Rust is Paint
True. I just caught a weird range of flak over Christmas from both family and friends about my "obnoxious amount of impossibly heavy shit". But oh well, I also wasn't yelling at the TV and then angry over some random sporting event that doesn't matter. To each their own.Well that's pretty stupid huh.
I wouldn't worry about it being "worth it" , it will be "worth it" when its running and you will no what you have.
In a positive note. The machine didn't come with a handle for the knee, so I set out to find one. I posted in a machinist group looking for one and was told that a shop a guy worked for had gotten rid of one of these machines (didn't specify if that was scrap or sold) and the handle didn't get sent with it and was floating around in a cabinet. He said if I sent him a label to ship it I could have it for free. Bingo... it showed up fast too and is exactly correct.