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Santas Italian Moms meatballs


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
North Pool
1 lb. Ground veal
1 lb. Ground pork
1 lb. Ground beef

4 or 5 cloves garlic, minced fine
Half a yellow onion minced fine
Half a bunch of parsley, you guessed it minced fine, we have home grown, but fresh store bought is ok.
A cup or so of good parm, grated by micro plane....NOT THE STUFF IN A GREEN CAN. USE GOOD PARM, and the micro plane makes a difference.
A cup of bread crumbs, I cheat and use Progresso. Mom would not approve.
2 large eggs
Salt and pepper

Put all that stuff in a bowl and combine. Your hands are the best tool for this. Mix until uniform and it allnstarts to sort of stick together.

It's hard to describe the right consistency, but it should hold together, the fat should be a little stringy and it's not TOO mushy.

Now it's time to form the meat balls. I wish I had my wife film this. There is a technique and a feel. You use your entire hands. Not just your palms. Fingers included.

Gently roll a little more than a golf ball size chunk of the mixture in your hands. Don't smash it like an armature, loosely roll it around a time or 4 or 6 between your palms and fingers to make a meatball. It should be loose, not packed to tight or smashed together. Set on a non stick surface and repeat until all mixture is now meatballs.
Preheat oven to 350.

Heat a couple tablespoons of EVOO and a table spoon or two of unsalted butter over high heat.

Start frying the meatballs. About 2 or 3 minutes a side. Get them a bit crispy on each side.
Once browned, I add sauce to the pan. Ours is usually made with our home grown tomatoes, onions, basil, parsley, garlic etc.


Hope you used an oven safe pan, cause the whole thing goes in there for about 10 minutes while the pasta cooks, hope you have a pot of water boiling to cook the pasta :laughing:

Note, I only cooked what I thought we would eat tonight. I placed the rest covered in the freezer on the cutting board. Once frozen I will put them in a zip lock bag for future use.
After about 10 minutes, pull the pan out if the oven, drain the pasta and ross the pasta into the pan with the sauce and the meatballs. Top with more good parm and enjoy:smokin:
About time some wop got the Sicilian recipes out there!
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