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BRC 12 Days of Legal Updates: Day 11 Save Our Public Lands from a Wall Street Hostile Takeover

BlueRibbon Coalition


BlueRibbon Coalition recently engaged on a public rulemaking proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Yes, you read that right. You might be asking what a financial regulator has to do with BRC’s mission of protecting recreation access to public land? The short answer is that there are serious plans in development to privatize our public lands for Wall Street to lock them up, and if we – meaning those of us who actually visit, enjoy, and love our public lands – don’t stand up for them, no one else will.

The rule proposed by the SEC will create a new investment vehicle called a “Natural Asset Company,” which would provide opportunities for elite investors and governments to profit from the protection of natural resources.

Just this week we posted a video about this on our Instagram page, which included a segment from a discussion we had with the Toyota Garage Podcast.

People are fired up about this issue, and it’s no surprise that the post is going viral with thousands of shares, likes, and comments on Instagram and TikTok.

>>Click to Watch Video<<


This could affect the entire nation and every type of use on public lands from off-roading, overlanding, primitive camping, snowmobiling, dirt-biking, mountain biking, hiking to hunting and fishing. If you have ever experienced public lands or intend to, please add your voice below before January 2, 2024. Public lands are for the public to enjoy, massive corporations on Wall Street should not be managing or making any decisions regarding these lands that could potentially restrict all uses.

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