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1984.... MSFT/Google step up their game

Microsoft said in a statement, “The company believes that opposition to the Electoral College undermined American democracy and should have consequences.”

gee, i wonder if they will suspend donations to all politicians who call for the abolition of the Electoral College as well :lmao:

undermine? :laughing:
gee, i wonder if they will suspend donations to all politicians who call for the abolition of the Electoral College as well :lmao:

undermine? :laughing:

it was fine when the process was used by the DNC previously.... But was... different, I guess.

At least they shut up Rand Paul over citing the constitution. So we have that going for us.
MSDNC is a channel they sponsor. Of course they are libs.
Microsoft threatening to withhold donations to GOP politicians who challenged the 2020 election. LOL. If the DEM's get their way, companies won't be making campaign donations anyway.
According to that link they only gave money to Ds in 2020 anyway. So this is just posturing.

This is, I’d guess, about setting precedent and peer pressure...

”you use azure? You donated to the wrong person? Your Azure contract is terminated.”

just expanding on what AWS, Twitter and Facebook started?
yeah it isn't like google/msft have been buying up and installing small government politicians :laughing: as mega-corps in their industry, they support massive intervention and regulation.

This needs to be put on a sign infront of evrey D office in the nation and should be at the begining and end of all their campaign ads.
yeah it isn't like google/msft have been buying up and installing small government politicians :laughing: as mega-corps in their industry, they support massive intervention and regulation.

Prepping for net neutrality 2.0?
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