like Facebook fad bs.
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