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2big bronco

Og irate
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Prunedale ca

What is it with you and fences? That's some janky ass shit. :lmao:
concrete, the right way! signs you are getting old :laughing:

I guess that's it. I keep thinking how I could have done it in a day of prep and 3 days with a mixer for around $2000 but instead I'm paying $5500. It's also nice working on other stuff and not stressing about mixing another 10 yards of concrete and having the finish look like an ironworker did it with a claw hammer.

And here's some more dude ass for you fd

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That’s probably the right call. The foundation and shit, the finish doesn’t really matter. But it would irk you every day when you walk out on that porch and stare at a subpar finish on it. There’s no doubt that you are capable of doing all the pour by yourself, but that’s a lot of mud to pour and try to get looking good.

Plus, like the dildomonster said, you get to take a bunch of pictures of man asses. And we all know how much flat billers love dudes asses:flipoff2:

I can make concrete look ok sorta... but fuck do those guys work thier asses off for hours to get it to the next step
In my mind, concrete is like roofing or siding. Everyone here is capable of doing it, and most can get it to look okay. But the guys who make their living doing it take it to a whole other level

True, I can hum the tune to most construction jobs having worked in the trade for 23 years, it'll work but it proably won't be pretty
In my mind, concrete is like roofing or siding. Everyone here is capable of doing it, and most can get it to look okay. But the guys who make their living doing it take it to a whole other level

Or drywall! Done right it can be a thing of beauty. Done my way it can make an acceptable shop wall.
Or drywall! Done right it can be a thing of beauty. Done my way it can make an acceptable shop wall.

I helped a buddy drywall his bathroom a couple years ago. We hung, taped and mudded it, then he had a pro come in to texture. Took him a day to re tape and mud before hi could start:laughing:
Sometimes it’s better to pay others and stand back and watch the magic happen.

I watch a guy on you tube who buys old houses then remodels them usually does the all the work himself recently he tried doing the drywall himself afterwards he decided the next time he would pay someone else to do it :lmao:
That one picture makes it look like it will have awesome drainage but not be so good for playing marbles. That's probably not a thing anymore though.
Still have to buy and put on $3000 worth of batting strips, caulk, and paint any the house will be officially done. Everything around it is just a disaster. The 13th of this month marked 3 years from the first night we spent in the travel trailer completely broke. All paycheck to paycheck except for a little bit on my home depot card
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