I think you will be fine. I researched my injector replacement\upgrade and spoke with Kennedy Diesel; everyone reinforced to source all new hard parts, not to reuse anything.
The Isuzu motor is typical Japanese, extremely well engineered and machined to close tolerances; not like older diesels that could eat a beercan through the oil pump without a burp, and run on most anything :)
FYI; LDS purchases injectors from only one vendor. That vendor takes new nozzle design Bosch injectors made in Germany, and modifies them to fit the LB7.
Feedback from almost all posts and persons I speak to is 100% positive. My experience is more than positive; my truck makes stupid power on the highest tune, gets 19 to 20 unloaded at 65; and 10 MPH with 20K gross on the flats hauling the Yota-Toter and Rennwagon.
As a closing note, its very important to install pre-filtering and water capture. water will destroy injector tips in short order.
I use a 6.5 GM electric lift pump, a off the shelf CAT filter head, and a WIX water\fuel filter. I retain the stock filter head, but did replace it with a newer design GM part. The 99-05 stock filter heads will weep air and cause a no start. The newest GM filters are excellent for final filtration. I change all oil\filters on a 10K schedule with Rotella T6, and have done so since the 1st oil change.
Best of luck, keep us posted :)